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【#英语资源# 导语】童年是纯真、难忘的岁月,身处童年的我每天都在编织着美丽的故事。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《难忘的童年英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.难忘的童年英语作文 篇一

  In my childhood, there were many interesting things, but the most unforgettable thing was: stealing sweet potatoes.

  In my house, only my sister and I were left. We felt bored. We walked around and saw the sweet potatoes placed by our neighbors. So, we took several sweet potatoes and almost finished eating his sweet potatoes. When the neighbors came out, we hid in the house. The neighbors came to see their sweet potatoes. They saw that there were fewer sweet potatoes. After counting, there were fewer sweet potatoes. Finally, he was sure that there were fewer sweet potatoes. So, He was furious and said angrily, "Who took my sweet potato, and I will catch her next time." At this time, my sister and I were still laughing in the room!

  A few days later, the neighbor's house was putting sweet potatoes again. My sister and I decided to eat his sweet potatoes again. When we were halfway through the meal, the neighbor found us and looked at us secretly. We were unprepared and eating without fear. At that time, the neighbor came, He said, "You are stealing my sweet potatoes!" We hurriedly said, "Sorry, sorry, we stole your sweet potatoes just because we were greedy. I'm really sorry!" The neighbor said, "Why do you eat secretly? If you want to eat, tell me, and I'll give you." Then we realized that the neighbor was furious because we didn't tell him, He ate the sweet potato secretly. Then we hurriedly said, "We won't do this again." Later, our neighbors invited us to eat a lot of sweet potatoes until we were full.

  Childhood is the most unforgettable for me, and stealing sweet potatoes is also the most unforgettable!

2.难忘的童年英语作文 篇二

  Everyone has a colorful childhood, and has the most interesting and unforgettable things in childhood. Why don't you tell me? oh Let me say first, OK! The most interesting and unforgettable thing in my childhood is the little farce that happened when I was five years old.

  I remember that day was the fifth day of the Chinese New Year. It was my grandpa's birthday. My second sister and I are rehearsing the program and preparing to show it to everyone after dinner. However, when we rehearse, adults often peep. In order to surprise the adults and prevent them from peeping during our rehearsal, the second sister took paper and pen and wrote a note with the words "Do not disturb!" and pasted it on the door. I was very curious, so I asked the second sister, "What did you write, sister?" "I wrote 'Don't disturb!'" I asked curiously, "Sister, where is' small disturbance '?" "What is' small disturbance'?" My sister was confused by me. I was a little unhappy. I went to my mother with pursed lips and told her about it. After listening to what I said, my mother touched my head and couldn't help laughing. The adults beside me also laughed. When I saw the appearance of adults, I was even more unhappy. My mouth was raised higher, and I explained to myself: "If there is a big disturbance, there is a small disturbance. My sister wrote only a big disturbance, but there is no small disturbance. I asked where is the small disturbance. Is there anything wrong?" After listening to my "high opinion", everyone laughed even more, and Grandma began to wipe tears hurriedly.

  Later, I understood the meaning of "don't disturb" after my sister explained it.

  oh At that time, how simple and naive I was!

  Well, my story is over. It's time to tell your story!

3.难忘的童年英语作文 篇三

  Everyone has an unforgettable childhood, even some will be unforgettable for life.

  In my memory, my father and mother opened a drugstore and sold animal medicine. They were very busy and sometimes didn't even have time to see me. Sometimes my mother took me back from kindergarten and put me in the backyard to let me play alone.

  The yard is not very big. There are wooden bars, iron bars and large blocks of shed. Some loofah and other things were planted on the side of the wall. The vines climbed along the wall to the shed wall, and produced many melons, large and small. They hung down from the shed and swayed with the wind, which was very beautiful.

  At that time, I was only three or four years old. My family was near the main road. The roaring cars came and went. They were always afraid that I would run into danger on the road. They took me back from kindergarten and put me in the yard alone to prevent me from going out. After a long time, they become bored. One evening, while they were not paying attention, I sneaked out of the door gap in the backyard, walked along the road, came to the yard of a bank, and played alone. Everything here is new to me. The cicadas in the trees and the ants on the ground all attract me. It was dark before I knew it, and I still didn't mean to go back.

  Suddenly, my mother's cry "light rain..." came from a distance. I looked up and found that it was dark all around. It was so scary. I couldn't help crying. My mother heard my voice, rushed over, held me in her arms, and cried bitterly. Later, I learned that my father and mother started all the relatives and neighbors to find me. They thought I was abducted by traffickers and would never see me again.

4.难忘的童年英语作文 篇四

  "The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke.". What a nice day! In my childhood, I also had such days.

  It was the Qingming Festival holiday, and I went to Swan Square with Mingming and Xiaoyun to fly kites. Both Mingming and Xiaoyun's kites are small mermaids, while mine is a big purple pug. After taking out the kite, we began to fly it with great enthusiasm.

  The morning wind is very refreshing. As soon as my pug pulled it, it flew up. The wind began to blow up, and the pug flew higher and higher with my joy. My heart also flew up with the pug and flew to a carefree place. The pug was not willing to be bound by me, and tried to break free. The thread in my hand was getting longer and longer.

  Look at them again. Xiaoyun just ran with her kite but forgot to drag it. It was funny that she always dropped the chain at the critical moment. Xiaoyun complained to her mother, "Mom, the kite must be broken, otherwise how can it not be put up? Let's buy another one

  Finally, after several failures, Xiaoyun was a little discouraged. So, Xiaoyun and Mingming put pugs together. With our unity and cooperation, the pug flew higher. Kites are like me, I am like kites. Under the breeze, kites fly high and dreams fly. Countless failures can make kites fly higher and higher. So is life.

  Blue sky, blue clouds, happy days, the sun father-in-law witnessed our growth. Countless kites carry countless childhood dreams, fly with the wind and integrate with the blue sky. I hope my life can ride the wind and waves like this kite, go forward bravely, and create colorful brilliance. Unforgettable childhood kites.

5.难忘的童年英语作文 篇五

  Childhood is like withered leaves. We can't return to the tree, but we can remember them.

  Once, my uncle and I went to his orchard to see if the fruit was ripe. Haha, most of the fruit was ripe, but a small part was not ripe. I asked my uncle, "Uncle, these fruits are not ripe yet. How can we make them ripen faster?" "No, we have to wait."

  I thought: Don't you let the fruit ripen? Don't you cook it with fire! I thought about planting a few unripe fruits and returning home.

  "Yeah! No one is at home." I said happily, because no one cares about me. I quickly put the fruit into the pot and cooked it

  I boiled the fruits for more than ten minutes, and then I took them out. "Why? Why are they still green?" I said to myself, and then I put them back into the pot and cooked them again.

  After another ten minutes, I took them out again. They were still green. "Damn, why are they still green?" I was so angry that I put them back into the pot.

  Half an hour later, I said, "It should be ripe this time!" I came to the kitchen and saw that the fruit was still green. I really had some questions: "Ah, the fruit is boiled, how is it still green?"

  When I didn't understand it, Grandma came back. She saw the kitchen smoking and hurried in. When she saw me standing there, she asked me, "What's the matter?" "Boil the fruit, but how can it be undercooked?" Grandma laughed and told me how the fruit is cooked.

  ha-ha! Now, whenever I think of it, I can't help laughing. Childhood, childhood, you are really unforgettable!
