
时间:2022-07-12 11:12:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】端午节那天,有些地方的人们挂菖蒲,艾草,据说能够驱除蚊子等害虫。端午节必不可缺的就是包粽子,有糯米粽子,赤豆粽子,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Every year, the Dragon Boat Festival is very popular. Although the weather is very hot, people are very excited and the atmosphere of the festival is very strong.

  The Dragon Boat Festival comes from the story of Qu Yuan: the patriotic poet Qu Yuan came up with a good idea to enrich the country and strengthen the people, but it was not adopted by the king. Instead, he was expelled from the palace. Qu Yuan was so angry that he jumped into the Miluo River. After learning this, the local fisherman rowed a small boat and scattered the rice in the bamboo tube to the Miluo River to Quyuan. Later, people changed rice filled in bamboo tubes into zongzi, and changed rowing boats into dragon boats to commemorate Qu Yuan. The Dragon Boat Festival is also one of the three traditional festivals among Chinese people.

  In most parts of China, zongzi and dragon boat racing are eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival, while in my hometown, I will eat a kind of thing stuffed with wheat cakes. There are many fillings, including yellow rice dumplings, meat slices, eggs and fried noodles, which will be wrapped in wheat cakes. On that day, grandma cooked a table of good dishes. At the dinner table, our family ate and talked. The room was full of the happy atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival, filled with a delicious taste. I was happy! Grandma will also hang wormwood in front of the door. I heard it is used to ward off evil spirits and repel mosquitoes. It's so exquisite!

  I think: it's good to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. I really want to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every day and eat delicious every day!


  During the winter vacation, many things happened around me, including sad, happy and unforgettable... One of them is still fresh in my memory.

  It was a Sunday afternoon. I helped my mother go downstairs to buy a bottle of coffee in glass. When I came to the supermarket to get coffee, my hand slipped and the bottle fell to the ground. Suddenly, I was stunned, silly eyes, thought: what should I do, this bottle of coffee is very expensive, I'd better take a bottle of coffee and run! I paid the money secretly and left the supermarket quickly. On the way home, I took my coffee and thought: just hide it from my mother when I go home. Anyway, no one saw that I broke it, but will my aunt doubt me next time I go to the supermarket? Then I'd better not go to that supermarket in the future! But on second thought: No, my mother said that if you do something wrong, you should admit it bravely. Honesty is more important than money!

  I put my coffee home first, and then flew back to the supermarket. I walked up to the saleswoman's aunt, lowered my head, didn't dare to look directly into her eyes, and said, "sorry, aunt! I'm careful to break a bottle of expensive coffee!" I took my aunt to the place where the bottle was broken, pointed to the broken bottle, and said, "aunt, I will use my pocket money to give it back to you bit by bit." After a long few minutes, I didn't hear my aunt's' blame sound, I carefully raised my head, and my aunt smiled and said to me, "it's okay, I won't blame you, I'll pay for this bottle of coffee. You're really a brave and honest boy, and you dare to take responsibility for something wrong, which is really great!" I opened my mouth in surprise. I couldn't believe it. I thanked my aunt and went home happily.

  I will never forget this matter, and I will always keep it in my heart.


  Today, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is my favorite festival. I like making zongzi very much. My family will make a kind of "salty zongzi: a round stick as thick as an arm, tied with fresh bamboo leaves, with ingredients in it. Salty zongzi are bacon, roast chicken, barbecue and other materials. The wrapped zongzi are boiled in a pot. When the zongzi are cooked, you will smell a faint fragrance of bamboo leaves, overflowing fragrance, and pervading the whole kitchen

  My mother served bacon zongzi, and I couldn't wait to bring it. I opened the bacon zongzi I made myself, and I ate the bacon zongzi I made myself. My brother and sister all ate the bacon zongzi I made myself. My family went to see the dragon boat to see their efforts.

  I like the Dragon Boat Festival best!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional festival in China.

  This morning, my mother got up early. She went to the supermarket and bought some Zongye, jujube and glutinous rice. As soon as my mother came home, she scalded the Zongye with boiling water first, and then put the honey dates and glutinous rice into the pot for steaming. The stuffing was ready. After these preparations, my mother wrapped zongzi. I saw my mother calmly picked up the Zongye, pinched a triangle shape, then put some stuffing in it, and then wrapped it with a piece of Zongye, tied it with a thread, so a zongzi is ready. I wrapped zongzi like my mother. After the zongzi were wrapped, my mother immediately put the zongzi into the pot to cook. After a while, the zongzi was cooked. My mother picked up a zongzi, peeled the zongzi leaves, and tasted it carefully. I looked at my mother's expression like a face that had just eaten balsam pear. My mother looked at my happy face and smiled.


  Today, my father and I participated in a volunteer group activity and went to the nursing home in Ma Street. The volunteers bought 50 seeds and 28 pairs of cloth shoes for the elderly in the nursing home. We went there by car.

  Went to the nursing home: the blind. Dumb and other old people, I think we are so happy, but some people feel unhappy. How pathetic these old people are! We had a meeting. They talked and let us sing. I didn't dare. A child recited a poem and sang a song. I admire his courage.

  In the future, I will recite more poems. Song... Dad, I was a little nervous at that time. Fear, this let me know: what to do can't just look at the surface.

  When I was about to go home, I picked up a jade white stone, and when I got home, I added: eyes. Nose. Mouth. Grandma said, "this stone is really beautiful."

  I really enjoyed the Dragon Boat Festival this year!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, the anniversary of Qu Yuan. In the morning, I wore a beautiful skirt, ate glutinous rice dumplings, and followed my father. Mom went to grandma's house together. I saw my brother. My sister was waiting for me at the door!

