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【#英语资源# 导语】端午是“飞龙在天”的吉祥日子,龙及龙舟文化始终贯穿在端午节的传承历史中。端午节是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《端午节英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.端午节英语作文 篇一

  Some people like Mid Autumn Festival, some people like Children's Day, some people like Youth Day, and I like the passionate Dragon Boat Festival best, because the Dragon Boat Festival can not only eat Zongzi, but also wear beautiful bags.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, Zongzi and wormwood leaves are mixed together and have a unique charm. Today, Teacher Hour asked us to make a wallet. Because I had never made a wallet before, I arrived in the classroom early and couldn't wait for Teacher Hour to arrive.

  After class, the teacher probably explained how to do it when I was an hour old. My eyes lit up and I was ready to do it, but making a wallet wasn't that simple. Oh! It's broken again! " "I was discouraged and said.". First, fold it from the front of the cloth, seal the two openings with a needle and thread, and put wormwood in it. I can't help but think of the wallet Grandma gives me every year. It not only looks beautiful, but also has a special fragrance. It's difficult to embroider a purse needle. Grandma takes pains to wear a new purse for me every year. This year, I will also make a wallet for my grandmother. Suddenly, a thought flashed into my mind, "I started sewing again, refreshed myself, and remade."

  I looked out of the window, packed my schoolbag, took the wallet in my hand, and embarked on the road home, thinking about how happy my grandmother would be to see the wallet I personally sent.

2.端午节英语作文 篇二

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Early in the morning, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy Zongzi after washing up. We were afraid that we would sell out. After buying Zongzi, we happily returned home and prepared to taste it. I first peeled the reed leaves from Zongzi, wow! It's such a precious delicacy that my mouth dribbles when I look at it. I couldn't bear to take a bite, it was delicious!

  My mother sat on the sofa and looked at my happy face. She said to me with a smile, "Xiao Yu, let me tell you a children's song about the Dragon Boat Festival. On May 5, it's the Dragon Boat Festival. It's the Dragon Boat Festival; it's the Dragon Boat Festival; it's the Dragon Boat Festival; it's the Dragon Boat Festival; it's the Dragon Boat Festival; it's the Dragon Boat Festival; it's the day of May 5; it's the Dragon Boat Festival; it's the day to insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets; eat zongzi? She wore a necklace of red, yellow, blue, white, and black silk threads around her neck. It was beautiful and cute! Some children wear it on their wrists or ankles, which is called "Long Life Chai.". "Oh, I see. What about dragon boat rowing and eating Zongzi?" I asked curiously. "Dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi are the main activities of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that the purpose of dragon boat racing is to salvage the patriotic poet who died when he threw Zongzi into the Miluo River. Throwing zongzi into the river is to let fish, shrimp and crabs eat enough to stop eating Qu Yuan's body." Mother said meaningfully.

  It dawned on me. I like the nursery rhymes of the Dragon Boat Festival, and I prefer the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival.

3.端午节英语作文 篇三

  It is the Dragon Boat Festival again, why do you send love sickness for food. According to the customs of the Central Plains, when the Dragon Boat Festival comes, we will make Zongzi, boil eggs, boil garlic, fry sugar cakes, and burn wormwood leaves. In short, take advantage of this traditional holiday to have a delicious meal for the whole family. Although there is no big fish and big meat to satisfy one's craving during the New Year, these rich delicacies are also rare on weekdays.

  Food is paramount to the people. In the past, as long as it was a festival, it was mostly related to eating. Even on the Tomb Sweeping Festival and the Ghost Festival on the first day of October, we will put some offerings for the dead. For this reason, when studying the development history of China, some writers, historians, and archaeologists will find that our development history of over 5000 years is a history of the development of catering culture. When the connotation of eating is rich, and when eating is no longer the goal we strive for, this era must be a prosperous era; When the people are starving and starving, there is either war or famine.

