
时间:2022-11-17 01:16:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】雪是大自然恩赐给人类的礼物,是纯洁天真的象征,那大朵大朵银色的雪花,从灰蒙蒙的天空中纷纷扬扬飘向大地,就像树林中飞舞的落叶。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  On the evening of New Year's Day, it snowed.

  I stood in front of the door, humming a tune, looking at the lovely snowflakes. You know, snow is very rare in our south. I have a special liking for snow, and I have an indescribable excitement.

  At first, the snow was very small, mixed with rain. I could hardly detect that it was snowing, but I caught it. The small snowflakes fell on my body and immediately turned into beads, crystal clear. Looking up, some silver gray dots slowly floated down, and when they came to my front, they became pure white. They were really a magician. After a while, it snowed heavily and the rain stopped. I could see more clearly. Large areas, like feathers, danced gently in the air, and then the fairy came down to rest on the eaves of every household, on the haystack, and on the fields. Slowly, the flannel was covered with snow. I could not help going out, as if I were also a small snowflake, floating freely in the air. Suddenly, a small snowflake got into my neck and turned into glistening drops. It was so comfortable. After that, it became bigger and snowed like goose feather. These funny elves were erratic and lovely. After a while, we set off fireworks. The snow looked more beautiful against the fireworks, and the fireworks looked more brilliant against the snow.

  Ah! Bathing in the snow is really a kind of enjoyment. I really want to let time stay in this moment! Enjoy the world of powder carving and jade! Now, the global temperature is rising. It's really rare to see such snow in our south. Let's protect the earth and cherish the snow!


  It's snowing. Today is the 24th day of the first month. The weather is like a bad tempered child!

  When the Spring Festival just passed, the weather was hot as if it had entered summer ahead of schedule. I saw foreigners wearing T-shirts on the street. Since last Friday, it has been raining intermittently for three or five days. I can't see any sunshine. Alas, my mood has also been affected. Today, after dinner, I was doing my homework. My father came over and said excitedly, "Look, it's snowing outside!" I raised my head in surprise: "Really?" With that, he jumped up and ran to the window. It was dark outside, with only a few yellow lights, but there were no snowflakes flying. I couldn't wait to open the window, and a cold wind wrapped in large snowflakes came to my face. "Ah! It's so cold!" I put on my hat, and my father put his arms around me and enjoyed it. Large snowflakes fell from the gray sky, and were blown up all over the sky by the cold wind with the sound of "purring", as if they were a group of light dancers, dancing with the music and emotion of nature - sometimes they were slow and gentle, like dancing a deep waltz; At times, it is full of vitality, like dancing a passionate tango... The snowflakes fall on my body and hair, and finally turn into crystal drops. I want to keep them, but where can I stay? They don't belong to a warm room, they are the spirits of nature, they are the messengers of spring!

  I love the snow in this spring. They give me hope, motivation and more in the new year.


  Hope, hope, finally hope to a goose feather heavy snow.

  It began to snow last night. The weather suddenly became overcast. A gust of cold wind blew, and the frozen people shivered. Then there were little hexagonal snowflakes. With a desire for the arrival of heavy snow, I fell asleep.

  The next morning, I opened my eyes and was surprised to see the whole world covered with snow. Yesterday, there were a few snowflakes, which fell on the ground as if they would disappear. This morning, it has become a heavy snow. The snow is like a white girl dancing in the air. She seems to have a mission to fall on the wheat field and turn it into water so that the wheat field can drink enough. The wheat field will grow very strong and the farmers will have a good harvest in the coming year. It's really "snow shines on the harvest"!

  I am happy to embrace the snow! The snow fell quietly. I tried to drag the snowflakes with my hands. The snowflakes were slippery on my face, cold in my neck, and cold in my hands. I am happy and jumping in the snow. The snowflakes fell into my mouth unprepared, as thin as tasteless ice cream. If you can eat this ice cream in hot summer, it will really refresh your mind!

  This wonderful and interesting snow has brought me endless fun. My dream will come true like snowflakes!


