

时间:2023-05-08 17:37:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.It was a question of making sure that certain needs were addressed,notably in the pensions area.   A) noticeably   B)remarkably   C)particularly   D)significantly 2.His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him that she was married.   A)forgotten   B)failed   C)deleted   D)left out 3.Many of their ideas are being incorporated into orthodox medical treatment   A) acceptable   B)conservative   C)western中华考试网   D)conventional 4.Charges for local telephone calls are outrageous   A) unheard of   B)unacceptable   C)unbelievable   D)ridiculous 5.Guests were scared when the bomb exploded.   A)frightened   B)killed   C)endangered   D)rescued

答案:1.C notably:值得注意地;特别。particularly:尤其,特别。I often do absent.minded things,particularly when I'm worried.我常干些心不在焉的事,特别是当我焦虑的时候。noticeably:显而易见地。Standards of riving are deteriorating rather noticeably.生活水平正在明显下降。remarkably:显着地。Working conditions have been remarkably improved.工作条件得到了显着改善。significantly:显着地,在相当大的程度上。Sales levels are significantly lower than last year.销售额比去年大幅下降了。   2.B omit:疏忽,遗漏。fail:失败;没有能够。He failed to understand the real significance of it.他没有理解它的真正意义。forget:忘记。I forgot to wind my watch last night.昨晚我忘了给手表上发条。delete:消去;删除。t patient's high fever deleted most of his memories.病人的高烧使他的记忆差不多丧失殆尽。leave out:遗漏;省略。She left out all important detail in her account.她在叙述中漏掉了一个重要的细节。   3.D orthodox:正统的;传统的。conventional:常见的;传统的。People still wear conventional clothes here.这儿的人仍穿传统的衣服。acceptable:可接受的。Some of the suggestions are acceptable.有些建议是可以接受的。conservative:保守的。Great Britain has three patties-te Conservative.the Liberal and the Labor Party.英国有三个党-保守党、自由党和工党。western:西方的。I don't like Western food.我不喜欢西餐。   4.B outrageous:凶暴的;令人不能容忍的。unacceptable:不可接受的。Mary left her husband because of his unacceptable behavior.因为丈夫的行为不可接受,玛丽离开了他。 unheard of:没有听说过的。You Call't do that-it's unheard of.你不可干此事,从未听说有人干过。unbelievable:难以置信的。His guitar solos.are just unbelievable 他的吉他独奏曲实在太棒了。ridiculous:可笑的。That hat makes you look ridiculous.你戴上那顶帽子,看上去很滑稽。   5.A scared:受到惊吓的,恐惧的。frightened:害怕的,受惊的。killed:被杀死。All her five sons were killed in the earthquake.她的5个儿子都在地震中身亡。endanger:使遭到危险,使濒于灭亡。You will endanger your health if you work so hard.你太卖力的话会损害自己健康的。rescued:被营救的。She was rescued nine days after the plane crash.飞机失事9天后她被人营救。