  As soon as I got out of the car, they pulled me into the room and played games. I'll be a patient first, my sister a doctor and my brother a nurse. I'm having a good time. At noon, grandma made a table full of rich lunch, and we ate lunch, feeling happy. The eldest aunt said, "if I could eat so many dishes every day, I would be satisfied."

  In the afternoon, when our family returned to grandma's house, my little aunt. The big aunts are here, and they also sent a lot of things to our children to eat! We had a great time today.


  There are many traditional festivals in China, which is vast in territory and rich in resources with a long history, and I like the Dragon Boat Festival best.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, people in some places hang Acorus calamus and wormwood, which are said to drive away mosquitoes and other pests. The indispensable part of the Dragon Boat Festival is to pack zongzi, including glutinous rice zongzi, red bean zongzi, ham zongzi and so on. I remember that one year at the Dragon Boat Festival, my family made zongzi by ourselves, and I also participated in it. Unfortunately, the technical level is really not high, so I have to be a bystander. Looking at her mother's skilled movements, I really admire and envy her. Zongzi can be boiled after being wrapped. With the boiling water, the steam that comes out floats in the room, making the room full of the unique fragrance of bamboo leaves and glutinous rice. My mouth watering. As soon as the zongzi came out of the pot, I couldn't wait to get it. My mother laughed at me. I was a greedy cat, but she still peeled the zongzi for me and dipped it in sugar. He also told me that the origin of eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival was that in ancient times, people threw zongzi into the river to prevent fish from eating Qu Yuan's body thrown into the river because of patriotism. Listening to my mother's story, I unconsciously ate another zongzi and felt so sweet.

  Over the past few years, people's living standards have improved and the pace of life has accelerated, but the custom of eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival has not changed, but now zongzi are directly bought from the market, which is convenient and has a wide variety of choices. But eating zongzi always misses the fragrance of that full house in the new year


  I'm looking forward to the Dragon Boat Festival. The morning before, my mother took out the soaked glutinous rice and washed zongzi leaves and prepared to make zongzi.

  Although I have eaten zongzi, I have never made zongzi myself! So I asked my mother to teach me. First, overlap the long side of the big part of the two Zongye, and fold it into the shape of a funnel. Pay attention to roll the tip of the small end of the funnel, otherwise the rice will leak out when cooking. Add glutinous rice again. Don't put too much. You can also put some stuffing according to your taste. Finally, put the small end of the Zongye through the zongzi needle, and then put the zongzi needle into the zongzi to tighten, and a beautiful zongzi will appear in front of you.

  Although it took me a long time to wrap a zongzi, it didn't look as beautiful as my mother's. my mother said, "although it seems simple to wrap zongzi, it's not so easy to wrap it. It takes a long time to wrap it well", but my mother still praised [source] me. After a period of time, we put the wrapped zongzi neatly into the pot, fill it with water and cook it for about 40-45 minutes. When the delicious flavor of zongzi comes out, the zongzi can be out of the pot. But when I opened the lid of the pot, I found that my dumpling had opened its mouth and exposed white glutinous rice.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother inserted Wormwood Leaves and Acorus calamus on the door early, which can be used to kill insects and sterilize, and brought zongzi, the protagonist of the Dragon Boat Festival. Looking at the fruits of his labor package dipped in some sugar, eating it in his mouth is fragrant, sweet, soft and fragrant, feeling better than usual.

  This year's Dragon Boat Festival is the happiest Festival I have ever spent.


  In hometown, people usually call the traditional Dragon Boat Festival "May Festival". On the day of the traditional Dragon Boat Festival, the busiest place in my hometown is Beidaqiao. People are there from the evening of the first day of the traditional Dragon Boat Festival to more than 10 p.m. on the day of the traditional Dragon Boat Festival. On the traditional Dragon Boat Festival day, we all get up early, and then go to Beidaqiao to play. We go out from more than three in the morning to more than five in the afternoon.

  The traditional dragon boat festival gives me the impression of eating and playing. Eating zongzi is certain. In the traditional days of the Dragon Boat Festival, people push cars to buy Zongzi on the street. When planting wormwood, the old people will pick or buy a handful of wormwood, put it on a gourd and hang it on the door. As for why, I don't know. Eating eggs is also an essential part of the traditional Dragon Boat Festival. We can't see dragon boat races here, which is also a great pity for the traditional Dragon Boat Festival. In the traditional Dragon Boat Festival, I like to buy multicolored ropes and tie them around my neck. I won't take them off for months.

  The traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival are different in different places. The traditional Dragon Boat Festival is not only a sacred Festival, but also a great festival. The purpose of the traditional Dragon Boat Festival in all places is to commemorate Qu Yuan.

  The most anticipated festival every year is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival except the Spring Festival. I like the traditional Dragon Boat Festival, and I prefer the traditional Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown.


  When the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, every household was making zongzi, and cornel was inserted in the crack of the door. Of course, my family is no exception.

  Making zongzi is not as simple as talking. It takes a long time to prepare the materials. My mother soaked the rice in a big basin one day in advance, and also prepared cotton thread and Zongye.

  Starting to pack zongzi, my mother washed the dates, and then folded the washed Zongye into a funnel shape. First put a little rice and a big date, and then put a few peanuts in an appropriate amount, and finally fill the rice. Then mother skillfully folded the zongzi leaves and wrapped them into a shape with an angle in the middle, wrapped the wrapped zongzi with cotton thread, tied it, and put it into the pot. I stood by helpless and didn't know what I could do to help. An hour later, the pot sent out bursts of rice fragrance, the fragrance overflowed, and my mouth watering.

  Due to different customs, the taste of zongzi wrapped is also different. I prefer to eat Zongzi wrapped by my mother because it has the flavor of hometown!