  "It's snowing, it's snowing!" Eh? What makes everyone so happy? It's snowing outside! In an instant, the students were cheering on the way, and the whole campus immediately became boiling!

  At first, the snow was still like small particles, very little. Later, the snow gradually became larger and more. Like a group of magic white elves, they came to dress up the earth with a white hexagon cap; They are also like a lively white butterfly, flying lightly in the air, left and right for a while, which makes people dizzy. They are also like pieces of goose feather, which is white. They jumped bravely from the high sky and spun excitedly. The distant high is also white, which is more and more blurred

  At the end of class, the students cheered and ran like birds just out of the cage. The first grade children stood in the open sky, picked up the snow with their red hands, and felt the coldness of the snow. But the snow was very selfish. When it fell into their hands, it turned into water and disappeared; Some junior children are not reconciled, take out their books, let the snow fall on the books, and then pinch it into a small ball to show his work to other children. They take the opportunity to throw the snowball to another child, and laugh in the same place after losing it.

  At noon, the cold gradually receded, the snow became smaller and smaller, and finally left quietly. The students were very forgetful and returned to the classroom one after another. Alas, how I wish the snow could fall more!

  I hope it will snow again next winter!


  Hangzhou finally ushered in the first winter snow, which should be our children's delight. My sister and I are so excited to watch the snow at the window. We really want to play with snow!

  We put on our clothes, hats and gloves, and happily came to the entrance of the community to play with snow. Soon I made a small snowball. I looked back at my sister. Maybe she was still unfamiliar with snow. She touched snow carefully and dared not play. But when she saw my mother and I were playing with snow, she became very brave and shouted loudly to take a snowball and throw it at me. Seeing that my sister is not afraid of snow, I made a snowman and a snowcastle with my sister. We had a great time!

  Just then, I saw the sanitation workers in charge of our street. They are working hard to sweep the snow in order to give people a convenient way to walk. But the heavy snow has accumulated snowflakes on their heads, like plum blossoms trying to bloom one after another, which has painted a bright touch on the world of ice and snow.

  At this moment, a large piece of snow fell from the tree and fell on my sister's head and clothes, looking like a white sweater. There were also some snowflakes on the scarf. Maybe some snowflakes fell into my sister's neck. My sister immediately shouted loudly, which made us all laugh.


  Today, I got up, opened the curtains, and saw a vast expanse of white outside. The trees were white, the car was white, and even the roof was white. I woke up my father who was sleeping and asked him to make a snowman.

  I was fully armed, put on a cotton hat, gloves, scarf, took a basin, a bag, to find the thick snow. I walked to the car, piled the snow on the car into a pile, and then put it into a bag with my little hands. Because the snow was very heavy, the bag was soon filled with snow. When the snow was full, we began to make snowmen.

  As soon as I got home, I rushed into the big room and started making snowmen. First, I pour out the snow in the basin as the base, then pile up some white snow and pat it firmly as the connection between head and body. Finally, I knead the snow into a ball, press it upwards, and pat it firmly. A snowman will be ready. The snowman without facial features is not beautiful. Because of this, I secretly ran to the balcony and took two beautiful stones from my mother's beloved potted plant as its eyes. I also took my own clear mouth lozenges as its nose. Finally, take a toothpick and fold it in half to be the snowman's mouth. After my dressing up, the snowman became more beautiful, more beautiful!

  To commemorate the first snow this winter, I also took a picture with the snowman. I hope that the next time it snows more heavily, I can make a bigger snowman


  It's finally snowing. I can make snowmen and have snowball fights again.

  Every time it snows heavily, my brother and I will go to the roof to make snowmen, have snowball fights, and shovel snow. Today, as always, our brothers got up early and urged Grandpa to take us to the roof to make snowmen.

  Grandpa happily agreed, and we went to the roof to make a snowman after breakfast. It was snowing heavily. Standing on the roof of the building, I looked at the distance. It was very beautiful.

