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【#英语资源# 导语】灿烂阳光把你照,健康成功把你抱,快乐好运跟你跑,丢掉烦恼多微笑,友情花开分外俏,幸福与你相伴老!国庆快乐不许少!以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  On the morning of National Day, after I washed, I began to prepare my clown breakfast in the kitchen. I prepared the fruits and vegetables I like to eat, as well as a piece of bread, and began to cook.

  I first made the whole face of the clown with bread, smeared a layer of salad sauce on the face, then used two tomato slices as eyes, glued them to the bread, cut half of the banana into three sections, one section as the clown's nose, the other two sections as the clown's ears, and finally cut half of the cucumber into pieces to make teeth, glued them between two pieces of lettuce with salad sauce to make a mouth, and a clown's face was presented to us.

  It seems that the clown's face is almost ready, but I always feel awkward, as if I lack something. I looked carefully at the lack of eyebrows, so I took a corn cooked by my mother, dug out corn kernels, and combined them into the shape of eyebrows, glued them above my eyes, and a clown's face could be seen completely.

  Just when I was about to enjoy the fruits of hard work, my mother came over and said, "You clown's face is not finished yet." I asked my mother, "Where is it not?" Mother said, "Where's the clown's hair?" As soon as I saw that he was really a bald clown, I went to the room to find "Polly seaweed", tore it to make my hair and stuck it on my head with salad sauce, so my breakfast was finished.

  I was salivating. I ate my hard work like a hungry wolf. The food produced by my own labor was much better than that made by my mother. I will learn more about all kinds of breakfasts when I am free.


  This National Day, I spent it at my grandfather's house in the countryside.

  Ah! The sky is sunny and clear. My little partner and I are playing in the field. A little partner suggested, "Let's cook for ourselves, OK?" Everyone shouted: "Good!" We each ran home to prepare. I trotted all the way. I ran to my grandpa's house breathlessly. I said to my grandpa, "Grandpa, can I take a small bamboo basket with me?" "Take it if you want!" Grandpa said casually. Before grandpa could speak, I picked up the basket and rushed out like an arrow.

  I walked to the rice field. On the way, I saw the rice field smelling of rice and the farmer uncle who was busy in the field.

  I picked a basket of vegetables. The children who lived near my home also brought raw rice, pots and some tools. After we have prepared the tools and materials, we will start cooking? After a while, the meal was cooked, and I couldn't wait to try our own craft.

  After we had eaten and drunk enough, we lay on the ground and saw a curl of smoke rising above the roofs of each house, like girls in white gauze dancing gracefully in the sunset.

  This meaningful activity has deepened the friendship between friends and learned some skills. The most important thing is to taste your own skills and get happiness!


  Everyone's National Day has many happy and interesting things, of course, I am no exception. My National Day is like a gourd jar, which contains sweet and sour tastes. The "water war" on that day is still fresh in my memory.

  I remember that we were playing in the courtyard in front of Grandma's house that day. I don't know who proposed to play water war, but we all agreed, so everyone went home to get water guns.

  However, there is no water gun in Jincheng, only my family has a long water gun. My "water gun" is like a long bamboo stick. The water gun has a large capacity and is easy to fill with water. It can shoot a lot of water at a time, shooting far away. The two of us took turns to play. One shot scored one point, and the cumulative score of 10 points could be increased one more time. So we agreed to shoot three times in a row.

  After the stones, scissors and cloth, the water war began. I took the initiative and shot two shots at Jincheng. He quickly dodged. I only shot one of the two shots. Not good. Jincheng took the water gun and sprayed it proudly into the sky. Wow, the water from the water gun turned into small drops of water and splashed on my head. Unexpectedly, I was hit twice by his fancy shooting. I sum up my previous experience and shoot in circles to make Jincheng drive nowhere to escape. When he tried to hide, I quickly filled the water and aimed at him twice to kill him! The water pistol came to Jincheng again. I saw that he was holding the water pistol towards me, and I ran away. He chased me closely. I thought his water gun was out of water. As soon as I stopped, the water from the back half of his water gun came towards me. Wow! I was successfully attacked by him.

