
时间:2022-07-29 02:52:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】每当暑假一到,我都会很高兴,想到有两个月的时间可以不用上课,那简直就是一年当中最美好的时光了。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The days of summer vacation are happy and interesting. The most exciting thing I can't forget is that my friend asked me to play secret room escape - doctor trap today.

  With a nervous and excited mood, we entered the secret room and saw an antique shaped treasure box on a bookshelf, beside which there were many books and a computer. The walls around are full of strange words, which are incomprehensible and full of mystery. We decided to open the treasure chest and found a picture of the doctor. According to the information inside, we worked together to remove the drawer password, computer password and map password one by one.

  After these processes, the bookshelf actually started to transfer, showing us that there is a new secret room. Our brain holes were wide open and our wisdom exploded. We passed the designed level after level and found five figures. But no matter how hard we tried, we still couldn't open the password for export, and we almost began to despair.

  When I was thinking hard, I felt a little sultry and irritable, so I opened a window easily, and a cool wind came face to face. To our surprise, we actually harvested key clues. It turned out that there was an arithmetic problem card on the white curtain. We followed the calculation, and half the door to success was opened. We tried to calculate from the end, and finally solved the last password. The last door finally opened, a bright, we *! We cheered, waved and jumped wildly. Looking at all the levels, we couldn't beat us. The mood was as sweet as eating a thousand sweets.

  Every day of the summer vacation is happy. I am very satisfied with today and full of expectations for tomorrow, because who knows what unforgettable and interesting things will happen tomorrow in the summer vacation!


  Time flies, time flies. Another summer vacation is coming. My summer vacation life is absolutely unique and different. My mother said that this summer vacation, she would send me to grandma's house to go sightseeing. I jumped three feet high with joy, because it was definitely a good place.

  Fields are the place that city people dream of. I walked on the field path, breathing a breath of air, refreshing. I ran wildly in the field, very happy. I sat alone on the ground, thinking quietly. I looked at the boundless sea and sky, forgetting the world and myself.

  The courtyard of my hometown, a friend who was inseparable from me when I was a child. During the day, I do my homework in the sun, play games on the grass, and sing and dance on the eaves. In the evening, I circled under the stars, caught insects in the grass, and dreamed on the wooden bed. Everything makes people feel very sweet.

  Every evening, I watch the sunset on the roof of the old school. The sky is dyed red and the sunset is gradually sinking. Even when I go home, I can see a little blush in the sky. At this time, I think: is this the sun waving goodbye to me? Unfortunately, there is no answer.

  I spent a summer vacation at my grandmother's house like this. Although this period of time is not very long, it can make me linger and forget to return all my life and have a deep memory.


  Summer life is like a bowl of strange soup, sweet, bitter, sour, spicy, which needs to be experienced by yourself.

  I remember that time, after the rain, my mother and I took a walk in the park. Suddenly, I saw many snails on the ground. Behind them, there was a silver white line. I can't help but have a question in my mind: are snails pests or beneficial insects? I decided to find the answer by myself.

  I caught three snails and went home. I put them in a box with a piece of tender cabbage and a little rice in it. After a while, I went to see snails again and found that the cabbage was eaten with a hole the size of a button, which made me preliminarily conclude that snails are pests.

  I have another question: what is the silver line behind the snail? I put the snail in my hand and observed it carefully. I gently touched it with my hand, and he would; Immediately retracted his small head into his "small house". I'm a little impatient. If I'm not careful, the snail will fall down. I picked up the shell less body of the snail and observed it carefully. I found that it was sticky under the snail, and I vaguely saw several small contacts. I looked up books curiously: it turned out that those silver lines were a kind of liquid secreted by snails, which could help snails crawl. After the mucus dried, it naturally turned into silver lines. Those things like small contacts were snails' feet. The book also says: snails like to eat tender leaves, so snails are pests. Oh, so it is!

  Through this thing, I learned that you should observe everything carefully.


  The hot summer vacation is baking us. The summer vacation in my eyes is happy, joyful, long, rich and interesting! If summer vacation is the sky, I am a bird, circling faintly in the blue sky, sometimes straight into the clouds, sometimes playing with clouds!

  Although the hot weather also stopped me from talking about my determination to play by the river, I walked on the path, on both sides of the path, to the tree was my first friend, look! Its mighty appearance is like a sentry! And the delicate little flower, but red face, with petals cover their beautiful and lovely little face. Willow girl is even more beautiful. She dances gently along the breeze and swings her slender braids!

