
时间:2022-11-24 03:10:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】大雪随着寒冬来了,街道仿佛是银子铸成的,长长的冰柱像水晶的短剑挂在檐前,行人的呼吸也化作了一股股白烟。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  Wow! It's snowing! This is the first snow of this year. Early in the morning, I opened the curtains. It was a vast expanse of white. The roof seemed to be covered with a coat, and the earth was covered with a layer of white velvet carpet, bringing us a distinctive ink painting.

  Hexagonal snowflakes fall one by one, floating on the branches, floating on people's heads, floating on the top of cars, like lively and lovely elves. I felt more comfortable watching the snow flying in the air, and I couldn't wait to run downstairs to see this moving scene. I saw some children playing snowball fights, some adults enjoying the beautiful snow scene, which seemed to blend with snow, and some children making lovely snowmen. I also joined the army of making snowmen and enjoyed myself.

  Let's start making snowmen with big, round bodies. It's really hard to make snowmen! It's really hard to do this well. It fell down after a short time. Finally, with the concerted efforts of my friends and I, the body of the snowman was piled up. Then we went to find many decorative things for the snowman, such as scarves, eyes, nose, etc. After finishing, I will see how powerful it is! Everyone could not help praising. The snowman stood at the bottom of our house like a soldier. We are very proud!

  This snow has brought us happiness, but also brought some small trouble to travel.


  It's snowing! It's snowing! Today, it snowed after the flag was raised in our school.

  After the flag raising, there was light snow in the sky. When the students saw the snow, they ran to the windowsill to see the beautiful snow scene. Numerous snowflakes are flying in the air. Some of them are like beautiful angels, showing people their beautiful dancing. Some are like naughty children, who are eager to play on the ground. You know what? In fact, snowflakes also have shapes, most of which are hexagonal, of course, octagonal, decagonal and dodecagonal, but they are not common. Snowflakes have a more beautiful posture, some are domineering, some are lively and lovely, some are downcast, some are lively, some are smart, some are smiling, and some are sad... They fall in different places and melt into water when they fall in the pond; If you fall on a tree, it will have new clothes; It fell on my clothes and made them wet.

  At the last physical education class, we went down to practice kicking shuttlecock. When we came down, the cool wind blew us, and I was shivering. When I got downstairs, several snowflakes floated towards me. I gently caught them with my hands. They fell into my hands. I wanted to observe them carefully, but they melted as soon as they fell into my hands. Later, the teacher asked us to play with snow on the small playground. Some of us licked snowflakes with our tongues, and some of us let snowflakes float on our heads. All of us had a good time.

  Although it snowed a little, we were still very happy.


  The north wind roared like a lion, the tree seemed to be uprooted, and the gray cloud seemed to fall. If there were no tall buildings supporting the sky, the sky would collapse!

  The north wind howled all morning, and then it snowed. Snow seeds hit the hay and the leaves made a "rustling" sound, like silkworms eating mulberry leaves, snow seeds like sugar, like mother's salt when cooking. I didn't know whether it was salty or sweet. I went forward and tasted it. Ah, it was still a cold taste, neither salty nor sweet.

  In the afternoon, the snow began to fall, like a fairy dancing in the air, like a dandelion falling to the earth. Silent, slowly, intertwined with falling. Some of them turn somersaults, some float on people's necks, and some glide in the air. Some branches are covered with snow, and I dare not go from below for fear that the wind will blow and the snow will fall on me and turn me into a snowman.

  Some trees are only covered with small pieces of snow. The trees are white, and the roof of the house is covered with snow, like entering a fairyland. Seeing plum blossoms and snow, I thought of the Song Dynasty poet Lu Yue's "Snow Plum": "The plum blossoms and snow compete for spring, but are not willing to fall. The poet stops writing and comments on the chapter. The plum blossoms are less white than the snow, but the snow loses its fragrance."

  On the main road, the snow is thick, and the sound of stepping on it is both beautiful and interesting.

  Ah! Snow, I really hope you will continue to rain tomorrow, so that I can make snowmen and have snowball fights with my friends!


  The north wind roared like a lion. The sky is dark and dark, with leaden clouds. Without the support of mountains, the sky may fall.

