
时间:2024-05-22 09:54:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】我们度假时携带的必需品中当然少不了钱,当我考虑带多少钱,汇率是多少时,就会想到这些和金钱相关的经典短语。英语中有大量的金钱表达和短语,©文档大全网整理了相关内容,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

Here is what they mean and how you could use them in a sentence.
1. Balance the books: to add up all the credits and debits of an account
“Thomas is in charge of balancing the books at the end of each quarter for the business”
2. Bring home the bacon: to earn money to support the family
2. 维持生计:赚钱养家
“James does overtime so that he can bring home the bacon.”
3. Go Dutch: splitting (sharing) the bill equally
3. AA制:平均分配账单费用
“Matthew and Hazel always go dutch when they eat out.”
4. Gravy train: A job that pays a lot of money for very little effort
4. 高薪的闲差事:轻易就能赚到高薪水的工作
“Ian earns a fortune for three hours’ work a day. He’s really on the gravy train!”
5. Nest egg: Money that has been saved up over a period of time
5. 储蓄金:一段时期内存的钱。
“Over the years Leo has been very disciplined and saved every month. He now has a big nest egg on which he can retire.
6. Cook the books: dishonest accounting
6. 做假账:欺骗性的结算
““The financial world has seen many business that have cooked the books to make their businesses attractive to potential investors.”
在金融领域有很多利用做假账吸引潜在投资者的企业 。”
7. Golden handshake: A payment to a departing employee (normally the top executives)
“As CEO, Ross was given a golden handshake when he agreed to leave the company.”
8. Cheapskate: A person who does not like to spend money on people (This is not used as a compliment)
“Thomas did not want to spend $5 on flowers for his mother. What a cheapskate!”

