

时间:2022-04-27 14:31:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A Laboratory Turns Deadly Insect Venom into Medicine
To most of us, medicine comes from a drugstore. But originally, much of the medicine developed in the last century came from natural sources: plants, bacteria and fungi.
Now, a group of scientists in Great Britain are hoping to develop a medicine from poisonous insects. They are researching whether the deadly venom of some insects can work against bacteria that make people sick.
Venomtech laboratory
About 400 insects live in plastic containers in the Venomtech laboratory. Each container has an image of a skull and crossbones. The images warn that a bite from the insects inside can be anything from painful to downright deadly.
The venom from these insects contains hundreds of chemical components. Each component has a different target and effect.
Medical researchers, such as Venomtech managing director Steven Trim, separate the venom into its component parts. Then they create a library of those components, looking for the ones that could be turned into new drugs.
毒液科技总裁斯蒂芬·特瑞姆(Steven Trim)等医学研究人员将这些毒液分离成各自的组成成分,然后创建一个成分资料库,看哪些成分可以被转化为新药。
"Some of them we found can kill bacteria, bacteria like E.Coli and staphylococcus, so they're very relevant at the moment where modern medicines (are) failing. And we're also finding venoms that are modifying and killing cancer cells."
Finding new ways to kill bacteria is important to researchers. One reason is because people have used antibiotics so much that some bacteria can now resist it.