  When I was watering, Jinchengkai found a place to hide first. I carefully observed and found a figure on the ground behind the door, ha ha! He must be hiding there. I went quietly to shoot. Ha ha! He has nowhere to escape. I'm not happy. When he shot the second shot, he walked around the car, and I quickly implemented my strategy - chasing and shooting. Then, a picture appeared in the yard: a long water gun, full of ponds, screaming, laughing, shooting, you run and I shoot, you run and I chase. Although we are all "fighting alone", we have a lot of fun

  In a twinkling of an eye, two hours passed and Grandma went home. She shouted: "Look at your clothes are wet, come back quickly to take a bath and change your clothes." So we started a "sprint race" again

  This water battle has been going on for several days, but when I think about it, I think it is very funny and interesting.


  Today is a special day. You must know! Today is National Day. How are you. I had a good time, especially those three things that I will never forget.

  Fun 1: As soon as my parents and I finished eating, we went to the pedestrian street. Along the way, the pedestrian street was crowded. If my father hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't have recognized the pedestrian street. There are green and luxuriant trees everywhere. I didn't expect to see such a big change in the pedestrian street just a few days ago. It's so called that Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden. This trip really opened my eyes. Eh, why are there so many people around there! Go and have a look. Wow! It was the drum team that cheered us up to celebrate the National Day. Only the old grannies were energetic and beating drums rhythmically. This is also a hot spot in the pedestrian street.

  Fun 2: In the afternoon, our family and my grandfather went to Tianxia Fishing Village to have dinner together. One of the characteristics here is that you should cook what you want now. When I heard this, I said, "I will make the order today." Then he ran to Dianlai. Wow! There are so many fish here! There are eels, Chinese sturgeons, and sea saints... everything. Otherwise, how can we call it Tianxia Fishing Village! I ordered a plate of bitter snails. I heard that I could lose weight. I also ordered a dish of braised fish and iron plate beef... Everyone praised my order.

  Fun 3: After eating, my parents and I went straight to Huangfeng Mountain Park. Once I entered, the Puxian Opera played here attracted me. Not that they played well, but that the old people who played the erhu accompanied them on the stage. I saw from below that there was no discrepancy in his fingers, and his head was sweating. It seems that I have totally devoted myself to it. I am so envious of it. I also made up my mind to learn Erhu well here, and I will grow up as powerful as them.

  I'm so happy this National Day.


  Today, I went to my hometown of Zongyang and did a very interesting thing: fishing.

  After lunch, Dad quickly took the shovel to dig earthworms in Grandma's vegetable field and carefully dug earthworms under the stones. As for me, I took a small box to hold the earthworms my father had dug. Finally, my father threw some soil into the small box. I asked my father, "What is this?" Dad said, "This is to prevent earthworms from creeping out." Then I took the fishing rod and bait to fish.

  Because of the drought this year, many wild fish ponds have dried up, so we can only go fishing in a private pond. Dad first pinched the earthworm into a section, and then put the earthworm on the hook. Finally, Dad threw the hook into the water a few meters away and started fishing.

  I observed the water surface, which formed an irregular polygon. At this time, my father saw the hook move, and immediately pulled it up. As a result, the fish did not catch it, and the bait was eaten away by the fish. In this way, I fished back and forth for several times without catching any fish. At last, the owner of the fish pond found us and we fled home.

  Although I came back empty handed this time, I learned that fishing should be patient, just like learning.


  During the National Day holiday, my sister came back from Wuhan to attend my uncle's wedding. We had fun together. In addition, there is another interesting thing that we will never forget.

  The aunt bought a camera with film for her sister. My mother said that they used this kind of camera to take pictures when they were young. After the photo is taken, the film should be developed to get the photo. We took many photos with this camera. Because we are so curious, we can't wait to see what kind of photos this camera takes. So I discussed with my sister and decided to develop our own photos. I asked my sister, "Do you know how to develop photos?" My sister said, "I don't know. Let's try washing with water first!" We quickly ran to the tap and put the film under it to develop. After washing for a long time, I can't see the scene on the photo, and the film is still dark. We soaked the film in the water basin again, but after a while we still couldn't see it. Finally, we had to put the film back quietly.