  Come to the clear river, the river helps work, and flows down the road. The little fish took advantage of the cool morning to exercise his muscles and bones. When he saw me, he began to spit bubbles, just like a performer! They wear beautiful clothes, colorful, colorful and so on, everything. There are also majestic tiger fish, but among the colorful fish. Will not be surprised to stop and stare!

  Dragonflies are also busy running around, and bees also get up early to collect honey. The birds also woke up from sleep and sang beautiful songs. Cicadas can't fall behind. They also sing beautiful songs, as if they were singing a competition.

  Baiyun's white body fluttered leisurely in the sky, and father-in-law sun couldn't close his mouth with a smile, looking at all things on this day!

  The sun is about to set, until the sunset kisses Xishan, and the moon is about to go to the night shift. The sun stretches and goes down the mountain! I'm reluctant to go home!


  The full and happy summer vacation is coming to an end, and I have gained a lot this summer vacation.

  I opened the package and counted my harvest. Look! I not only finished the homework assigned by the teacher, but also recited some contents of the Analects. After reading the historical books "five thousand years of China" and "general history of China", I learned about the historical stories and Chinese traditional culture over the past five thousand years, and also read a series of animal novels written by Shen Shixi. I was deeply moved by the animals written by the author.

  My old friend said, "read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles." Look, I also went to malawan water park and century Happy Valley in Zhengzhou. In Mala Bay, we experienced the infinite fun that water brings to people. During our visit to the century happy garden, we were shocked by those Thrilling Games.

  Of course, it is more important for me to face it seriously. Next semester, I will be promoted to grade 6. This is an important stage. I will make the final sprint in primary school. After school starts, I will make a study plan for myself and take more exercise.

  The headmaster said that we should do two things, one is what we should do, and the other is what we like to do. I must turn what I should do into what I like to do. Regard learning as a happy thing, learn knowledge happily, and enter junior high school smoothly.

  The thought of going back to school soon and seeing my teachers and classmates again made me very excited.

  Wave goodbye to summer vacation and greet the new semester with a smile.


  During the summer vacation, I climbed mountains in Henan with my father.

  When we came to the foot of the mountain, I was surprised and said, "it's really spectacular! There is such a high mountain that you can't see the peak with a telescope." Dad asked me, "dare you?" I said loudly, "dare!" But there is no bottom in my heart. We climbed up the mountain road and couldn't move halfway. I sat on a stone by the side of the road. I had no strength all over my body, and my legs were like lead. Dad smiled and said, "didn't you say you could climb to the top of the mountain? Why, you can't climb!" I knew my father was using the method of provocation. I raised my mouth and said, "I just crawled. How about it?" Dad also sat down, Calmly said, "son, no matter what you do, you are full of expectation and confidence at the beginning. But in this process, you will encounter many difficulties. Some people can persist and overcome all difficulties, so they succeed and can see the most beautiful scenery on the top of the mountain. Some people give up halfway and will never reach the top of the mountain. Their hearts are full of regret. Would you like to see the scenery on the top of the mountain with me?" After listening to my father's words, I stood up again and continued to climb the mountain.

  I don't know how long it took us to climb to the top of the mountain. Looking down from the mountain, it's really beautiful! There are towering ancient trees on the top of the mountain. White clouds are floating around. As long as you stretch out your hand, you can catch them. Looking at the birds flying in the air, I opened my arms, as if I had become a flying bird.

  Yes, I'm glad I didn't give up halfway. Otherwise I wouldn't have seen such a beautiful scenery. I have learned that persistence is victory!


  During the summer vacation, the weather was so hot that the hot sun cage shone on the earth, as if to melt everything. Therefore, the drinks in our refrigerator are drunk quickly.

  On this day, I drank up a bottle of drink left in the refrigerator. However, looking at the white sunshine outside the window, I really want to eat a cold popsicle.

  "Selling popsicles! Fifty cents a piece, bean popsicles!" Suddenly, a cry came from outside the window. "It's really my Savior!" Now I'm refreshed, pick up 1 yuan and run downstairs. Running to the front, I was stunned. It was a boy younger than me. I found his lips cracked and his voice hoarse. I gave him the money. He took the money and gave me one. I turned around and hurried home, thinking while running that he could eat one for himself with an extra 50 cents.

