
时间:2023-02-26 19:49:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】军人好比那蓝天,军人好比那大地,所以才叫顶天立地;军人好比那狂风,军人好比那骤雨,所以才能呼风唤雨。建军节到来之际,祝所有军人八一快乐!用毅力和信念谱写不同的人生,用职业和情操戍守辽远的边防,用青春和汗水铸就和平的丰碑,用无私和奉献守护人民的安宁。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  August 1st is the PLA day. It comes from the nanchang uprising led by the communist party of China during the democratic revolution. Nanchang uprising on August 1, 1927, the opening shots in what may be the communist party of China armed opposition kuomintang reactionaries first gun, marks China's entry into the independent leadership of the communist party of China the armed revolution in the new period, marks the birth of China's new people's army.

  In July 1933, the provisional central government of the Soviet republic of China decided on August 1 to commemorate the founding of the red army of China, the predecessor of the people's liberation army. From then on, August 1 became the people's liberation army army day. During the army's day, all parts of China will focus on the activities of "the master of the army, the people of the people" and the birth of the people's army.


  Today is the army day, on August 1, but I don't know the history of the army day, so I went to the Internet, on August 1, 1927, former enemies committee headed by zhou enlai, he long, ye ting, zhu DE, liu and other leaders of the northern expedition army of 20000 people. The armed uprising in nanchang, jiangxi province, was the first shot of the Chinese communist party's armed rebellion against the kuomintang reactionaries, the beginning of the armed struggle of the communist party of China.

  In April 1928, zhu DE and Chen yi led the preserved nanchang rebellion and the autumn harvest uprising led by MAO zedong in jinggangshan, which formally formed the fourth army of the Chinese industrial and agricultural revolutionary army. On June 30, 1933, the central revolutionary military commission decided that every year on August 1, the red army day of the Chinese workers and peasants would be held. On July 11, the provisional central government of the Soviet republic of China approved the decision. Since then, "eight" has become the army day of the people's liberation army.

  Through the query I know the history of the bayi army day, know that the happy life of us now is there are so many of the blood of revolutionary martyrs, we should cherish the good life now, good good study, exercise, grow up to serve the motherland.


  Bayi army day, that day we eyas holiday squad players under the guidance of the teacher, with his small gift to the people's liberation army uncle sympathy misora Naomi.

  In the barracks, we saw many of the people's liberation army uncle, we said to uncles happy holiday. Our host a liberation army uncle brought we introduced the conference room, after we were seated, they introduced themselves one by one. Classmates when introducing yourself a nervous, didn't introduce themselves just said blessings and sat down. Lu teacher said you don't introduce themselves by name, class and grade? I was secretly laughing. After twenty or thirty minutes, we finished discussion, come out and uncles, we looked at the lens to laugh

  Through this sympathy, I feel very deep, the sun is very hot today, the temperature is very high, we wear short sleeve is too hot, and the people's liberation army uncles still wearing long-sleeved pants, although they were sweating, and no one shout shout tired, quickly called hot, I admire them that spirit, I want to learn from the people's liberation army uncle! Later in the learning process, encounter difficulty, I also want to the people's liberation army uncle don't call tired, not having to study hard to overcome difficulties, do a good student, intelligence and physique full scale development


  August 1st is the PLA day. It comes from the nanchang uprising led by the communist party of China during the democratic revolution. Nanchang uprising on August 1, 1927, the opening shots in what may be the communist party of China armed opposition kuomintang reactionaries first gun, marks China's entry into the independent leadership of the communist party of China the armed revolution in the new period, marks the birth of China's new people's army.
  In July 1933, the provisional central government of the Soviet republic of China decided on August 1 to commemorate the founding of the red army of China, the predecessor of the people's liberation army. From then on, August 1 became the people's liberation army army day. During the army's day, all parts of China will focus on the activities of "the master of the army, the people of the people" and the birth of the people's army.


  Eighty years ago today, in nanchang, a makeshift army took over the city.
  They were faced with a flood of enemies outside the city.
  A few days later, the city of nanchang changed hands, and the troops were scattered.
  One of the army's commanders was zhou enlai. He and his comrades did not give up. Even in the face of an almost invincible enemy, the small army, which had been reorganized in the days to come, struggled to survive in the wild mountains.
  Crisis and misery still do not pass them a moment; The endless battle turned them into steel, eventually turning into a hot iron that swept through China, changing the fate of hundreds of millions of people, leaving an epic poem that was never seen before.
  The army is now called the people's liberation army. The age of legend has long since ended, and it is now made up of a group of mortals, with many virtues and inadequacies, compared with the elite armies of the elite.
  But it is, after all, is the Chinese army in the one hundred years of countless Chinese troops only can effectively defend their countries, our nation had not even any such basic ability.
  And the starting point of all this is that summer morning, 80 years ago. As the few people who have not been defended by the king, I can only congratulate him on "happy birthday" and pray for the future of our nation.

