答案:1.B embody:显示;包含。include:包含。theCW model embodies a few refinements.新的模型包含了一些改进之处。The plan includes many of your suggestions.该计划包含了许多你
的建议。consist of:由……组成。This panel consists of several young professors.这个答辩委员会由几个年轻的教授组成。make up:组成……。This.team is made up of several old pmfessors.这个小组由几个老教授组成。mark标志。His deamarked the end of aII era.他的死标志着一个时代的结束。
2.D obscure:遮挡。prevent:挡住。If you stand there you'll obscure our yiew of the race.如果你站在那里,你会挡住我们看赛跑的。1k storm prevented an early departure.暴风雨阻碍了早离开。dal'~~ll:使……变黑暗。The bad IlI~W$dmtcened their view ofthe situation.这条坏消息使得他们对情况的看法变得很悲观。hold:保持……状态。They held themselves in readiness~for bad news.他们对坏消息已经做好了准备。blacken:使一…变黑。Smoke has blackened the ceiling of the room.烟已经把房间的天花板熏黑了。
3.C restrain:阻止。prevent:阻止。 I simply call't retnlm them from going their own way.我压根无法阻止他们按照自己的方式行事。We've tried very hard to prevent the facemaintenance project from being done.我们已经竭尽全力阻止这项面子工程的执行。disallow:不允许。Cmvement officials are disallowed to accept bribery.政府官员是不可接受贿赂的。reduce:减少。Some fat people are tryingto reduce their weight.一些肥胖的人在试图减肥。confine:监禁。He was confined to prison for six years.他在监狱里关了6年。
4.D sensational:有感觉的,令人激动的。exciting:令人激动的。A sensatioml story is one likely to excite people.一个激动人心的故事很可能使人激动。This movie is very exciting.这部电影是非常令人激动的。sexy:性感的。She is beautiful and sexy.她漂亮且性感。surprising:出乎意外的。Their adfievements are Sm,l~sing.他们取得的成就是惊人的。exceptional:例外的 This hot weather is exceptional for August.8月天这么热是不寻常的。
5.A stroll:散步。 walk:走路;散步。 The old professor mually takes a tittle stroll in the garden early in the morning.那个老教授常常一清早在花园里散散步。He takes a walk only when he is free.只有有空时他才散散步。rest:休息。She takes a rest occasionally.她偶然也休息休息。bath:沐浴。I used to take a bath twice a day last year,mormg and night.去年我一天洗两次澡,早晚各一次。breath:呼吸。Jack took a deep brea~and dived in.杰克深深地吸了一口气,然后潜人水中。