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Lesson 42 caveman   第42课 (远古)洞穴人   modern caveman   现代穴居人   The bones of caveman were discovered in this verycave.   原始穴居人的骨头就是在这个山洞里发现的。   Boxing can only be discussed in the context of acaveman's sport.   拳击只能在原始人的运动这个意义上加以讨论。   pot-holing   洞穴探险,洞穴探险运动   Cave exploration,or pot-holing,as it has come to be known,is a relatively new sport.   洞穴勘察——或洞穴勘探是一项比较新的体育运动。   He recently took an interest in pot-holing.   他最近对洞穴探险发生了兴趣。   If you have any difficulty,go to my friends in the pot-holing club.   假如你遇到困难,可以去找我那些洞穴探险俱乐部的朋友。   solitude   孤独,寂寞   Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery   也许人们是被独处的渴望或者获得意外发现的机会   that lures people down to the depths of the earth.   诱惑使着来到地底深处的。   I often have the curious feeling of solitude and multitudel.   我常常有一种古怪的又冷清又热闹的感觉。   The solitude of the sea made him keenly sensitive to every sight.sound and touch.   寂寥的大海使他对每种景致、声音触觉都异常敏感。   lure   引诱,诱惑   Perter was lured into playing billiards with a fellow soldier.   彼得被一个战友引诱着玩起了台球。   The thief lured him to the doorway and his accomplice hit him on the head.   小偷把他引到了门洞里,他的同伙在他的头上重重一击。   pot-holer   洞穴探险者   It is impossible to give a satifactory explanation for a pot-holer's motives.   要想对洞穴探险者的动机做出满意的解释是不可能的。   Do you happen to know any first-class pot-holers?   你认不认识第一流的洞穴探险者?   Curiosity alone cannot make a pot-holer.   仅有好奇心是不能成就一个洞穴探险者的。   ramber   漫步者;散步者   Exploring really deep caves is not a task for the sunday afternoon rambler.   探索很深的洞穴可不是礼拜天下午随兴漫步的人能够胜任的。   Few people can afford to be ramblers.   很少有人做得起漫游者。   Yoyo loves ramblers,himself being one of the chiefest.   悠悠喜欢优游自在的人,他自已就是个中的中坚。   undertaking   任务,工作   Such undertakings require the precise planning and foresight of military operations.   这种活动需要军事行动的周密部署和预见能力。   Myrtle is not one to waste time in any undertaking.   默特尔是一个不会任何工作浪费时间的人。   This is a difficult but glorious undertaking.   这是一项光荣艰巨的任务。   foresight   预见;深谋远虑   Fortunately we had the foresight to bring some canned food.   幸好,我们有先见之明,带了几个缺罐头。   Bright is always boasting about his foresight.There he goes again!   布赖特老是吹嘘他的先见之明,喏,那不是又来了!   foretell   预言   Precautions of this sort are necessary,   这样的准备是必要的,   for it is impossible to foretell the exact nature of the difficulties which will confront the pot-holer.   因为无法预见洞穴探险者将会遇到什么性质的困难。   The religious leader foretold the arrival of an age of peace.   这位宗教领袖预言一个和平时代将会到来。   Is life still worth living if everything can be foretold?   假如每件事情都能被预见的话,人生还有什么意思呢?   Grenoble   格里诺布尔   The deepest known cave in the world is the Gouffre Berger near Grenoble.   已知的最深的洞穴是格里诺布尔附近的高弗伯杰洞。   chasm   断层,裂口,陷坑   This immense chasm has been formed by an underground stream   这个幽深的洞穴起初是岩石上的一道罅隙,被地下泉水不断冲刷   which has tunneled a course through a flaw in the rocks.   直至趟成了一条通道,这才逐渐形成的。   A great chasm appeared on the ground after the earthquake.   地震后,地上出现了一条在裂缝。   The couple failed to bridge the chasm between them.   这对夫妇未能跨越他们之 间的鸿沟。   flaw   裂缝,缺陷,瑕疵   There was a flaw in his argument.   他的论点有个漏洞。   This type of success was almost without flaw,as he saw it.   在他看来,这种成功简直是无懈可击的。   distinguished   杰出的,的   The cave might never have been discovered   若不是法国洞穴探险家伯杰   had not the entrance been spotted by the distinguished French potholer,Berger.   由于偶然的机会发现了洞口的话,这个洞也许永远不会为人所知。   These distinguished individuals came and went,singly as a rule.   这些名人照例是独来独往。   Everest   珠穆朗玛峰   Since its discovery,it has become a sort of pot-holer's Everest .   自从这个洞被发现后,它就成了洞穴探险者的珠穆朗玛峰。   Qomolangma,whose European name is Everest,is the highest point on the earth.   