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【#英语资源# 导语】迎端午,共欢度,幸福常在心中驻;喝黄酒,贴五毒,年年岁岁都有福;系百索,戴荷包,前途事业涨得高;吃粽子,送祝福,生活美满富足!端午辛福安康!以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. My mother woke us up early to take us to the market. I asked my mother, "what are we going to do?" Mother said, "today is the Dragon Boat Festival. It's just the market. I'll take you to the market." It's a new thing to go to the market. It's said that there are a sea of people in the market, and there are all kinds of Hawking. There are many people, just like all goods are free. I really want to see such a scene, so we set out immediately.

  It's really worthy of its reputation. There are all kinds of names, "delicious watermelon, 80 cents a kilogram, no money if it's not sweet!" "Come and see, come and buy, the manufacturer sells directly!" It's really noisy, and the goods are exquisite. Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival, there are many people selling zongzi, so the smell of zongzi is everywhere in the market. The attractive zongzi makes people salivate. My mother and I stopped in front of a stall. We bought two zongzi, sat down and began to eat. The outer skin of zongzi is wrapped with green zongzi bamboo leaves, which looks like a pyramid. When you open the bamboo leaves, you can see the green bamboo leaves, white glutinous rice and red jujubes. They are so attractive! I took a bite. Well, it's really delicious in the world! After visiting the market, I saw several partners. We played hide and seek together again. I chose a relatively hidden place. They failed to find me with great efforts. I poked my head out secretly and glanced at it. I saw that the others were caught. I was still silent. They were worried and mobilized all their partners to search the whole parking lot. Finally, I was caught.

  This Dragon Boat Festival, I not only ate delicious zongzi, but also had so much fun with my friends. It's really an interesting Dragon Boat Festival!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May. I want to eat zongzi.

  Early in the morning, my mother bought glutinous rice, Zongye, jujube and other materials for zongzi from the market to prepare zongzi.

  Speaking of this zongzi, it has a great origin. During the Warring States period, the great poet Qu Yuan threw himself into the river. The villagers nearby were afraid that the Jiaolong in the river would eat Qu Yuan, so they wanted to throw some food to the Jiaolong. What to vote for! Throw some rice handlebars, but the rice will disperse in the water. A villager thought of an idea. Wrap the rice grains with lotus leaves and tie them with ropes, and the rice will not disperse. Everyone followed suit, and zongzi was born. Every year, the fifth day of the first month is also known as the Dragon Boat Festival. Now, people eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Qu Yuan.

  When the ingredients are ready, they begin to make zongzi. First, take out two Zong leaves and fold them crosswise. Scoop up some glutinous rice leaves and put them on the glutinous rice leaves with a spoon. This step is the most important part of making zongzi. If you don't wrap it well, zongzi won't work. Naturally, I can't wrap it. I just fold it randomly and tie it with a rope. A zongzi is finished.

  Soon, the dumplings were steamed. When I opened the lid of the pot, I saw the dumplings I made. Either the rice is too little and collapses, or the rice grains are drilled out of the gap of Zongye. Although the appearance is not good, it is at least the crystallization of my labor. I still tasted it. Glutinous rice is full of the fragrance of zongzi leaves. It is soft and glutinous without sticky teeth. Jujube is also sweet and delicious.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, there are not only zongzi, but also dragon boats, Wormwood Leaves and realgar wine. When rowing a dragon boat, it can be said that it is very lively. Gongs and drums make the sky noisy, which makes the program more lively.

  Dragon Boat Festival, beautiful Dragon Boat Festival, lively Dragon Boat Festival, happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I came to grandma's house in the morning. As soon as I went in, I smelled the smell of zongzi, which made me intoxicated. I walked into the kitchen and saw many zongzi in the pot. I couldn't control my desire to eat them.

  I took out a zongzi from the pot and took a bite. It was very sweet. I tasted it carefully. I think my grandmother can be a cook.

  After eating zongzi, I went out of my house and climbed a mountain. I thought there were no people on the mountain, but as soon as I climbed up, there were still a lot of people. I wanted to be quiet, so I didn't go up with those people.

