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【#英语资源# 导语】雪花是由小冰晶增大变来的,而冰的分子以六角形的为最多,因而形成雪花多是六角形的,以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Just entering winter, I began to look forward to the early snow. The white snowflakes and the flying spirits always make me feel extremely excited.

  This morning, I finally saw the white and elegant spirit flying in the sky. I immediately ran to the yard happily, looking at the snowflakes in the sky and jumping happily among them. At this time, an unexpected idea appeared in my mind. If only I were a snowflake flying! Born on the ninth heaven, the elegant dance between heaven and earth will turn into spring water to moisten the dry land even if it turns to mud.

  I walked in the snow with such a mood, letting the snowflakes fall on my head and body, wrapping me into a snow creature. I raised my eyes and looked into the distance. On their roofs, endless fields were covered with a layer of holy silver, and the whole earth became white and pure. The green wheat seedlings are covered with comfortable and clean quilts, and the dry tree crown is also full of white snowflakes. Even I seem to have become holy and ethereal. For a moment, I thought they were really alive and full of spirituality. Look, although they are all hexagonal, they are changeable and have their own characteristics. Just like us human beings, although our bodies are the same, they are all independent and have their own style. I was in a trance, imagining what kind of creatures they were and what kind of life they were living in the kingdom of heaven.

  I took off a glove, held out a warm palm, and then a snowflake in the palm. But before I could look at it carefully, it turned into a crystal drop of water. Yes, they are holy and arrogant. How can you allow your destiny to be controlled by others.

  I also want to be like this snowflake. My heart is clean, I am willing to sacrifice, I will master my own destiny, and I will not yield to the control and arrangement of my destiny, so that I can live a wonderful life.


  "How snowy it is!" In the evening, when I was concentrating on my homework at home, I vaguely heard my mother say. I trotted all the way to the window to see the snow. I saw the snowflakes floating down from the sky, just like the noble white swan flapping its white feathers, which slowly flew down and landed on the crystal clear ground. Is this lovely snowflake like catkins, cotton, jade chips or plum blossoms?

  Look! Those crystal clear snowflakes are the envoys of winter! Some floated on the trees, and the big trees turned into jade trees; Some fell on the lawn and opened an ice flower. Ah! Beautiful little snowflakes.

  The snowflakes drifted slowly all night. At dawn the next day, snowflakes held their breath. Yesterday's shy snowflakes suddenly became active: they blossomed one flower after another on people's hats and down jackets. This is not the end. We piled them into one little snowman with a crooked nose and a round head. He squatted in the middle of the children, grinning mischievously with his mouth made of orange peel. Everyone laughed too, and the happy laughter spread far and wide. Ah! A lively little snowflake!

  Look, the building is wearing a warm white velvet hat, and the earth is wearing a white coat. Aren't these all gifts from Xiaoxue? People's mouths were smiling, and the fields in the distance were covered with thick quilts. Don't underestimate snow, it's very useful! Snow can kill a lot of germs, and also bring enough water and precious nutrients to crops. As the saying goes, "A snow promises a good year." That's the truth.

  Ah! Selfless little snowflake!

  Holding small snowflakes in his hands, he thought of these lovely snowflakes in his heart. Yes, it brings people a relaxed and happy mood and the hope of spring. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Ah! Welcome the small snowflakes in spring!

  Ah! I love this lovely little snowflake!


  The snow has been floating for a long time. The snow floats across the sea, and a white spray blooms in the sea. The "whoop" snow sweeps the girl's long hair, and the long hair is filled with a hint of fragrance.

  I walked in the dreamy park with a red umbrella, listening to the snow singing heartily in the vast white world. She was like a beautiful music, which was refreshing. "Ding Dong, Ding Dong" snowflakes were laughing and playing drums on the frozen brook, "Hu Hu" snowflakes were whistling leisurely on the bench, "Ding Ding" snowflakes were jumping and dancing on tiles, and I stopped to enjoy the wonderful music quietly, Appreciating her unique and elegant temperament.

  The snow is dancing with the wind, as if I am excited about a grand dance. At this time, I really want to take off my thick cotton padded jacket and dance with them. The winter snow is like an elegant and noble butterfly, dancing in the white air, and staying on a mountain, looking at the beautiful scenery at the foot of the mountain, which fascinates me. The winter can also be so beautiful. The snowflakes are small, soft, like tidbits, dancing with the wind.

