【#英语口语# 导语】金融是指在经济生活中,银行、证券或保险业者从市场主体募集资金,并借贷给其它市场主体的经济活动。学好金融英语口语,对于我们就业也是很有帮助的。以下是®文档大全网整理的金融英语口语常见句子。欢迎阅读!
1.金融英语口语常见句子 篇一
Leah Jacobs has just opened a savings account at the First National Bank.She is asking a clerk about the meaning of the rules and regulations printed on her passbook.
Do you mean that I have to give you notice before I can make a withdrawal?
Yes,Mrs.Jacobs,it technically means that .All banks may technically require prenotification before they must honour withdrawal requests on savings or other interest bearing accounts.
How much notice must I give ?
Our bank ,like many others,may require seven day's notice .But in actual practice we honour your request without requiring notification .
Of course ,the bank has the option of enforcing the rule should it be necessary .
That's amazing .I never knew that before .
2.金融英语口语常见句子 篇二
You'll find that all banks are required to have the same rule .
I guess I've never read the fine print on my passbook before.
This next item says that there is a service charge for more than two transactions month .
Yes,Mrs.Jacobs.Again,that's technically permitted by the regulations.
The main reason is to discourage the use of savings accounts for frequent transactions .
Current ,or checking,accounts are designed for regular and frequent transactions.
But I've never been charged.
Well,most banks rarely invoke that regulation .
3.金融英语口语常见句子 篇三
A bank clerk receives a telephone call from a businessman inquiring about discounting a bill of exchange.
First National Bank.May I help you ?
Businessman:Yes,please,I'd like to get some information about discounting a bill of exchange .
Do you do that?
Yes ,sir .We can handle the discounting of bills of exchange if they meet certain criteria.
Can you tell what kind of a bill you have?
Yes,it's a ninety-day bill for $6,750.00.It matures about two months from now.
4.金融英语口语常见句子 篇四
I didn't think we'd have to discount it ,but I need the working capital right now.
How do I discount it ?
Well ,we can discount certain trade and commercial bills and certain trade acceptances in addition to most bankers acceptances
The discount rate depends on the terms of the bill,the amount ,the reputation of the drawee and the reputation of the drawer.
Why does it depend on drawer's reputation or financial status?
Well,we discount most bills on a full-recoures basis .Should the bill be dishonoured upon presentation .
it would be returned on recourse to the drawer.
I see ...Is it difficult to handle the paperwork? I'm not sure just what I should do .
Well,the best thing is to come in and talk with our discount officer .
He can give you all the information you need.
5.金融英语口语常见句子 篇五
Sarah Parkes,a teller at the First National Bank ,has just been visited by one of the bank auditors.
Larry Conner ,to conduct a spot inspection.
Good afternoon ,Miss Parkes .Will you please close your window after you finish with this customer?
I'd like to conduct a spot check of your cash and your transactions for today .
Oh,hi,Mr.Conner.So it's that time again ,is it ?I thought the Auditing Department might visit me sometime this week.
It's been almost eight weeks since my last audit .
Well,you know ,we have to run a spot check on every teller's cage cash at least once every other month .