  After a while, I began to climb up. On the road, I looked at the beautiful scenery around me while walking. Sometimes I would take one or two photos with my mobile phone when I met beautiful scenery. I learned to climb up, and the more lush the trees on both sides, I couldn't express my happy mood in words.

  Halfway up the mountain, I was sweating, but I didn't feel tired at all. Because in the sunshine, the pine trees on the mountain look particularly lush. Suddenly, a gust of wind with the smell of soil and flowers made me happier.

  The scenery here reminds me of Taoyuan fairy Valley, but there is no running water here. If there is, it will be more beautiful.

  I shouted in the forest to express my mood at that time, but I didn't expect to wake up some birds. It seems that I disturbed them to rest. They chirped. In the eyes of others, this sound is just noise, but in my eyes, this sound is a beautiful piece of music!

  The sun has reached the top of me, and I want to go back. I went down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, I once saw the scenery of the mountain: it's really intoxicating!


  Today is a traditional festival - the Dragon Boat Festival.

  That day, Mr. Xu took us to Fulan castle and said he would give us a surprise!

  When I got to Fulan castle, I found a fat cook welcoming us at the door as soon as I went in! I looked at the right side. There was a rockery pool with lotus flowers, lotus leaves, and flexible and shy little goldfish. They saw me and hid all at once.

  The teacher led us upstairs, asked us to sit in the chairs we had arranged and told us some stories about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and Qu Yuan. I was fascinated. It turned out that there are so many cultures in the Dragon Boat Festival!

  Finally, I waited until the most intense activity - happy treasure hunt. The teacher was still talking about the rules, but my heart had already flown to the clouds, imagining the appearance of the treasure and thinking about where the treasure would be hidden? I use my golden eyes to shoot around. Where is the treasure?

  I finally found a coupon like a monkey jumping up and down in the game

  I ran to the teacher to answer the question. The first question baffled me. I was very worried when I saw that others had left early. Fortunately, the gifted father around me told me, and I hurriedly told Mr. Xu. After answering, I took a deep breath and rushed to my father's big stomach. I was so happy that I didn't know what to say.

  On the way home, I was very happy and thought: I had a really good time today. I not only gained knowledge, but also enjoyed myself. I really hope to have such a happy day!


  "Ding Ding!" The bell of the Dragon Boat Festival rings, and the annual Dragon Boat Festival is here again!

  I'm very excited because I can eat zongzi and watch the dragon boat race again.

  The zongzi we eat are made by ourselves. My grandmother and I first went to the market to buy glutinous rice and the leaves of zongzi. When we got home, I put the meat and egg yolk into the zongzi, then wrapped the zongzi into the leaves and formed a triangle, and finally steamed the raw zongzi. In this way, the delicious zongzi will be baked.

  We took some zongzi to the riverside and saw that the riverside was full of people. We finally squeezed in. It turned out that there were five "Dragons" across the river, and the long-awaited dragon boat race was about to begin. As the referee gave the order, the athletes rowed hard, and the drums were deafening, but the drummers remained calm, as if they were completely used to the sound.

  I just wanted to pick up the zongzi and start eating, but I accidentally slipped my hand and the zongzi rolled into the river. It's a pity that I have to stamp my feet, but my mother shows a careless look, which makes me a little strange. My mother is usually the most economical. I asked my mother why she didn't care this time. My mother said, "zongzi was originally used to throw into the river to commemorate Qu Yuan, the patriotic poet who threw into the river on the Dragon Boat Festival. The reason why people wrapped glutinous rice in Zongye was because they didn't want fish and shrimp to eat the sacrifice to Qu Yuan; the reason why dragon boat racing was to drive away fish and shrimp and prevent them from eating Qu Yuan's body."

  My heart pounded. Although I knew Qu Yuan was a patriotic poet, I heard that he threw himself into the river because he couldn't bear to see his motherland invaded, and I also knew the grandeur of Lisao. But I don't know that people love and respect the poet so much. After his death, they will race dragon boats and make zongzi to commemorate the poet. I think it is precisely because of Qu Yuan's talent and patriotism that he is so loved by everyone. Isn't that what we commemorate?

