
时间:2022-12-02 00:41:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】雪花很白很白,白得那么纯洁。它们把大地变得也很纯洁很美丽。我有种这样的感觉:雪不仅仅使万物变得纯洁,也使人们的心灵变得像它一样美丽纯洁。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  "Huh --" In winter, the roaring north wind blows off the leaves, yellows the grass and dries the river. Looking at the silent land, I often have an impulse to add something to the land in winter.

  Some snowflakes fell on my hands, big and small, in different shapes. I seem to see the messenger of winter.

  Look, it's snowing everywhere. The whole world is wrapped in snow. The ground is covered with snow, like a thick quilt, covered with shivering grass. The big trees are also covered with white snow, like wintersweet standing in the cold wind, delicate and elegant.

  Sometimes, when you reach for a snowflake, you will find that it is octagonal, angular and white. This reminds people of the envoy of Winter, who is slowly falling with elegant dance, and brings happiness to people.

  Whenever it snows, I will stop. Winter is especially vivid with snow. I like these beautiful white snowflakes and their dancing in the wind. The winter wind becomes soft and elastic due to the flying of these snowflakes. They greet the earth with gorgeous dance, making the earth free from the cold stagnation in winter. Sometimes a group of snowflakes dance ballet, beautiful, soft and gentle, which is incomparable.

  The messenger of winter is more beautiful than anything else. Have you ever seen a group of elves dancing? Have you ever seen a group of emissaries cover the earth with quilts? Have you ever seen an angel fly down from the sky and scratch your cheek? It is snow that brings warmth to winter.

  Snow is the messenger of winter. Someone must have said that before. Such a beautiful thing will not be discovered until today. In winter, they rehearsed a shocking yet soft dance for the earth.

  In fact, snow always appears in winter. Just because people have no time to appreciate because of the cold, they ignore the envoy of this winter. I said that in winter, snowflakes have always been lovely messengers. The beginning of winter is set by a snow, and the beginning of the new year is cut by a dance. Winter is the stage of snow.

  I think the cold winter will thank the snow. Because snow is the messenger of winter, the messenger of lightness, the messenger of various forms, the messenger of vitality, the messenger of dancing


  What is snow? The snow is the tears that the angels laugh. When the snow falls, it floats, and the whole earth seems to have become a world of powder and jade.

  The snowflakes fall down like goose feathers flying in the air and catkins falling on the earth.

  The snowflakes are small at first, just like a fairy scattering "sugar" on the earth in the sky. The "sugar" falls on the earth, making a rustling sound, and the Buddha earth is playing music for us. Soon, snowflakes fell in large areas, first sparse, then large areas, like goose feathers. Look! The snowflakes are spinning happily in the sky, and some snowflakes who like to show off their talents are dancing in the air, like jumping notes, which are very happy!

  I remember that last winter, I woke up drowsily and was scared by the sight. I rubbed my eyes and walked out of sleep, saying, "Oh, it's snowing!" Look carefully, the snow, like a dandelion, is crystal clear, white and flawless, coming silently. The snow is soft and beautiful. She walks slowly, like groups of white elves. It made the earth white, as if it had covered the earth with a "duck down quilt". It made a silver white dress for the bare tree, dyed the red roof with a layer of white paint, and seemed to cover the sky with a layer of white fog.

  After a while, the ground was covered with snowflakes, and the heaven and the earth were connected into a whole. It was hard to tell which was heaven and which was earth.

  I ran out with curiosity and stepped on the snow, making a "creaking" sound, which sounded very kind. I picked up some snow with my hands, stuck out my tongue, and tasted the taste of small snow flowers, sweet, astringent, but unpredictable happiness.

  Unfortunately, the snow stopped, and the whole land was wet. The little snow flowers also escaped without a trace. At this time, the sun showed a smiling face. Little snowflakes, you turned into water and returned to the arms of Baiyun's mother!

  The snow is exquisite and flawless. Snow in winter always symbolizes purity and beauty. I love snow!


  In the cold winter, the sky suddenly drifted with snow. They are like little angels in white, wearing white "hexagonal hats" from heaven. They are also like the window flowers cut by Grandma in the New Year. Maybe they are cut and woven by a clever Weaver Girl from heaven. They are used to give Mother Earth as a New Year gift!

  The team of little angels in the sky is getting larger and larger, just like white catkins flying in the sky. Snowflakes call for friends, and some of them talk in whispers; Some stick together in groups, maybe they want to form a "snowflake army"; Some accidentally bumped into their companions in the sky and could only fall off balance in a whirl; Others snuggle together, form a group, and slide down the north wind "whoosh"... Oh, a variety of small snowflakes!

  Angels fell on the roof, trees and ground one after another. At first, the snowflakes immediately melted when they touched the ground, in addition to keeping the ground at the same temperature as them. Therefore, the small snowflakes that fall first will send out all their own cold air to keep the ground cold and protect the small snowflakes behind. And they will become a drop of water on the ground. Although the little snowflakes who sacrificed do not know whether the little snowflakes behind can survive, they firmly believe that persistence is victory! Oh, selfless little snowflake!

  The angels floated like this for a day and a night. The next day, the trees and the ground became a piece of white flowers. What a white world! Look at the big stone by the river, which has been covered by silver snow, like a sleeping white calf, like a big group of sweet cotton candy, and like a layer of white and flawless gauze... The big tree has put on a white dress, the wheat seedlings are wrapped in a thick quilt, and the small dry mouth of the grass is sucking the snow... All these are beautiful gifts given by the white angels to all things in the world! Oh, generous little snowflakes!