  I was thinking, when suddenly he shouted, "little sister, wait a minute." I had to stand there and say to him, "don't change it. Here's the money." Unexpectedly, he blushed, stuffed the money into my hand and said breathlessly, "it's not my money, I don't want it, don't look down on people, my new year's money is more than you." "Then why did you come out to make money?" I asked strangely. "That's because our school held the activity of" hand in hand, show love ". I'm going to donate the money to those poor children." He said stubbornly and turned away. When I watched him leave gradually, I found that the popsicle had melted away. Although I couldn't eat the popsicle, my heart was sweet.

  Now, whenever I hear the cry of selling popsicles, the scene at that time will emerge in front of me.


  I will go back to school again in two days. I had a happy and fulfilling summer vacation.

  During the summer vacation, I signed up for composition and English classes. Every Monday to Friday morning, I have to go to study classes. I met many new friends there and learned a lot of knowledge. Dad said that my writing ability has been greatly improved!

  After the class, my parents took me to Hangzhou, Shanghai and Ningbo. My father and I walked along the Qiantang River and played games. We also visited Hangzhou Science and Technology Museum, museum and nature museum. In Shanghai, we visited the WorldExpo. The Expo Park is crowded with people from all over the world, including blacks, whites, and of course, the most are Chinese. We spent two days visiting 24 pavilions including China Pavilion, Denmark Pavilion, Britain Pavilion, Argentina Pavilion and Germany Pavilion. I still think China is a fun place. There are also pavilions in every province of China. When we came back, we went swimming on the beach of Zhujiajian in Zhoushan. The sea was blue and the waves were big. I swam out a little and was washed back to the beach by the waves. Later, we also played sand sculpture on the beach.

  This summer vacation, I not only had a good time, but also saw a lot of new things and learned a lot of knowledge. What a meaningful holiday!


  A summer vacation passed quickly. I believe everyone had a great time. I also went to Singapore, a fun place, and also to Mount Qingcheng, a famous Taoist mountain, and Mount Emei, a famous Buddhist mountain.

  While playing in Singapore, I made many new friends. Especially the children Zhang pan, Kang Li, Zhang huixun, Tao Lidan and Zi Ying, and the big friend Peter. There was an unspeakable feeling in my heart when I left. This trip not only made friends, but also increased knowledge. For example, Singapore's laws are very strict. The driver of their car is sitting on the right side of the road, and the car is on the left side of the road. It's different from China.

  Mount Emei is a famous Buddhist mountain. Of course, you have to worship the Buddha. But the Golden Summit was too high. It took us two hours to get there. When I saw the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra sitting on the six toothed elephant, my fatigue was gone. We quickly worshipped the Buddha and took photos. But God gave us a storm "big gift bag", which made us drowned. And in the lake, my brother got all his pants wet; What was more dangerous was that her aunt's leg was half drilled by the leech, which made her scream. She slapped it for a while, and the leech fell down. Fortunately, it was a small leech, which didn't leave a wound.

  Although it was a little tiring to climb Mount Qingcheng and Mount Emei, we still had a good time.

  This summer vacation passed quickly, and I had a happy and full time. School will begin soon, and I'm ready.


  Looking forward, the summer vacation finally arrived. I have many interesting things in this summer vacation, one of which I will never forget is to go to Meishan ice and snow world.

  When we arrived at Meishan ice and snow world, my parents and my little friends and I changed into cotton padded jackets first, otherwise we would turn into ice sculptures. After entering, I was shivering with cold. I put my hand on the wall, so it was easier to walk. First of all, I came to the ice slide. I saw other children sitting on one tire, so that people can slide down with a push. I thought if I was so heavy, would the tire burst? Will people not be able to push me? As I sat down while thinking, the staff member was so strong that I danced ballet on the ice before I could react. It's exciting to slide from top to bottom, and I cheer.

  Then we went to the snow to have a snowball fight. I grabbed a big snowball with the pliers my father bought for me and fought against my mother. My mother was not willing to be outdone. A snowball was thrown at me. I hid and the snowball flew out. We fought with each other, laughing and making noise. We were very happy, and the sound of laughter spread all over the snow.

  The ice and snow world is so interesting! But because of time, we still reluctantly left the ice and snow world.
