

时间:2023-05-04 10:25:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

 Reinventing the Table

  An earth scientist has rejigged the periodic table1 to make chemistry simpler to teach to students. 1 But Bruce Railsback from the University of Georgia3 says he is the first to create a table that breaks with tradition and shows the ions of each element rather than just the elements themselves.

  “I got tired of breaking my arms trying to explain the periodic table to earth students,”he says, criss-crossing his hands in the air and pointing to different bits of a traditional table. 2 But he has added contour lines to charge density, helping to explain which ions react with which.

  “Geochemists just want an intuitive sense of what’s going on with the elements,” says Albert Galy from the University of Cambridge4. 3 4 He explains that sulphur, for example, shows up in three different spots — one for sulphide, which is found in minerals, one for sulphite, and one for sulphate, which is found in sea salt, for instance. He has also included symbols to show which ions arc nutrients, and which are common in soil or water. 5

  词汇: rejig /r i:dVi^/ n.调整,重新安排 ion /5aiEn/ n.离子 criss-cross /`krIsEkrCs/ v.交叉 proton /5prEutCn/ n.质子 geochemist n.地球化学家 sulphur /5sQlfE/ n.硫磺 sulphide /5sQlfaid/ n.硫化物 sulphite /5sQlfait/ n.亚硫酸盐 sulphate /5sQlfeit/ n.硫酸盐 nutrient /5nju:triEnt/ n.滋养物注释:

  1. the periodic table:元素周期表

  2. Mendeleev:门捷列夫

  3. the University of Georgia:乔治亚大学

  4. the University of Cambridge:剑桥大学练习:

  A There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drew it up in 1871. B Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have. C “I imagine this would be good for undergraduates.” D Railsback has listed some elements more than once. E And the size of element’s symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earth’s crust. F The traditional periodic table was well drawn.


  1. A 文章是讲重新发明周期表。第一段讲了一位地学科学家已经调整元素周期表,使得教学生化学时更容易些。接着是第二段。第一句是空白,需要填入。接下来的一句话是这么说的:乔治亚大学的 Bruce Railsback说他是第一个创造性地创作了这样一个表的,他突破了传统,显示了每个元素的离子而不只是元素本身。 A的

  意思是:自从 1871年门捷列夫画出元素周期表以来,许多人试图重新设计周期表。“第一个”这个信息很重要。按照从一般到具体的行文规律,前一句话应当是一般性的描述。 A符合这个条件。

  2. B 第三段的第一句话是这么说的:“在给地学学生们解将元素周期表时我的手臂都要累坏了,”他说时在空中来回移动他的两只手,指点传统周期表中不同的元素。这一句话是讲 Bruce Railsback重新制作元素周期表的原因。从主题发展来看,这句话似乎跟上文连不上,但这是一篇报道,插入了一些背景信息和其他人的评论。从第二段的昀后一句话来看 B比较合适,因为都是讲元素。 B说的是: Railsback仍然按照元素所有的质子数排列元素。注意: D也是讲元素。但是 B中有“仍然” (still)这个词,它是衔接第二段的昀后一句话的。

  3. C第四段是剑桥大学的 Albert Galy对 Bruce Railsback重新创造的元素周期表的评论。评论常常用原话。引号表明 C是原话。

  4. D 第五段需填入主题句。主题句常常是概括性的。从第五段提供的信息来看,“硫磺” (sulphur)这个元素在三个地方出现,因此 D是正确的。 D说的是:有些元素 Railsback列了一次以上。

  5. E 第六段的第一句讲到了符号。 E也是讲符号,其他的选项都没有讲,因此应选 E。

