【#四年级# 导语】在现在的小学英语教学中,老师与学生之间大都是灌输,而缺少交流。作为一名英语老师,我们必须优化课堂教学,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的英语学习习惯,让学生真正成为学习的主人。©文档大全网准备了3篇适合四年级孩子训练口语的英语情景对话,希望对大家有所帮助!
Shh! 嘘What’s that? …Do you hear it? 那是什么?…你听见了吗?
Sorry I don’t hear anything.对不起,我什么也没听见.
No really! Listen! There! 噢, 真的有声音! 你听! 在那里.
There it is again. 又有声音了!
Hear it?听见吗?
You’re crazy! 你一定是疯!
I don’t hear anything! 我什么也没听到!
Don’t move! 不要动!
Hey! What are you doing? 嘿! 你在干什么?
Watch it!! 小心点!!
Relax it’s gone now! 放会 它现在已经飞走了!
Hey…! I can still hear that sound! 嘿…我还是能听到那个声音!
Wait I think I hear it too. 等一下,我想我也听到了
Yes… I can hear it now! 是的….我现在能听到了!
It’s sounds like….like 听上去像…像…
It sounds like the breathing of a large beast! 听上去像一只巨大的野兽的呼吸声!
What’s the matter? 怎么了?I have such an awful toothache 我牙疼的要命
I couldn’t sleep a wink last night. 昨天一整晚没合眼.
I’m sorry to hear that. 我很抱歉听到这个消息.
Have you seen a dentist? 你有去看牙医吗?
Yeah I went this morning. 是的,今天早上去过了.
What did he say? 他怎么说?
He said he wants to remove it. 他说恐怕要拔掉它.
That’s too bad. 那太糟糕了
When are you going to have it pulled? 你准备什么时候去拔?
I’m not going to have it pulled. 我不打算去拔.
What? 什么?
I’d take his advice if I were you. 如果我是你,我会听他的意见.
But I’ve already had too many teeth pulled! 但是我已经拔掉很多牙了!
Wow! Look at that dinosaur skeleton! 啊!看那个恐龙骨架!Isn’t it incredible? 是不是令人难以置信?
I bet it’s taller than our house! 我打赌 它比我们家房子还高!
No way! 不可能!
Sure it is,just look! 肯定是的 看啊!
Quiet! 安静!
Hey who said that? 嘿 谁在说话?
I don’t know…. 我不知道。
Hey let me take a picture of you! 嗨 让我给你拍张照片吧!
Great idea! 好主意!
No photos allowed! 禁止照相!