  As our living standards improve, we should better inherit the culture related to eating. Behind every folk festival, there is the essence of our Chinese culture. If we only think about what to eat on every holiday, then the spirit of our ancestors in heaven will not forgive us. In order to give us more time to enjoy the happiness and reflection brought by historical, cultural, and folk festivals, the government has designated certain festivals as legal holidays in recent years.

4.端午节英语作文 篇四

  The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival. On the Dragon Boat Festival, little monkeys, wormwood, and peach tree branches are hung on the beams of every house. On the Dragon Boat Festival, every family eats Zongzi, and every family is happy.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I was sleeping when my mother quietly walked to my bed and tied the multicolored thread on my hands and feet. In the morning, as soon as I got up, I thought there were multicolored lines on my feet, which were colorful like rainbows.

  In the morning, when I finished eating, I asked my mother something. I said, "Is there any story about the Dragon Boat Festival?" My mother said, "There is a patriotic poet named Qu Yuan who celebrates the Dragon Boat Festival." Then I told me the story of Qu Yuan. After listening to it, I said, "I see, so it is!"

  At noon, Grandma was washing the leaves and making Zongzi. I asked my grandma, "Grandma, what are you washing?" Grandma said, "I'm making Zongzi." I said, "Can I make it with you?" Grandma said, "Yes." I said, "Grandma, why should I eat Zongzi?" Grandma said, "Remember Qu Yuan." I said, "Why?" Grandma said: "Qu Yuan was a great poet. At that time, the State of Qin wanted to attack their country. He advocated uniting against Qin, but the emperor refused to allow it. Later, their country was defeated, and Qu Yuan was ashamed. So he jumped into the river with a stone in his arms." I said, "Qu Yuan is really great. We should remember him."

  In the evening, my mother and I went to the street to play, and I saw something selling small monkeys, peach tree branches, and so on. On the Dragon Boat Festival, there are all kinds of Zongzi on the street.

  When we got home, we ate Zongzi. I like Zongzi. The whole family is happy together. We are very happy.

  We all like to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, and every year, we spend it with laughter and laughter.

5.端午节英语作文 篇五

  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival. This day commemorates the great poet Qu Yuan of our country.

  Speaking of Qu Yuan, a great poet, I think of a historical story. During the Warring States Period, the State of Chu was conquered by the Qin army, and Qu Yuan couldn't bear to see his country perish. Finally, he jumped into the Miluo River with a stone on the Dragon Boat Festival and died. Later, in order not to let the fish in the Miluo River eat Qu Yuan's body, they threw Zongzi into the river one by one, and rowed a dragon shaped boat to find Qu Yuan's body. This has formed the custom of dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi

  Besides eating Zongzi and rowing dragon boats, there are also customs of hanging wormwood and drinking realgar wine! However, I still like the custom of eating Zongzi best.

  In the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother always goes to the vegetable market early to buy materials for Zongzi: zongzi leaves, glutinous rice, red dates, etc. After buying all the materials, you can start to make Zongzi! First, overlap two pieces of zongzi leaves; Then, ladle some glutinous rice and red dates; Next, press the upper zongzi leaf downward against the opening; Finally, tie the Zongzi tightly with a rope, and a cute little Zongzi will be wrapped! From a distance, it looks like miniature hills! Mother put the wrapped Zongzi into the pot to cook. While waiting for Zongzi, I was so worried that my mouth watered when I thought about Zongzi. Every ten minutes, I asked my mother: "Mom! Is Zongzi ready?" I waited and waited until I ran into the kitchen and saw my mother lift the lid of the pot. Wow! It's so fragrant! Little Zongzi are like little green dolls in the pot. Some seem to be swimming, some seem to be smiling at me, and some seem to be playing games.

  I can't wait to peel off the leaves and bite, wow! It's really delicious! My mother and I ate a big Zongzi alone. We were so satisfied!

  The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals and a symbol of Chinese culture. We should inherit these national cultures. I like to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival!