  My sister asked her mother carefully, "Auntie, please ask me a question. How can I develop photos?" Mom told us that we should take the film to the dark room and soak it in a special solution to wash it. After listening, we burst into laughter.

  So our method is wrong! Our wrong method brings us an interesting memory!


  Because the first two days are not beautiful, I can only stay at home and read to pass the time. Today, the immortal was in a good mood, and the sky finally cleared up. I pestered my parents to take me out to play, and Qianduo Chrysanthemum Field became our first stop.

  Three of our family and my ` good friend Hanhan's family came to the destination happily. After swiping the card, we entered the garden. We walked across the bridge with the flow of people and turned eastward into a path paved with wood. On the right side of the path is a long river, while on the left side of the path are chrysanthemum fields. The chrysanthemum land is divided by the color and variety of chrysanthemums. What came into view was a rose red chrysanthemum field in full bloom, and bees were busy collecting honey from the flowers. Hanhan and I rushed into the flowers like two little rabbits happily, shouting for our mother to take this beautiful picture for us. Next is a pink chrysanthemum field. There are eight pink petals inlaid with yellow pearl like stamens. It's really beautiful! Smell it, and there is a faint fragrance.

  "Hey, there is a small tower in front of us!" Han Han pointed to the small tower surrounded by vendors selling drinks and windmills in front. She and I looked at each other and ran to the tower with a laugh. We climbed to the top of the tower and looked into the distance. There were rivers crisscrossing in the chrysanthemum field, and rectangular chrysanthemum fields floated in the water like neatly cut calico.

  We continued to walk in the sea of flowers and looked at the chrysanthemums carefully. Although a few chrysanthemums were "embarrassed" because of the rain wash a few days ago, it did not affect the overall beauty of the chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum flowers and leaves are single-layer, double-layer, and multi-layer overlapping. Some chrysanthemums hold their heads high and look at tourists directly; Some chrysanthemums are shy and droop their heads. Some are in bud, some are in full bloom... The colors are more colorful, including romantic pink and flamboyant red; There is golden yellow, and there is white like snow... How can we not let tourists linger on such a beautiful scene!

  At the request of our two "little devils", we boarded a small cruise ship with an old lady. While rowing the oars, the old lady kept yelling at the tourists on the bank for business. The sun was red and looked down at the earth. The wind doll got into my hat mischievously. If I hadn't pressed it with my hands, the hat would have been taken away by the wind. Looking at the sparkling river, I couldn't help but stretch out my hand to play in the water, but was stopped by my sharp eyed wife in good faith.

  Under the guidance of my father, we went to Kongming Che (also known as the water cart), the oldest irrigation tool in China, and experienced the life of an ancient farmer irrigating the land. Hanhan and I scrambled to climb up the round wooden pole with pedals, and kicked up hard. But we started panting after a few kicks. Looking at the water in the river being brought to the field with the rotation of the log, I can't help praising the wisdom of the ancients.

  During this trip, I not only enjoyed the beautiful chrysanthemum scenery, but also experienced the wisdom and hard work of ancient people. It's a worthwhile trip!


  On the night of National Day, accompanied by my mother, I came to the West River of Jiujiang Rulin Square to watch fireworks.

  The fireworks display has not started yet, and the Yanjiang Avenue and the Rulin Square are full of people. I really hope that the fireworks can start soon so that I can see it at a glance.

  Suddenly, a "bang" startled us. Quickly looked up at the sky and found that fireworks started to set off, and the crowd became boiling.

  Wow! The fireworks are colorful and beautiful. The beautiful fireworks add infinite vitality to the dark sky. Some fireworks are called Sparks Sparkling. When the fireworks rush into the sky, they are like a white rocket. They rush into the sky, that is, they spread out. The fireworks begin to be red, flash, turn green, and then scatter on the earth, like green stars falling from the Milky Way. Some fireworks are called colorful butterflies flying. These fireworks swim to the sky like happy fish. When they bloom, they stretch here and there like white buds. They slowly stretch out. Their charming smiling faces are very beautiful.

