
时间:2023-04-20 06:39:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#写作翻译# 导语】工作常用英文短语是现代职场中必不可少的一部分,它们可以帮助我们更好地与同事、客户和上司沟通交流,提高工作效率和专业水平。©文档大全网为大家整理了相关内容,希望能够帮助大家更好地掌握这些常用短语,提升职场竞争力。

1.工作常用英文短语 篇一

  完成任务:accomplish tasks

  实现目标:realize one’s goal

  工作经历:work experience

  工作履历:occupational history

  专业经历:specific experience

  第二职业:second job

  工作目标:job objective

  激烈竞争:the fierce competition

  选择职业时要现实:be realistic in choosing jobs

  职位短缺:the shortage of positions

  申请职位:apply for positions

  健康状况:health condition

  打破记录:break the record

  AA制:Dutch treatment/go Dutch

2.工作常用英文短语 篇二

  punch the time clock ( 打卡 )

  punch in (out) (上/下班打卡 )

  confirm the day's schedule ( 确认一天的工作表 )

  staple the documents together ( 把文件钉在一起 )

  punch holes in the papers ( 用打孔机给文件打孔 )

  file the papers ( 把文件存档 )

  look over the documents ( 将文件过目一下 )

  stamp the document ( 在文件上盖章 )

  submit the document ( 提交文件 )

  correct mistakes with white-out ( 用涂改液改正错误 )

  run off copies ( 复印文件 )

  fax someone a report ( 把报告传真给某人 )

  exchange business cards with clients ( 与客户交换名片 )

  turn on the computer ( 打开电脑 )

  sort the mail ( 拣选信件 )

  make out an invoice ( 开发票 )

  write out a receipt ( 开收据 )

  work overtime ( 加班 )

  set the copier for reducing (enlarging) ( 将复印机设定在缩印 ( 放大 ) 模式上 )

  run out of paper ( 复印纸用完了 )

  place a large order ( 大量订货 )

  trip over the cord ( 被电线绊倒 )

  bow over the phone ( 打电话中猛点头 )

  take notes over the phone ( 把电话内容记在本子上 )

  hang up the phone ( 挂断电话 )

  input the data ( 输入资料 )

3.工作常用英文短语 篇三

  May I have your name, please?


  What company are you from?


  Could you tell me what company you are representing?


4.工作常用英文短语 篇四

  I'll see if he is available.


  Would you please have a seat and wait for a few moments


5.工作常用英文短语 篇五

  Please have a seat, Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith will see you in few minutes.


  Mr. Chen is expecting you. I'll tell him that you're here.


  Would you come this way, please?


6.工作常用英文短语 篇六

  Mr. Chen is occupied at the moment and wants to know if your business is urgent.


  He may want to get in touch with you in the future. Would you leave your card?


7.工作常用英文短语 篇七

  I'll take just a few minutes of his time.


  I'd prefer to explain that to him directly.

  我想我最 好直接对他本人讲。

8.工作常用英文短语 篇八

  Timetable schedule日程表,时刻表

  Adopt 通过Amend修正


  Item on the agenda议程项目

  Opening sitting开幕会

  Sit/meet/hold a meeting 召开会议

  Working paper 工作文件

  To make/deliver a speech 做报告

  To ask for the floor 要求发言

  Terms of reference 职权范围

