
时间:2022-11-26 00:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】下雪是一种自然现象,由于天空中气象条件和生长环境的差异,造成了形形色色的大气固态降水。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  On November 15, it was snowing in the sky. Their bodies were so white and soft. As long as you touched them gently, they would disappear from your hands and become a drop of water.

  I remember that day, I was playing on the playground with my classmates. Suddenly, I felt my hands a little cold. Some of us made snowmen and some had snowball fights... I heard Li Xin say, "Snow, can you fall more?" Wang Yiming heard laughter again. How happy they are!

  As soon as the snow went down for a long time, it stopped at 5 p.m., and the whole world was surrounded by white snow.

  I am very grateful for the snow, because it has covered the fields and trees with white cotton padded jackets, and it has also frozen the pests to death. In addition, it has also brought endless joy to the children.


  Yesterday Saturday, the weather forecast said there would be snow tomorrow. I thought to myself: Will it really snow tomorrow? If so, that would be great!

  This morning, I got up early and opened the curtains! It's really snowing. When I finished eating, it snowed more and more heavily, as if it were getting bigger and bigger. It was white everywhere. The ground was covered with snow blankets, the trees were covered with silver, and the roof was like a thick quilt. The field is a vast expanse of snow grassland, and the white snow seems to wear a cotton padded coat to the earth. The pests in the field must be gone, and the farmer uncle will be very happy.

  I picked up my picture clip to learn painting. I walked in the snow, facing the small snowflakes. It felt so beautiful!

  It didn't stop snowing until four o'clock in the afternoon. I walked out of the door and found that someone had made a snowman. The snowman was so beautiful! What a beautiful snow!


  Yesterday, I watched the snow by the window. I looked at it and said, "I haven't seen such a beautiful snow scene for a long time. I really want to have a snowball fight!"

  Mom heard this and came to me smiling and said, "Then go down and play with Dad." I listened to my mother and jumped with joy.

  I begged my father. My father thought for a moment and said, "Well, OK!"

  When we got downstairs, my father and I first took the snow from the car to have a snowball fight. Then, I said to my father: "With so much snow on the ground, we can make snowmen!" So we rolled two big snowballs first, and then we used stones as eyes, turnips as noses, and branches as mouths.

  I brought the broom, hat and scarf to the snowman, and asked my father to take some photos, so that I could spend the New Year with the snowman in the photos!


  As soon as I woke up this morning, I saw that the sky was gray and gloomy. "Can't we have good weather today?" I said to myself.

  When I came to the school, I suddenly saw one after another flawless snowflakes falling down, I gently caught a snowflake with my hand, and it immediately turned into a crystal bead. The snow is falling more and more heavily, like many little angels dancing, floating and sprinkling, like the Heavenly Maiden is sprinkling beautiful silver flowers. When the snow stopped, the ground and the roof were covered with thick snowflakes, like a white carpet on the ground and a white hat on the roof. In the wheat field, the thick snow was covered like a white cotton quilt, which looked very comfortable. When the snow stopped, the naughty students jumped out of the classroom like birds. Some of them had snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some threw snowballs.

  Ah! The snow brought joy to everyone and made everyone forget the cold.


  At seven o'clock in the morning, my father woke me up and said excitedly, "Son, get up quickly. It's snowing. I'll take you to Baihutang Farmhouse to see the snow." After listening to my father, I jumped off the bed and couldn't wait to get dressed.

  When I came to Agritainment, I saw nothing but snow white. The sunny snowflakes are still falling down from the sky. Snow falls on the tree, and the tree girl seems to be wearing a white wedding dress; Snow fell on the roof, which seemed to be wearing a big white hat; Snow fell on the ground, as if covered with a thick quilt. Wow, what a beautiful snow scene.

  I stretched out my hand to catch the lovely snowflakes, but they just disappeared when they fell into my hands and became a few drops of water.

  I jumped and jumped happily, shuttling between the bridge and the woods. I like snow because she makes the world beautiful and brings us endless fun.