  Dragon Boat Festival, eating zongzi and racing dragon boats, we must inherit these historical and cultural traditions!


  As the saying goes: "hundreds of miles of different wind, thousands of miles of different customs." Indeed, although many festivals are unified in China, the ways of celebrating festivals in different places are different. Here, on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, every family eats zongzi and inserts Wormwood Leaves. My mother inserted Wormwood Leaves early in the morning. My mother said that Wormwood Leaves not only "ward off evil spirits", but also play a certain role in disease prevention.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother prepared the materials for making zongzi early. This year's Dragon Boat Festival, I also plan to show my hand. I began to make zongzi. My mother helped me prepare the filling and leaves of zongzi and taught me to make zongzi step by step. Mother said, "to make zongzi, first roll the Zongye into the size of zongzi you want." Mother gave me a demonstration as she spoke. "Then put glutinous rice in the rolled rice dumpling leaves, and press the glutinous rice tightly, so that the wrapped rice dumplings are delicious. Then, put one or two dates in the middle, and finally wrap the rice dumpling leaves and tie them with a rope." In this way, a lovely little zongzi will be wrapped.

  I couldn't wait to pick up the zongzi leaves, roll them into a special small "nest", and then wrap the zongzi according to the steps my mother taught me. But the "obedient" Zongye in my mother's hand was not "obedient" when I came here. Before I tied it with a rope, the stuffing was all exposed. It was wrapped several times in a row. I was a little discouraged. Mother saw my change and said to me with great sincerity: "there are difficulties in doing everything, but you can't bow your head in front of difficulties." After listening to my mother's words, I was embarrassed to give up, so I had to continue to pack.

  The zongzi I made finally came out. It was obviously defeated when it was put together with that made by my mother. Although it's not as good-looking as my mother's package, I'm still very happy because I finally learned to make zongzi. One morning passed. I made a lot of zongzi. I was very happy to see the fruits of my labor.

  The Dragon Boat Festival has passed. I feel happy eating zongzi made by myself.


  The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. The Dragon Boat Festival always changes days frequently in the Gregorian calendar, but in the lunar calendar, it is always the fifth day of May. The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, was a major day for disease elimination and epidemic prevention in the spring and Autumn period. After Qu Yuan died in the country, it became a day to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.

  In the Dragon Boat Festival, people have to race dragon boats, eat zongzi, hang wormwood and other activities, among which the essential thing is to eat zongzi. But my mother buys zongzi outside every year and has never made it by herself. This year, I want to make zongzi by myself, so I asked my mother to make delicious zongzi for me. Finally, at my request, my parents agreed.

  When all the materials were ready, my mother took out two pieces of pork, cut them into small pieces, soaked the glutinous rice in cold water for half an hour, and then washed the green zongzi leaves clean. "Since we make it ourselves, we'll make meat dumplings different from those outside." Mother smiled and said to me.

  Starting to pack zongzi, I saw my mother put three zongzi leaves in the palm of her hand, roll them into a small horn, put a layer of glutinous rice in it, then put a few pieces of pork, and then put a layer of glutinous rice. Finally, seal the mouth, press it tightly with your hand, pick up a zongzi thread with your right hand, and wrap it tightly around the zongzi for three times, followed by a perfect knot. The zongzi is even wrapped. I felt itchy, so I wrapped it like my mother, but it was either big or small, or I opened up and down, and the glutinous rice leaked out. "For the first time, that's good." With my mother's encouragement, I packed more vigorously. After a while, we packed a big pot.

  My mother cooked the zongzi in the pot for four hours. The long-awaited zongzi finally came out of the pot. When the lid was opened, a smell came to my nostrils, including the fragrance of zongzi leaves and the taste of pork. Finally, our family happily ate delicious zongzi.

  This Dragon Boat Festival is very meaningful. I not only ate the zongzi made by myself, but also knew the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and the story of Qu Yuan.


  Dragon Boat Festival is one of my two favorite festivals. I'll tell you how my family celebrates the festival!

