
时间:2023-06-08 05:42:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】放风筝是一项古老而又有趣的活动,它可以让人们在阳光明媚的天气里享受自由和快乐。据©文档大全网了解,放风筝的历史可以追溯到两千多年前的中国,而今天,它已经成为了世界各地的娱乐活动之一。放风筝的过程中,需要注意安全,选择适当的场地和风力,避免飞行过程中与其他人和物品相撞。同时,也要注意保护环境,不要随意扔弃飞行用品和垃圾。放风筝不仅是一种娱乐活动,更是一种文化传承和生态保护的意识。

1.关于放风筝的英语范文 篇一

  On a spring day with birds singing and flowers fragrant, and clear skies for thousands of miles, Xiaoming and I went to fly kites. As soon as I arrived at the park, I was attracted by the scenery. The green grass, the blue sky, the white clouds like marshmallows, and the colorful and countless kites in the sky! You see: there is a cute red fish kite; A centipede kite with a long tail and many small feet; Have a strong morale. Eagle kite; And the most common triangular kite! But my favorite is still our sand swallow kite.

  It looks very cute, with a pair of big wings and exquisite patterns on them. It has a pair of black trimmed tails, a round head, and a white belly, which is really cute.

  We can't wait to start flying kites. It's starting, "I said, holding the line in my left hand and the axis in my right hand, ready to start. Xiaoming raised his kite high and said, "Three, two, one, fly!" Xiaoming threw the kite into the sky. Wow! How high the kite flies! "Accompanied by the spring breeze, the kite dived downwards, rushed towards the sky, and circled in the sky, causing our hearts to worry and feel happy.

  At this moment, I looked at the kites fighting against the sky in the air. I felt that flying kites was not only about flying kites, but also about flying my own ideals!

2.关于放风筝的英语范文 篇二

  Look, this weather is sunny, cloudless, with a gentle breeze. It's really a good season to fly kites.

  My sister and I quickly picked up our kites and came to the square. There were many people flying kites on Guangyang, including adults and children; Kites come in different styles and sizes, including beautiful butterfly kites, cute swallow kites, powerful eagle kites, and red goldfish kites... It's so dazzling to see. My sister and I have a super flying kite.

  We arrived at a clearing and started flying kites. I held a kite in one hand and a string in the other. My feet opened and I tried to run forward, and my sister followed suit. However, I saw that she was clumsy and couldn't fly the kite, so I ran over to help her. I explained while demonstrating. After repeated practice, with the concerted efforts of my sister and I, the kite finally flew. Kites fly higher and higher, as if they are greeting and chatting with the 'white clouds' high above.

  Watching the kites flying higher and higher, my sister and I felt happy and filled with a sense of achievement. Flying kites is really fun!

3.关于放风筝的英语范文 篇三

  Spring has arrived, the weather has become warmer, the ice and snow have melted, and it is time to fly kites again. Today is the weekend, my mother took me to fly a kite at May Day Square.

  When I arrived at the square, I looked up and saw many kites flying in the sky, including dragons and phoenixes, butterflies, eagles, and so on. I must also fly kites so high!

  My kite is a goldfish, with bulging eyes and a golden tail. It looks extremely cute. I first installed the kite, tied the strings firmly, and then placed it flat on the ground. When I first flew it, there was no wind, so I pulled the string and ran. The kite flew a few times and fell off, but it didn't succeed. My arms were also sore, and my legs were tired. The little goldfish lay on the ground and looked at me pitifully, as if saying, "Little master, you must come on, I want to be a flying fish

  At this moment, a gust of wind blew over, and the kite popped up. I quickly ran and continued to release the string. My kite flew freely in the sky like a happy little flying fish, so high! If only I could fly into the sky, talking to the blue sky and whispering to the white clouds.

4.关于放风筝的英语范文 篇四

  Spring is a beautiful time to fly kites. Zhuang Zhuang and Cheng Cheng go to the park to fly kites together.

  Come to the park. Hello, the scenery here is really beautiful! The roadside was covered with colorful wildflowers, as if the stars in the sky had fallen into the world. In the distance, there was a large area of golden rapeseed flowers, with a strong fragrance that could be smelled from a hundred miles away.

  Zhuang Zhuang and Cheng Cheng held a coil and one held a kite. Just heard as a command: Run Zhuang Zhuang then rushed out with a departing arrow. Quick release - "The strong voice was almost lost in the wind. Cheng Cheng used the power of nine oxen and two tigers to throw the kite out, and the kite successfully flew into the sky. At this moment, a gust of wind blew fiercely, and Zhuang Zhuang naturally wouldn't miss this opportunity and began to quickly release the thread. Did Swallow Kite go on a trip to the sky? Or did you find a companion to help Zhuang Zhuang fulfill his wish?

  The string was already at its longest, and they untied the knot. The kite, carrying their dreams, flew higher and higher, gradually disappearing from their sight.

  Fly, kite; fly, my dream! "Zhuang Zhuang and Cheng shouted in unison.

5.关于放风筝的英语范文 篇五

  Spring has arrived, small grass has emerged from the ground, trees are spitting out tender buds, and flowers are blooming in competition. We take off our cotton jackets and take our beloved kites for a spring outing in the suburbs.

  We came to a green grassland where many people were flying kites. Some are parents with children; Some are two or three classmates together. There are so many kites in the sky! Look! Many footed 'centipedes' happily crawl in the air; The red and red "goldfish" are lifelike, swimming back and forth in the sky; Agile "eagles" patrol the sky, as well as colorful triangular kites

  Li Hong, Wang Ming, and I have also started flying kites. I ran and pulled the cable in front with the spool. Wang Ming followed behind with a kite. The wind came, he pushed upwards, and the kite flew up. Our kite is a beautiful and lovely little swallow. It flew lightly into the sky, soaring higher and higher. We all cheered happily and said, 'Swallows fly so high!' Then Wang Ming and Li Hong flew butterfly kites into the sky and chased after Little Swallow kites, playing and playing!

  Happy times always flash by, it's time to go home. We reluctantly take back our kites and make an appointment to fly them again next time.