  This morning, when I got up, I felt very cold. I opened the window and looked at it. Wow! It was snowing. Looking at the snow on the roads, fields and roofs, I couldn't help but say to myself, "It's snowing. Finally, we can have snowball fights and make snowmen!"

  Snow flakes were floating in the sky, white and dense, which could not be counted clearly. When the cold wind blew, the snow flakes looked like white elves, singing and dancing at the same time.

  The ground is covered with a layer of white snow blanket, and crops, plants and trees are all covered with silver makeup. It's beautiful! Look, several red plum trees over there are blooming, and the fragrance of flowers is wafting along with the cold wind.

  Several children were happily having a snowball fight and making snowmen. I was also excited to participate. After a while, I was covered with snow.

  I love winter, I love winter snow more.


  After school, Xiaoxiao took his beloved bear and dog for a walk after supper.

  As soon as he got to the gate, Xiaoxiao saw that it was snowing heavily. Xiaoxiao was very happy. The little dog also kept barking happily. Xiaoxiao said to the little dog, "Let's roll a snowball!" Then Xiaoxiao grabbed a handful of snow from the grass and kneaded it into a small ball. They rolled snowballs on the ground, and the dog also came to help Xiaoxiao. It kept catching snow with its claws and throwing it on the snowball. Xiaoxiao stooped and rolled, and soon a big round ball rolled out. Two people have fun in the yard! The dog and Xiaoxiao were tired. They found a stool. Xiaoxiao put the bear carefully on the stool before she sat on the stool. The dog was tired and fell asleep on the ground.

  Xiaoxiong and Xiaoxiao enjoy the beautiful snow scenery together.

  It was late and they went home happily together.


  The long-awaited snow came late.

  In the morning, I opened the window and shivered. It was a snow-white world outside. I hurried downstairs to the square,! I find the surroundings beautiful! Pieces of crystal snowflakes, like little fairies, dance in the air and fall on the ground in a vast expanse of white. The feet on it felt very soft and made a small "rustling" sound. The roof is white, the small trees are covered with silver, and the lanterns are like big red and white glutinous rice balls.

  The naughty children are fighting snow battles and making snowmen. Of course, I will not miss this opportunity to play with my friends. At this time, I found my mother coming from afar. I hid behind the pillar and made a big snowball. I went around my mother and threw it out. The snowball bloomed on her head. Suddenly, my mother became a white haired girl.

  I like the white and flawless snow, and I prefer the snow world like a fairyland.


  On the tenth day of the New Year, there was a heavy snow. This is a heavy snow here for several years.

  Early in the morning, I was sleeping in the quilt when I heard my father shout, "It's snowing!".

  Large snowflakes floated down from the silver gray sky, like white butterflies dancing in the wind. I picked up some snowflakes and put them in my hands, as light as smoke and as white as silver. The snow is exquisite and clear. As white as jade, is it an angel sent by heaven, or a jade leaf falling from the laurel tree in the moon palace? Light six petal snowflakes, one after another, fell on the dark earth, and the snowflakes gradually turned into clear water in my hands.

  The house was covered with a snow-white carpet, the trees were covered with a silver coat, and the earth was covered with thick cotton clothes.

  Ah, the snow is beautiful. It's snowing like goose feather all night, so you can play snowball fights and make snowmen in the morning, which makes this year's Spring Festival more meaningful.


  In the morning, the alarm clock woke me up. After I got up, I saw snowflakes floating outside the window.

  The goose feather like snow is flying all over the sky, as flawless and transparent as jade, as white as silver, as light as smoke, as soft as catkins, and fluttering down from the blue sky. The trees and houses are all covered with snow. The ground is covered with thick snow, which covers the whole earth tightly.

  After a day of snow, it gradually stopped. The next day, Father Sun showed a smiling face from the east. The golden sun shone on the white snow, as if the earth had put on a golden robe. This fine weather has created a good opportunity for children to play. Some of them are playing in the snow and some are making snowmen. They have a great time! Adults point out in groups to enjoy the beautiful scenery after snow. People are immersed in the snow world and are intoxicated by the beautiful snow.