  In the morning, my mother woke me up at 6:30 and said to prepare for the Dragon Boat Festival. At this time, I remembered that today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I put on my clothes immediately and set out with my mother. My mother took me to the morning market. I found that the morning market was red. When I looked closer, I found that they were all colorful threads and gourds. I liked all the things I saw, but my mother only bought me one. I picked one thing and another, and finally selected the most favorite and beautiful one. I thought so. I immediately put it on and went to grandma's house. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a wisp of fragrance. I immediately ran to the kitchen and saw the eggs on the plate Zongzi made my mouth water, but my mother said I could eat it at noon. Now you can eat an egg. Before my mother finished, I ran away with the egg.

  Soon it was noon. I ate zongzi, but I wondered why I ate Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival? Mother said: "it's to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. He died in the river on the fifth day of May. There's also a beautiful legend. When the gods in the sky were moved by Qu Yuan, they told the people that Qu Yuan would become gods in the past few days and never let fish and shrimp eat Qu Yuan's real body. Therefore, we put zongzi into the river to feed fish and shrimp. The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival, so we should eat zongzi." I finally understand.

  Today's Dragon Boat Festival, not only have fun, but also know the knowledge. I love the Dragon Boat Festival.


  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the most distinctive day in my hometown - the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is a very popular grand festival among the Chinese people. It is a festival set in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan.

  Today, we went to grandma's house for the Dragon Boat Festival. Before we got to the door, we smelled a pungent smell. It turned out that grandma was making fried cakes. I couldn't help but pick up one and put it in my mouth. Ah! It's delicious and crispy. My mother said that only in the annual Dragon Boat Festival can I eat this crisp and delicious cake.

  After a while, I saw my grandmother bring some grass and insert it on the door. I asked my grandmother strangely, "what's this?"

  My grandmother told me: "this is wormwood and Acorus calamus. Every household should insert it on the door during the Dragon Boat Festival, because their stems and leaves can produce strange fragrance, which can repel mosquitoes, flies, insects and ants, as well as evil spirits, that is, they can drive out bad things." I was surprised: it turned out that this grass has so many effects!

  During lunch, I found that there were eel and yellow croaker on the table. My mother told me: "on the Dragon Boat Festival, we should eat five yellows: Eel, yellow croaker, cucumber, salted egg yolk and realgar wine. Sprinkling realgar wine indoors can disinfect and sterilize. Drinking it is also very beneficial to people's health."

  Today, there are not only many delicious food, but also let me learn a lot of knowledge. I really enjoyed this Dragon Boat Festival!


  Waking up from my sweet sleep, I stretched and thought that today was the Dragon Boat Festival. I was so excited that I jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen to find my mother.

  "Mom, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, but I want to eat Zongzi!" As soon as I got into the kitchen, I shouted. I saw my mother like magic, from the bag "changed" a string of fat and big zongzi. The rice dumplings sent out bursts of strong fragrance, which made my mouth water three thousand feet. I'm eager to take one to relieve my craving immediately.

  Mother is like a little roundworm in my stomach. She points to my small nose and says, "greedy cat, I'll get you something to eat now." Mother used scissors to cut the rope that tied the zongzi and peel off the two layers of bamboo leaves. Zongzi turned over like a diver and fell into a bowl that his mother had already prepared. A piece of rice dumplings with complete color, aroma and flavor appeared in front of me. I saw that the rice dumplings were black, red and black, dotted with black mushrooms, white and red meat, white eggs and grains of glutinous rice, just like small pearls. These glutinous rice you stick to me, I stick to you, just like the seven brothers.

  After a while, I didn't care about the leaves. I didn't care about them.

  I still feel not satisfied. I want to eat another one, so I said to my mother, "Mom, another zongzi." My mother looked at me, and suddenly burst into laughter, laughing so that even tears flowed out. I saw my mother laughing into a ball and couldn't touch her head. She ran to the mirror and looked at me. Ah, I was like a clown in a circus and became a big face. Even the eyebrows were not "spared". I quickly washed my face with a towel.

  I went back to the table and ate the second zongzi with relish.

  This Dragon Boat Festival is so interesting!