  I raised my head, opened my mouth, and the snowflake slowly fell in my mouth. It was soft and melted on my tongue, and it was as cold as a popsicle. I closed my mouth, leaving only a trace of sweetness in my mouth. I didn't expect that a small snowflake could be so delicious, like a delicate cake, thin and soft, beautiful and delicious. I danced happily, enjoying music and scenery at the same time, There are countless free snowflakes, just like a dream.

  I love snowflakes. They make the world pure and beautiful.


  I got up early this morning and saw snowflakes floating outside. The snowflakes were very beautiful, just like cotton wool dancing in the wind, or like white granulated sugar in the air. "It's snowing at last, but it's rare for Suzhou to snow once." I thought happily in my heart.

  I looked out of the window. The roof, the canopy and the ground were all covered with snowflakes, like a white windbreaker for the world. Snowflakes scrambled to fall, and some even flipped mischievously in the air. Snowflakes have a pair of "eyes" that love to find, and they will fall wherever they find there is still space, and then immediately appeal to their companions to cover the space. At once, silver white appeared on the ground, and the light seemed to twinkle like a small shiny eyes winking at me mischievously.

  A breeze blew, and the snowflakes in the air began their beautiful dance, followed by a beautiful 360 ° rotation, and some simply challenged the handstand. The tree was stunned, and then shook hard to refuel the snowflakes.

  Seeing this scene, I couldn't bear it any longer. I pulled my mother up and ran to the door. Because standing outside, you can personally experience the enthusiasm of snowflakes for us. The snowflakes surprised me and soon covered me. Some snowflakes will sneak into your ears mischievously, making you itchy and cold. I reached out to catch some, but unexpectedly, the snowflakes just fell in my hand, and then they changed into small drops of water and slipped away quietly.

  I love snowflakes and this colorful season!


  Early this morning, my father woke me up and told me that it was snowing outside. After hearing this, I dressed quickly and went straight to the courtyard.

  "Wow, it's really snowing!" I saw the ground, the trees, the roof...... All covered with white cotton padded jackets by snow dolls. At this time, it was still snowing outside, and I suddenly felt that these little snowflakes floating outside were like little elves, young children. With these little dolls and elves, everything in the yard has changed. Everything in the yard has changed. A piece of iron in the yard is not a piece of iron, but a piece of white foam in my eyes. A pot in the yard was transformed by the elf. In my eyes, it was not a pot, but a small house.

  After dinner, my father and I went to the central square to see the snow scenery. At this time, the snowflakes are getting bigger and bigger. The snowflakes are fluttering in the air, wandering in the sky, resting on the branches, chasing me, and getting into my shoes, head, neck, cold.

  I want to catch those carefree little fairy like snowflakes, but when I touch them, they become a small drop of water just like magic. At this time, a gust of wind rose in the sky, and the snow hanging on the tree fell down, so gently that there was no sound. The trees are as beautiful as the bride's white wedding dress. The snow is falling more and more heavily. Under the wind, the sky and the earth are everywhere. Suddenly, the sky and the earth meet, just like a pure white fairy tale world.

  My father used the camera to record the wonderful time when I and the children made snowmen and had snowball fights. Although the snow came late, it also brought infinite joy to our children.


  "It's snowing, snowing..." I was concentrating on my homework in the room, attracted by the cheers outside the window. I quickly got up and went to the window. Wow! It's really snowing.

  I like winter snow best. I didn't care to put on my coat. I opened the door and ran downstairs. I wanted to have a big hug with my favorite snowflake. The snowflakes are like happy spirits. Some of them play in the air, some dance with the wind, and some float to the earth leisurely and complacently. I could not help but stretch out my hands to catch this lovely elf. The white snowflakes were crystal clear. On the six small horns were several icicles with unique shapes like antlers. It was really beautiful!

  I love snow, her whiteness, and her selfless dedication. As the saying goes, a snow promises a good year. In cold winter, heavy snow can freeze and kill some overwintering pests. Snow water can penetrate into the deep soil layer and supply water for crop growth. On snowy days, the peasants' uncles all burst into smiles and muttered, "In winter, they are covered with three layers of quilts and will sleep on steamed buns in the coming year.".

  Little snowflakes, little snowflakes, please have more. I will make snowmen and have snowball fights with my friends; Little snowflakes, little snowflakes, more, dress the whole earth into a fairy tale world of powder carving and jade.

  Some people love the flowers in spring, some people love the hot summer sun, some people love the fruits in autumn, and I only love the snowflakes in winter.


  I went to school this morning. I saw the ground was wet when I came downstairs. I thought it was raining. Wow; It's snowing again! Little snowflakes fell on my face, so excited! This is the second snow this winter.

