
时间:2022-10-27 09:13:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语口语# 导语】与通用英语相比,金融英语专业词汇还具有词义转换的特性,而且缩略词的大量使用也是金融英语的另一个重要特征。以下是©文档大全网整理的关于金融英语口语的句子,欢迎阅读!


  T:Good afternoon! This is the special help time, if you have questions, please ask me.

  A:Madam, I have reviewed the lessons and I still have some questions.

  T:What's the trouble?

  A:You say cash exchange constitutes the largest number of transactions,but in general we don't see anyone using large sums to buy things.

  T:Oh, yes, cash is a medium of exchange, and includes currency, coins, savings deposits, petty cash funds,bank drafts, cashier's checks, personal checks and money orders.

  In our daily life, we use currency or coins to buy things in stores or on the street,but in businese almost all the customers or companies use other forms of payment.

  B:In big firms do they also use cash for purchases?

  T:In most big enterprises, transactions involving the receipt and disbusement of cash far outnumber any others.


  1.Could I introduce myself to you?

  Yes, please.

  2.Could I get some information about the International Investment Bank?

  Yes, of course, wait a moment.

  3.Could you qualify for this job?

  Yes, I'm a chartered accountant for the Capital Holiday Inn.

  4.Could we talk about the credit accounts?

  Let's continue in the afternoon, it's time for lunch.

  5.Could you do me a favour this evening?

  Certainly, I'm free then. I'll see you after supper.

  6.Could we apply for a patent on these products we've designed?

  Go to the Patent Office of the People's Republic of China and inquire.

  7.Could they join in the study and analysis of the social economy?

  Yes, you can send two of them to the discussion.

  8.Could you lend me some money?

  Yes. How much money do you need?


  S:I'm sorry I wasn't able to get together with you sooner, Steven.

  In the future, however, I suggest we meet regularly.

  B:Right! How do the figures look to you, David?

  S:Overall, they look good. But I also think we're at a point where we need to make a few improvements.

  B:What did you have in mind?

  S:I'm referring primarily to cash management. It's important that we take a careful look at the cash being held on deposit in checking accounts.

  And, according to the balance sheet, there's some $600,000 on deposit in various banks.

  Isn't that a lot to be holding in checking accounts?

  B:It is a rather large amount, yes.

  S:OK, here's what we'll do. I suggest you move more funds out of those checking accounts only leaving what's required for day-to-day expenses.


  T:You are here! I have something to ask you to help me with.

  S:Yes, of course. I'm reviewing the lesson you gave us this morning. What's the matter? May I help you?

  T:If you have time, maybe you could do something for me-go to the King Company for some materials about their management.

  S:I'd be happy to. Are you busy now? May we talk about financial management now?

  T:OK, I have a minute.

  S:From the review, I realize the importance of financial management and that success or failure of a company depends on it.

  T:Yes. In the West, financial officers play very important roles in all aspects of management.

  S:Today in China, management may also be considered more and more necessary.

  T:Yes, this is especially important in corporate planning and the establishing of specific budgetary policies and controls.

  S:Which aspects are the main responsibilities for managers?