  At last, a red fireworks was set off, which fell slowly like red lanterns blinking. These countless lanterns, like my mood at this time, are reluctant to give up, hoping to set off fireworks for a longer time.

  I hope the fireworks on National Day are more beautiful every year, which symbolizes the prosperity and prosperity of our country.

  I love fireworks on National Day night, and I love my motherland even more!


  On the National Day this year, I took the train to Ji'an and went to my grandmother's house to play. An interesting thing happened there.

  On October 2, the second day of the holiday, I got up before seven o'clock. Then our family quickly finished breakfast and took a taxi to the railway station. After about an hour, we arrived at the railway station. Then we took our suitcases to the ticket gate. We had to say that there were too many tourists these days. We waited in line for half an hour to get the tickets. When we saw the time, there were only five minutes left. We rushed to the ticket gate to check our tickets. It happened that the train had just arrived at the waiting room when it entered the station, so we went to the train without stopping. When we got to the fire and sat down, after a while, the train started, and the scenery outside the window flashed quickly.

  At noon, the train finally arrived at the station. As soon as I left the station, I saw my second aunt and my cousin meet us at the gate of the station. I went to greet them happily. After lunch, we sat in the second aunt's car and grandma's house. When we got off the car, grandma welcomed us happily in the local dialect. Although I still can't understand the dialect there, I can see from grandma's happy face that grandma is happy that we can come here to play. Then we took our luggage out of the car and went to Grandma's house. We walked around several alleys and finally got to Grandma's house. Grandma's house was built during the Anti Japanese War. In addition, the people there lived by farming, so it was just a brick house. Although this house was very old, it was still undamaged by the years. As soon as we entered the gate, we noticed a pile of sweet potatoes in the corner. Those sweet potatoes were obviously much larger than those in the city, and compared with those in the city that were grown with the growth hormone, The color is much better than the sweet potato.

  As soon as we put down our luggage, my uncle and my little cousin came with an electric tricycle. He also brought his new light blue bike. I was very excited when I saw the bike. I asked the cousin, "Can I play with the bike?"? If you lend me a ride, I can take you to the road next to the rice field; I let you sit behind me and take you on a bike. Because he just bought this bike, he can't ride it yet. As soon as he heard this, he jumped up happily. After we talked to the adults, we pushed the bike from Grandma's house and walked out of the alley. I asked my cousin to sit down first. I pushed the bike quickly for a few steps, then sat in the chair and stepped on the pedal vigorously. The car quickly drove forward. After a while, a downhill appeared in front of me. I stopped stepping on the pedal vigorously and let the car slip down by itself, When I step on the pedal hard on the gentle road, my bike will move forward at the same speed as an electric car. I feel the wind blowing all over my face and I feel very comfortable.

  I spent a few days at my grandmother's house. These days, I went to climb mountains, fish in the river and catch shrimp. After another day of playing in Ji'an from Grandma's house, I got on the train and returned home.


  Hope, hope, finally hope to come to the National Day holiday, the second aunt's family also came from Anhui to reunite with us.

  On October 4, eight of us went to a grandpa's house in Laohekou to pick persimmons. My uncle drove on the rugged mountain road. The scenery on both sides of the mountain road was beautiful and comfortable. There were rolling green mountains and lush trees. All the way, our car kept laughing and laughing.

  When we arrived at Laohekou's grandpa's house, grandpa took us to walk to the persimmon tree and saw two tall persimmon trees. The persimmons on the trees were red like red lanterns. Beside the persimmon trees, there were golden corn and white cotton, yellow and white, very beautiful. I started to pick persimmons. I was excited to climb to the tree and pick a persimmon. I couldn't help biting it down. The persimmon was sweet to my heart. The aunts were not idle either. Some took long poles to pick persimmons, and some put persimmons in the blue. Look, my uncle climbed between the two persimmon trees like a quick monkey to pick persimmons. Sister Yao Yao on the other side recorded the busy and interesting pictures of each of us in her DV.

  On the way home, everyone was dirty and tired, but looking at our work and the interesting pictures in DV, we were more intoxicated and happy. It was a happy and unforgettable day!
