

时间:2023-05-08 16:33:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.In order to improve our standard of living,we have to accelerate production   A)step up   B)decrease   C)stop   D)control 2.Gas does accumulate in the mines around here.   A)increase   B)spread   C)collect   D)grow 3.Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.   A)assign   B)persuade   C)ask   D)order 4.Her behavior is extremely childish.   A)simple   B)immature   C)beautiful 5.We also want to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.   A)hairless   B)bare   C)empty   D)bald 答案:1.A accelerate:加快o step up快。 Security is being stopped up to deal with the increase in violence.为了对付日益增长的暴力事件,安全工作正在加快。decrease :降低。 Population growth。is decreasing by 1.4‰each year.人口正以每年1.4‰的速度下降。stop:停止。Her heart stopped three times.她的心脏三次停止跳动。control:控制。 The federal government tried to control rising health-care cost.联邦政府试图控制日益增长的医疗费用。   2.C accumulate:积累,积聚。collect:收集;积聚。Dust collected on the furniture.家具上积了灰尘。 increase:增加。 Japan’s industrial,production increased by 20%last year.去年日本工业生产增长了20%。spread:展开;蔓延。Fire spread rapidly~after a chemical truck exploded.一辆装载化学物品的卡车爆炸后,火势迅速蔓延。 grow:增长;长满。.The path grew withweeds.小径长满了野草。   3.A allocate:分配;分派。assign,分配;指派。The company commander assigned me to stand guard.连长派我去站岗。persuade:劝说。They were eventually persuaded by the police to give themselves up.警察最终成功地说服了他们去投案自首。ask:请求。We asked her to sing. 我们请求她唱歌。 older:命令。The police ordered them to wait right there.警察命令他们就在那儿等着。   4.B childish:幼稚的。Immature:不成熟的。 She is emotionally immature.她在情感上尚不成熟。simple :简单的。He lives a very simple life for a man who has become jncredibly rich.对于一个已经令人难以置信的富裕的人来说,他的生活是极其简单的。beautiful:美丽。she is a very beautiful woman.她是个非常美丽的女人。foolish:傻。She is being very foolish about it.在这件事上她很傻。注意该句和下旬的区别:She is very foolish.她很傻。用一般现在时,说明傻是她的特征;用现在进行时,说明她在某个具体事情上犯傻,傻并非她的本质。   5.B barren:贫瘠。bare:赤*的,光秃的。 That probably is the most bare and inhospitable island I’ve ever seen.那可能是我见过的最荒凉的、最不宜居住的岛屿了。hairless:没有毛发的。 His body is smooth hairless.他的躯体光溜溜的,并且不长毛。empty:空。The room is bare and empty.房间空荡荡的。bald:秃的。She is going bald.她日渐秃顶。