珠穆朗玛峰,欧洲人称它埃佛勒斯峰,是地球的点。   Qomolangma,(Everest) was first conquered in 1953.   1953年人类首次登上了珠穆朗玛峰 。   wade   涉水   They had to edge their way along this,   他们不得不侧着身子往前走,   sometimes wading across the shallow streams,or swimming across deep pools.   有进绕过浅溪,有时游过深潭。   I'm not going to wade in such weather.   这种天气我可不愿意趟水。   The dusk fell before we waded ashore.   我们涉水上岸之前天色就已经暗了。   waterfall   瀑布   Suddenly they came to a waterfall which dropped into an underground lake at the bottom of thecave.   突然,他们来到一道瀑布前注入洞穴一处地下湖里。   Niagara Falls is a huge waterfall that lies on the Niagara River.   尼亚加拉大瀑布是尼亚加拉河上的一条大瀑布。   gear   一套用具   They plunged into the lake,and after loading their gear on an inflatable rubber dinghy,   他们跳进湖里,把各种器具装上一只充气橡皮艇,   let the current carry them to the other side.   听任水流将他们往对岸。   The camers kept all their gear in footlockers.   野营的人把所有的用品都放在床脚箱里。   They loaded their gear into the van.   他们把工具装进运货车。   inflatable   可充气的   inflatable raft   充气救生筏   inflatable life-jacket   充气救生衣   ruuble   碎瓦,瓦块   At the end of the lake,they came to huge piles of rubble   在湖的尽头,   which had been washed up by the water.   他们见到大堆大堆被湖水冲上岸的碎石。   The little statue was made of rubble.   这座小塑像是用碎石拼合起来的。   The city had been turned into rubble in the raid.   整座城市被炸成瓦砾。   insistent   连续的,不断的   In this part of the cave,they could hear an insistent booming sound   在这儿,他们可以听见一种连续不断的轰鸣声。   which they found was caused by a small waterspout   后来他们发现这是山洞顶部一个小孔里   shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave.   喷出来的水柱跌落到水潭中发出的声音。   The inssistent flowing of the fountain seemed to be the symbol of the passing of time.   喷泉不停地流着,仿佛是时光流逝的象征。   The baby's insistent cries almost broke his heart.   孩子不停的哭叫,差点没有把他心疼死。   boom   轰响   The thunder boomed.   雷声隆隆隆。   waterspout   强大的水柱   The word"waterspout' often refers to the tornado that occurs over a water surface.   这个词是通常用来指从海上刮过的龙卷风。   A colorful waterspout shot from the mouth of the elcetronic dragon and the children clapped.   一道五颜六色的水柱从电龙嘴里喷出来,孩子们鼓起掌来。   cleft   裂隙,开口   Squeezing through a cleft in the rocks,   洞穴探险者从岩石缝里挤过去,   the pot-holers arrived at an enormoous cavern,the size of a huge concert hall.   来到一个巨大的洞里,其大小和一个音乐厅差不多。   In the cleft of a great oak-tree he saw the piece of white gold that he was seeking.   在一棵老橡树的裂缝里,他看到了他在寻找的那块白金。   cavern   大洞穴   We stood in the cavern and shined a flashlinght on its high ceiling.   我们站在大山洞里,用手电照在高高的顶上。   stalagmite   石笋   After switching on powerful arc lights,   他们打开强力弧光灯,   they saw great stalagmites-some of them over forty feet high-   看见一棵棵巨大的石笋,   rising up like tree-trunks to meet the stalactites suspended from the roof.   与洞庭顶悬挂的钟乳石相接。   A stalagmite appears like an inverted stalactite,rising from the floor of a carvern.   石笋像倒生的钟乳石,从岩洞底部向上长。   stalactite   钟乳石   Not every stalatite has a complementary stalagmite.   不是每根钟乳石都有互生的石笋。   limestone   石灰石   Round about,piles of limestone glistened in all the colors of the rainbow.   周围是一堆堆石灰石,象彩虹一样闪闪发光。   There are four principal types of limestones.   石灰石有四种主要类型。   glisten   闪烁   After a moment she looked up with a slow smile,her eyes glistening with tears.   过了一会儿她抬起头来慢慢一笑,眼里闪着泪光。   eerie   引起恐惧的,可怕的   In the eerie silence of the cavern,the only sound that could be heard   洞里有一种可怕的寂静,   was made by water whcih dripped continuously from the high dome above them.   惟一可以听见的声响是高高的圆顶上不间断的滴水声。   That old house is an eerie place even in the day.   那栋老屋即使在白天也有一种神秘可怖的气氛。   dome   穹窿,圆顶   The dome on the concert hall is painted golden.   音乐厅的圆顶漆成金色。

自学新概念英语第三册必背单词Lesson 42.doc