  The sky is overcast and the wind is biting. Snow flakes, as big as grains, glisten and dance happily in the end of snow. I quietly listen to the whispers of snowflakes, which are more dense and gentle than the drizzle of spring rain.

  Today's snow is very small, and there is no snow on the wet ground. The snowflakes floated down lightly and threw themselves into the arms of the earth mother. As soon as they hit the ground, they became fragmented and melted away in the twinkling of an eye. Little snowflakes are like naughty spirits, flying into my neck, so cold! It fell on my hair like a layer of dandruff. Sometimes I get into my eyes. I found that snowflakes with different shapes are the spirit of water. I stretched out my hand and let the white and crystal snowflakes fall in my hand. Before I could appreciate them, they melted into drops of cold water. I felt cool in my heart and felt happy.

  Although the snow didn't fall much and didn't let us enjoy ourselves in snowball fights, the snowflakes still brought us a happy mood. The fresh air made the earth pure and flawless.


  On the morning of the sixth day of the lunar new year, I just woke up and found that the scenery outside the window was different from usual. When I got up and looked, I saw a vast expanse of white snow falling from the sky like goose feathers. Wow! It's snowing heavily! This is the first heavy snow this winter! Yesterday, the snow began to drift and fall ceaselessly. I thought this snow was not big, but unexpectedly, it was snowing heavily.

  After breakfast, my mother and I came to the courtyard, and a cold air rushed towards us, ah! What a heavy snow! I saw that the ground was covered with a thick quilt. I really wanted to lie down and sleep. I put my hand on the snow and gently pressed it, leaving my little fingerprints on the white snow. The goose feather like snowflakes are still falling from the sky, making a "creaking" sound when stepping on them, leaving a series of deep footprints. I walked on the carpet like snow road to the street, as if I had come to a fairy tale world. The houses have turned into white palaces. Thick snowflakes fall from the pine branches on the roadside, turning into clusters of white corals. The pine trees sway with the wind, as if to take off the white coat, so that the green will remain on them forever. I stretched out my hand, and a snowflake fell on my hand, cool and comfortable!

  At this time, all the children in the yard came out and suddenly became lively! Look! Some of them formed snowmen in groups, using carrots as noses and small stones as eyes; Some had snowball fights, and no one was willing to fall behind. They chased and played, and a string of laughter broke the silence of the morning.

  Ah! What a beautiful snow scene! I like heavy snow!


  The ruthlessness of winter also reveals its lingering feelings and contains its unique beauty. Snowflakes are unique feelings. The falling of snowflakes makes people daydream about how it grew and how it came into being, but sometimes it is always an illusory dream, a dream far away. When the sun comes out, it will disappear, and the instant will be gone. But I know that all these things are beyond my discussion, so I bravely learned to accept them.

  The snowflakes are falling, and there are traces when you step on them. Isn't it like life? Life is supposed to be like this. Step by step, step by step, step by step, step by step, and looking back is no longer the same as before. Regret is just the result of carelessness, but looking back has destroyed the natural beauty of the snow. Even if it is just a scratch, it is still the way you have walked. What can you regret? Is life worth dying for?

  The snowflake has its lingering feelings. Although time passes between its fingers, it gradually forgets what happened just now. Why do people care about those trivial past events? They are just wild geese that have no trace, but have inadvertently flown.

  The flying snow is telling the meaning of its life, isn't it?


  As soon as winter comes, I look forward to snow earlier. It's almost a year since we parted. How I want to see the little white snowflakes!

  "It's snowing, it's snowing!" My classmates and I welcomed the first heavy snow this year with surprise cheers.

  What a beautiful snowflake! At first, it was scattered, small and thin, soft and light, just like the noble white swan gently flapping its wings, just like who was shaking the beautiful flowers in the sky, flawless white petals flew down one by one. Later, it snowed more and more heavily. Small snowflakes held me in the air. I held you in clusters, as if countless torn cotton fell from the sky. At this time, the whole world became confused, as if shrouded in fog. I stood on the playground with my classmates, looking up, letting small snowflakes fall on my face and into my neck. They float gently, cool and comfortable.

  Xiaoxue is really a craftsman. Look, in the blink of an eye, it weaves a new quilt for Mother Earth, which is big, soft, thick and white. Gently cover Mother Earth. Xiao is still a talented painter. You see, it is drawing a huge picture of purity and elegance.

  Small snowflakes bring us endless fun. Students ski, have snowball fights, make snowmen and have snowball fights on campus.
