
时间:2022-10-19 03:10:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】下雪了,下雪了,又到了雪花纷纷扬扬的时候,在下雪的时候,我们又可以欣赏好看的雪景,又可以玩雪了。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  The cold winter has passed and the warm spring has come, but it is still very cold these days. The weather forecast says it will snow today.

  I was dubious, but in the first class of the afternoon, the crystal clear snowflakes really floated outside the window. At first, I thought I was dazzled. I rubbed my eyes hard and found that it was really snow. If it hadn't been for class now, I would have jumped up. At this time, the teacher shouted, and everyone came back to their senses and continued to listen. A few minutes later, I couldn't help taking a look out of the window. I really hoped the snow could fall more heavily.

  "Ding Lingling", class is over. The students rushed out of the classroom and went to the corridor to watch the snow. Some students stared at the snowflakes curiously; Some students stretched their arms hard to catch snowflakes; Some jumped and jumped in the corridor, shouting and shouting; Others stretch out their necks and tongues to taste snow. At this time, our PE teacher, Mr. Wu, came to the corridor and took a video of the snow scene. I really hope that this beautiful scene can be fixed in the video, always down, always down

  I think this snow should be a gift from God for the beginning of school!


  It's snowing! It's snowing! The students all looked out of the window and appreciated the snowflakes flying in the sky, as if they had forgotten that they were in class. The English teacher seemed to find our action, and took a "startled look", which made us turn back to listen to the class. However, some people could not resist the temptation of snowflakes, and looked outside from the corner of their eyes from time to time!

  Finally, I heard the friendly bell for class ending. The ten minutes of class were as long as decades. Like a group of birds coming out of the cage, we "flew" out of the classroom and leaned on the railing to enjoy the beautiful snow.

  Snow, like white elves, walked towards the earth. Some students stretched out their hands to catch the elves, but as soon as she reached them, she turned into a person; Some students opened their mouths to taste the snow, but it disappeared before it entered their mouths; Some students are thinking: If the snow falls a little harder and builds a thick layer on the ground, then we can make snowmen and have snowball fights. But God was against us. Soon, the snow stopped!

  Although there is no snowman or snowball fight, I am excited to see snow today.


  In Chinese class, the sky was dark and full of dark clouds. Soon, it began to rain, and there were some silvery white things in the rain, oh! It's snow! When I was listening to the class, I glanced out of the window and was fascinated by the scene in front of me.

  I saw silver snowflakes floating down from the sky, but it rained more, but it snowed less. Moreover, the rain always follows the snow, just like a child following his mother like a worm. He will go wherever his mother goes.

  If only the rain could leave the snow, then the snow would accumulate, and we could go out to have a snowball fight and make snowmen. I observed and found that half of the class looked out of the window, attracted by the sight. I didn't listen to what the teacher was saying.

  The class was finally over. The teacher asked us to go out to watch the snow. The students were like the rising tide on the sea. The students threw themselves on the railing of the corridor and looked at the falling snow. Some are wishing that it will snow a little harder; Some put their hands out of the railings to catch the snow. But when the students were looking at it with great enthusiasm, the class began, and we reluctantly walked into the classroom to have a class.


  On Wednesday morning, I got up as usual. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, my father opened the door, and I found little white snowflakes floating outside, oh! It's snowing. It's snowing.

  I had a good meal, and then left home to go to school. On the way, cold snowflakes floated on my warm little face, feeling as cool as ice cream.

  When I arrived at the school, after a while, the snow slowly gathered and drifted down like goose feathers. Soon, the house and the ground were covered with silver. It was beautiful!

  My classmates and I rushed into the snow excitedly. Some students danced in the snow, some sang, some had snowball fights, some made snowmen, etc

  The school was full of laughter. The snow brought joy to people, and it also brought a harvest scene to farmers, because snow can kill many bacteria and pests. It is really a good year for snow!


  Today is Grandma's birthday. In the morning, my mother and I went to the mall to buy gifts for Grandma. After buying the gift, my mother and I went out of the shopping mall. Just as I was about to pull the door, my mother said in surprise, "Son, is it snowing? I seem to see a small snowflake." I looked up at the sky. There was no snow. It must be my mother's mistake.

  My mother drove me to the hotel to celebrate Grandma's birthday. On the way, I was surprised to find many small white snow grains flying in the wind outside the window. Eh, it's really snowing! I cheered loudly.

  After we had lunch and celebrated Grandma's birthday, I (couldn't wait) ran to the door of the hotel to have a look. Ah! The vast expanse of white earth looks like the ground is strewn with silver, and the snowflakes floating in the sky are like white elves dancing. It's so beautiful!

  In the evening, it began to snow heavily, and the snow on the ground glistened, making the sky as bright as the day. I (excitedly) made a snowman.

  The cold (north) wind blew me, and my little hands were red with cold, but I was still very happy.


  "It's snowing, it's snowing!" I woke up early in the morning and heard my mother's voice. When I put on my clothes and opened the curtains, the roof outside was covered with white snow like cotton. After breakfast, I went out to play. Walking on the path, the car parked at the roadside was covered with a layer of white carpet like things. There is also a thick layer of snow on other things. Ah, the scenery after the snow is so beautiful!

  This morning, the weather was overcast. Soon, it was snowing heavily. The snowflakes were dancing happily in the sky like silver dragons.

  There are snowflakes in the sky, snow blankets on the ground, silver sand on the trees, white on the car, white on the house, white on the pavilion, white everywhere, beautiful!

  On the snow, some children had snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some rolled snowballs. The yard echoed with the children's laughter. Just one day, I suddenly went from quiet to happy ocean. Although it is still snowing, there is still a lot of activity outside.

  I love winter, I love snowflakes, I love nature, and I hope to protect nature with our hands.



  When I woke up in the morning, I saw the white in the yard. It turned out to be snow. This is the first snow this year.


  This snow is so big. It bends the branches. The whole world is made up of makeup. It's really beautiful!


  "Mom, mom, I'm going out to have a snowball fight." He said that he ran into the world of makeup.



  Get up in the morning, I open my eyes, ah! Out of the window became a silvery white world on the ground, trees, roofs are full of white snow.


  The snowflakes are still flying in the sky. I cried happily, "it's snowing! It's snowing! " I put on my clothes quickly. I told my parents it was snowing outside. Then I had breakfast and went to school.



  I drew the curtain this morning and saw the snow outside. It was snowing. It was so beautiful. I went outside to see it. Some children had snowfights, sledges and so on.

  一出去就从嘴里冒出一股哈气 ,冬天很冷,需要穿很多衣服,尤其是下雪要带帽子。手套,口罩,哈哈这就是冬天。

  As soon as you go out, there is a breath from your mouth. It's very cold in winter. You need to wear a lot of clothes, especially a hat when it snows. Gloves, masks, ha ha, this is winter.


  The first snow came. How beautiful it was, falling so silently all day long, all night long, on the mountains, on the meadows, on the roofs of (1)the living, on the graves of the dead!

  All white save the river, that marked its course by a winding black line across the landscape; and the leafless trees, that against the leaden sky now revealed more fully the wonderful beauty and intricacies of their branches.

  What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion! Every sound was muffled, every noise changed to something soft and musical. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! Only the chiming of the sleigh-bells, beating as swift and merrily as the hearts of children.