  The sound of "rustling, rustling" seems to be that the silkworm is eating mulberry leaves, and the rain is falling on the hay. It turned out that there were snow seeds in the sky. The snow seeds are like sugar and salt. I stretched out my hand to taste some, to see if it was sweet or salty. Suddenly, snow began to fall in the sky. A snowflake fell on my hand. Snow is as white as silver and as moist as jade. But before I could see the snowflake clearly, it turned into dew! Who scattered the pear petals from the sky? Snowflakes are like white butterflies flying all over the sky. So the snow floated all afternoon.

  The snow capped the house with a snow-white hat. The leaves of the tree turned into white flowers. I want to see that no one will walk under such a tree, because they are afraid that the branches can't bear the weight of snow, "Pa" will break, and the cold ball will hit them.

  Plum blossoms seem to know that it will snow today, and they are so bright. Especially the red plum, which is as red as fire. The snow is as white as the wool of sheep, which reminds me of a poem: "The plum blossom is not willing to fall in the spring. The poet stops writing and comments on the chapter. The plum blossom is less white than the snow, but the snow loses its fragrance."

  Snow covered the road with thick quilts, and people made a "squeak" sound when stepping on them, like singing in winter.

  Ah! It's snowing! I really hope we can have a snowball fight tomorrow!


  The year before last, I went to Grandma's house to play. Grandma's house is in Henan, where it snows from time to time, but since I went to Henan, it hasn't snowed. But on a quiet night, a miracle happened. A snowflake quietly fell on my shoulder and gently touched my shoulder.

  The snowflakes in the sky fell like fairies, and the ground was covered with snow-white carpets. A snowflake slowly fell into my hands. I looked at it carefully, and was surprised to find that the snow was not round, but as thin as a flower. I wanted to keep it, but when I looked back, I found that the snowflakes were slowly melting. The houses and trees seem to have been painted with snow-white paint. The snow is even whiter than the moon. I started collecting snowflakes again, one, two, three... I collected a lot of snowflakes, but they all melted back.

  The children ran out of the house like stuffy birds in the cage and came to the snow. I was no exception. We were playing a snowball fight. I rolled out a snowball with my hands, took the ball and pointed it at a child. I aimed at him first, and then threw it hard, but it missed and just wiped his face. He immediately noticed that someone was attacking him. He took the snowball and threw it at me. At the critical moment, I hid. Then I started to build a snowman again. After the snowman was built, someone threw a snowball and knocked my snowman down. I took a snowball and threw it at the man.

  This snowy day, let me have a very happy time, this snowy day let me unforgettable for life!


  When winter comes, snowflakes fall down from the sky like pears flying in the sky.

  I had just finished my lunch at noon. I opened the curtains and saw thousands of snowflakes as big as goose feathers flying all over the sky, just like clever elves playing in the sky. Open the curtain, stretch out your hand, snowflakes fall in the heart of your hand, cool, gentle, soft, in an instant disappeared in my hand heart.

  Unconsciously, the snow stopped. I put on my cotton padded clothes and ran outside. I saw that the ground was covered with a layer of snow white carpet. When I stepped on it, I would make a "creaking" sound, and left a series of disorderly footprints. The pine trees on both sides of the road seem to be wearing a row of white armor, standing upright to guard the safety of the city.

  The square is even more lively. Some people are having snowball fights, some are making snowmen, and some are skiing... Their laughter and laughter attract more people, and their hair and nose are stained with small snowflakes. I saw someone roll the snow into a ball, knead it, aim and shoot, and there were countless snowballs flying back and forth on the square. How happy it was!

  The snow still kept falling, like the elves in the sky, naughty and lovely; Like a painter who painted a snow-white world, he brought joy to everyone and drew a beautiful picture


  On the cold winter morning, the children opened the door and walked out. Their eyes were white. They opened their mouths in surprise and said, "Wow, what a heavy snow!"

  The northwest wind is whistling, cold and piercing. The snowflakes are dancing in succession, light, white as jade, light as smoke, and flying in the sky like dandelions. After the snow, the sky becomes clean and bright, blue and blue, as if washed by snow. Trees and houses were covered with snow.

  Some children are having a snowball fight, some are making snowmen, and some are rolling snowballs on the snow. The snow was full of children's laughter.

  The children here are making snowmen! She first rolled two snowballs to make her body. The snowball rolled big and round. Soon, the snowman's chubby body was ready. Then she found sweet candied haws, orange carrots, red hot peppers, round buttons... to make snowman's features, hands and clothes. What are the few snowmen? The little girl on the other side suddenly realized, ran away, rushed home, found the iron bucket, and put it on the head of the snowman.