  We started making snowmen. We worked very fast, and the body of the snowman was ready soon. I found my grandpa was still snowballing beside me. Curiously, I went to him and asked, "Grandpa, what are you doing?" "Guess what." Grandpa said mysteriously. "Well... I can't guess, you tell me." "What do you think this is?" "This is a ball. Oh, this is the head of the snowman." Grandpa gave me a thumbs up: "That's right."

  Grandpa then made the snowman's eyes, ears, nose, eyebrows and mouth. I put them on the head of the snowman. The younger brother also put a hat on the snowman. The snowman is ready, really cute. Especially the round and big belly, which looks funny. Ha ha, the snowman is a fat man.

  I said to my brother, "Come on, come on. We haven't had a snow fight for a long time. Let's have a snow fight." My brother was hit by me before he knew it. I laughed. My younger brother also hit me when I was unprepared. The two brothers laughed in the snow. We played with snow in different ways, and didn't want to go home until Grandma asked us to have lunch.

  It's fun to snow.


  Two days ago, the weather forecast said it would snow soon. Today, snowflakes are indeed flying in the sky.

  At the beginning, the snow was very small, as if countless white powder rolled and danced in the air with the wind. I thought: Is this the crumb that Snow White accidentally spilled when she ate bread in the sky? I was thinking that the snow was getting heavier and denser, just like a naughty child scattering countless foam grains. In a moment, the snow became heavier, swirling and slowly leisurely, like catkins, pear flowers, and dancing jade butterflies... Several snowflakes flew to the windowsill, like naughty children playing hide and seek, and soon disappeared, leaving only a few crystal beads. The snowflakes hitting the branches and falling on the leaves make a "rustling" sound, which seems to be whispering. The courtyard outside the window has already been covered with a white quilt.

  I quickly ran outside to make snowmen and have snowball fights with my early friends. The laughter shook the snowflakes off the branches. Suddenly, I saw an aunt on the road fell down on her bike, and the traffic police uncle helped her up. In the distance, many sanitation workers were struggling to shovel the snow

  The snow has brought us happiness and inconvenience to people's lives. But I still like snowy days. I really hope the snow will not melt!


  When I got up in the morning, I lay in front of the window and looked. Ah, it's snowing! Everywhere is a vast expanse of white.

  The sky slowly cleared up after the snow, and the sun grandfather also showed a smiling face. The ground looks like a thick quilt. When people step on it, they make a creaking sound, and the house turns white, just like wearing a white cotton hat. The tree is covered with tree hooks. When the sun shines, the tree hooks will fall down like a symphony, which is very beautiful.

  When I came outside, some children were happily having snowball fights and others were making snowmen. I also put on gloves and took a shovel to make a snowman with them. First, I take a shovel to make a big pile of snow, then I take a small snowball and roll it on the ground. The snowball is getting bigger and bigger. I put it on the big snow pile to be the head of the little snowman. Then I take two grapes as the eyes of the little snowman, and a carrot and two red peppers as the nose and mouth of the little snowman. Two brooms are his hands. A gust of wind blew, and the little snowman waved to us. We looked at each other's red faces and smiled.

  I like snow, and I prefer the beautiful scenery after snow.


  On the morning of the ninth day of the New Year, everyone woke up. Only I was in my sleep. I dreamed that it was snowing.

  I suddenly heard my father calling me loudly, saying it was snowing! I didn't believe it, but I got up, put on new clothes, and went downstairs with new pants. Look, wow! It was a vast expanse of white. Everything looks like a white dress. There are also goose feather like snowflakes floating in the sky. I was so excited that I immediately wanted to play in the snow. My mother grabbed me and said, "Not now. Let's wait for the snow to fall a little, or we will get wet!"

  I thought it was right, so I washed and rinsed first, had breakfast, waited for the snow to be light, and waited all morning. It was still so heavy, and the snow was getting thicker and thicker. It was time for lunch. After I finished eating, the snow was finally light. I made a snowman with my mother. My mother rolled a big snowball as the snowman's body. I rolled a small snowball as the snowman's head. Such a lively and lovely snowman will be ready. We took a lot of photos together. After we finished, we had a snowball fight

  This day is the happiest day in my winter vacation!
