

时间:2023-05-08 17:05:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.They always mock me because I am ugly.   A) smile at   B)look down on   C)belittle   D) laugh at 2.These are our motives for doing it.   A) reason   B)arguments外语学习网   C)targets   D)stimuli

3.Academic records from otller instimtions often become part of a university's official file and can neither be returned to a student nor duplicated.   A)borrowed   B)purchased   C)copied   D)rewritten 4.While serving in the Senate in the early 1970's,Barbara Jordan supported legislation to ban discrimination and to deal with environmental problems.   A)list   B)forbid   C)handle 5.Gambling is lawful in Nevada.   A)legal   B)irresistible   C)enjoyable   D) profitable 答案:1.D mock:取笑,嘲笑。laugh at:取笑,嘲笑。It is unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble.嘲笑有困难的人是不好的。smile at:笑(某人或某事)。what are you smiling at?你在笑什么?look down on:看不起。Small boys usually look down on little girls and refuse to play with them.小男孩常常看不起小女孩,因此不愿意跟她们玩。befittle.:贬低;低估。Don't belittle what he has achieved.不要贬低他所取得的成绩。   2.A motive:动机。ll'lff,,~on..理由。There is nO reason to doubt his word.没有理由不相信他的话。argument:论据。There are many arguments against smoking.有许多论据可以证明吸烟是有害的。target:目标。ttarget of the new plan is primary education for all children.新计划要取得的目标是使所有的孩子都得到初等教育。stimulus:刺激。stimuli是其复数形式。Reduced tariffs are a stimulus to foreign trade.降低关税可以促进外贸。

3.C duplicate和copy意思近似,表示"复制"。borrow:借。purchase:买。rewrite:改写。   4.B ban和forbid意思相近,表示"禁止"。list:列出。list a few reasons:列举几条理由。handle:对待,应付。 The speaker handled his subject concisely.演讲者对主题作了简要的论述。investigate:调查。   5.A lawful:合法的。legal:合法的。what I did was perfectly legal.我所做的完全合法。irresistible:不可抵挡的。tmusic is irresistible.音乐太动听了。enjoyable:有乐趣的。Was it all enjoyable movie? 这部电影有意思吗?profitable:有益的;有利可图的。We had a profitable talk.我们的谈话是有益的。