  The snowman is finished. It seems to be thanking the children for bringing him to this beautiful world!

  I love your lovely snowman, and I love your beautiful winter!


  .The snowflakes fell out of the window in a whirl. I was very excited when I saw the snow floating. I quickly brought a telescope to observe what was happening on the first floor.

  I saw a lot of white snow spinning in the air and falling slowly. Unfortunately, the snow fell on the ground and seemed to melt immediately. Seeing that I was so focused, my mother reminded me, "Go and do your homework, and don't walk around here!" I had no choice but to enter the room.

  After finishing my homework, I immediately called the weather forecast and opened the window to measure the outdoor temperature. "Go to sleep quickly. Don't look around here. Wenzhou is in the south. It hardly snows in winter. It can't last long if there is snow today!" My mother's words made me lose my expectation of snow.

  In the middle of the night, I woke up and found it was very cold. My curiosity drove me to have a look. When I opened the curtains, it was dark outside the window and I could not see anything clearly. I tossed and turned in bed, thinking: What will happen tomorrow morning? Will snow cover?

  Finally, it came to dawn. I got up, washed, and opened the window. "Wow! How heavy the snow is!" There is a vast expanse of white downstairs. The tiled roofs are covered with white snow. The cars parked on both sides of the road are all white. The trees are covered in white. It is very beautiful. "Camera, camera! Hurry up!" I kept shouting. My mother was also shocked by the beautiful snow scenery. She immediately brought the camera to me. I immediately rushed out of the living room and ran to the balcony. I took some pictures of the snow covered flower beds, branches and the white construction site. The white snow looks like cotton and cream. If only it were a weekend today!


  In the evening, when the Go class was over, someone shouted, "It's snowing!" We rushed to the window, stood on tiptoe, stretched our necks, and wanted to see the true face of snow.

  It was not easy to stay up until the end of the Go class. Like birds released from the cage, we flew downstairs. Looking up at the snowflakes flying all over the sky, they fell down in a whirl. I quickly reached out my hand and couldn't wait to catch them. The naughty snowflakes dodged from side to side and floated away in a twinkling of an eye.

  Mom and Dad came to pick me up. I turned around and saw, wow! Where did the two snowmen come from? I saw a thin layer of snow on Mom and Dad's head, body, scarves, shoes and trousers, like a snowman!

  On the way home, I played hide and seek with Snow Flower. Naughty snowflakes slip into my scarf and my hat. Some more naughty snowflakes got into my shoes, some even got into my neck, which made me shiver.

  I couldn't help reaching out to catch it, but it came to kiss my face. I couldn't help sticking out my tongue to taste it, but it came to touch my glasses.

  The snow is getting heavier and heavier, and a thin layer of snow has accumulated on the roof of the roadside. The three of us collected snow one by one, laughing and laughing all the way, and my parents played snowball games with me like two big children.

  Looking at the snowflakes flying all over the sky, I silently prayed in my heart: "Come on! Get bigger! You can make a snowman tomorrow!"


  In the morning, I looked out through the window, wow! beautiful! At first, the snowflakes were not big or dense, but with the wind blowing more and more fiercely, the snowflakes became larger and larger, flying all over the sky and falling from the sky like silver foam and catkins, decorating the whole world. They covered the houses and trees with gorgeous silver and the earth with thick white blankets.

  When I was walking on the road, I made a sound of "creaking" under my feet, which sounded very good. Look at the people walking on the road, they all turned white hair in an instant, so cute. I reached out and let the snowflakes fall on my palm, but before I could appreciate its appearance, it turned into water. Look up at the snowflakes again. They are so soft, so pure, and so free.

  The snowflakes are not only beautiful, but also bring us a lot of joy. After class, the students couldn't resist the call of snow, and rushed out of the classroom one by one excitedly to the playground. Some had snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some quietly enjoyed the beautiful snow scenery. Others looked up and opened their mouths to let the snowflakes fall into their mouths. Although it was very cold and our hands were red with cold, everyone didn't care because we were so happy and loved the beautiful snow.

  All day long, the snow kept falling, like pearls, crystal clear; Like goose feather, it is in profusion; Like an elf, naughty and cute, it makes people seem to have come to the white fairy tale world.

  Ah! I love snowflakes!