  Angels in white, it is you who have given the earth infinite vitality and made life colorful... I love you forever, my lovely little snowflake!


  "It's snowing, it's snowing!" There was a cheering outside the door. I put down my book and ran out hurriedly.

  The snow should have just fallen, and there was no bright piece of snow on the ground. I ran to the balcony to pick up the snowflakes with my hands, but each snowflake had to go its own way. I went around here and there to ask my master. It was as erratic as a naughty child, falling into the world like carrying a parachute.

  I looked at a snowflake floating on me and wanted to feel its white purity and appreciate its strange shape. But the moment I touched it with my hands, it seemed to hide and become a drop of water. The life of the snowflake was short and pure, just like my friendship with her.

  I stood at the corner of the balcony, looking at the bright snowflakes, as if I saw two names on the ground. They were closely surrounded, but even if I saw them, it was two years ago.

  The same day as today, there were snowflakes floating in the sky. She stepped on the squeaking snowflakes alone, walked quietly behind me, and suddenly blindfolded me, "Guess who I am?" "Why are you here?" I opened the blindfold and didn't have to guess it must be her. I don't know who she was listening to. As long as the names of the two people are written in the snow, they will never be separated.

  I believed, stretched out my hand in my sleeve, put it into the cold snow, and wrote my name with each stroke. She also wrote down her name solemnly.

  Later, she left me because she transferred to another school, and I will never believe the legend that if you engrave your name in the snow, you will not be separated. The snowflakes outside the window fell again, translating the memories into fairy tales, and the winter of that year became my best memories.

  And because of the name in the snow, I also understand that you are indifferent to it when the time is here. When you suddenly look back and want to hold it, everything is late, and it will be angry because of your indifference. So, cherish the moment, and don't let it become the regret in the memory.


  After lunch, Mr. Chen came into the classroom and gave us self-study in the morning. But the students are still noisy and can't be quiet. I listened carefully and found that some students were saying it was snowing outside. I don't believe it. It's still fine on the way back from the canteen!

  Xiaohu could not attend to the teacher in the classroom, so he shouted, "Look, it's snowing outside!" I thought: How can there be snow? I looked out of the window with curiosity. There were some white dots floating in the gray sky. It was like someone was shaking off his dandruff.

  The teacher seemed to see our thoughts and said, "Let's go outside to see the snow!" As soon as the teacher spoke, we jumped out of our seats and rushed out of the classroom.

  It seems that the snow is a little bigger than before, as big as rice grains, but much lighter than rice grains, falling one by one. The gray sky became blurred. Gradually, the snowflakes became bigger, like tiny pompoms, falling from the sky in groups.

  The students were so excited that they were lying on the fence in the corridor, shouting and jumping. Some students held out their hands curiously to catch it, but the naughty snowflakes turned into water as soon as they reached his hands; Some students put their hands in their pockets and quietly looked at the snow all over the sky, lost in thought, as if thinking about some serious problems; Some danced happily and ran around the corridor, shouting, "It's snowing! It's snowing!" A gust of wind blew, snow fell on my face, cold and cold. I immediately held out my hand to see it carefully, but I didn't catch anything. Other snowflakes seemed to see my mind, flying in front of my eyes, just like naughty little bees, as if to say to me: "You come to catch me, you come to catch me." "When there is snow on the ground, I will have a snowball fight with my classmates and make a snowman..." I thought silently.

  However, the snowflakes came suddenly and went away quickly. When I was looking at the snowflakes and dreaming, the snowflakes seemed to have heard someone's call and disappeared, and the sky returned to its previous calm. We had to go back to the classroom with a feeling of loss


  Today, I just woke up, and my sleepiness has not gone away. I felt that today was colder than before. I climbed to the window and saw that all of a sudden I woke up. It was snowing today!

  Ah! It's snowing heavily! Snow is everywhere on the roof, trees and ground. Every house has a big "snow cap" on it, which is very beautiful! The weeping willows on both sides of the street are wrapped in hairy, shiny silver bars, like white chrysanthemums in full bloom. The ground looks like a thick wool blanket, which is soft when stepped on. The cars running on the road are like newly baked cream cakes!

  Snow brings infinite happiness to children! Looking downstairs, some children were making snowmen. They first rolled a big snowball, then rolled a small snowball, put the small snowball on the big snowball, put two black beans on the small snowball as eyes, put a carrot as a nose, and put a bucket as a hat, and a little snowman was successful!

  Some children are having snowball fights! They first formed a snowball and threw it at the other party. The other party was not willing to be outdone. They also formed a small snowball and threw it at the other party. They had a great time!

  More children took cameras to take pictures of the snow. When they saw beautiful snowflakes, they would take a picture to keep a memory!

  Snow is selfless. It covers the crops with a thick quilt to keep them warm. As the saying goes, "This winter, the wheat is covered with three layers of quilt, and the next year, you will sleep with steamed bread." The unknown snow makes the crops take root and sprout in spring, and the next year will be a good harvest!

  Snow is beautiful, happy and selfless. It brings us unlimited benefits! I really want to become a beautiful snowflake to dress up the nature!


  On December 28, I witnessed a beautiful and spectacular snow scene. The snowflakes are fluttering, falling on the leaves, accumulating on the branches, melting in the children's hands, and staying in their minds.

  My friends took my hand, put on a scarf for me, and gave me a pair of gloves. "Let's go to watch the snow. It's fun outside!" I looked up at the spotless white sky and saw snowflakes coming to the world like holy fairies.

  I hurried across the stairs and came to the open playground. I was dazzled to see the snowflakes shuttle across the corridor and hover on the runway. "What shape is it?" I smiled. "It's hexagonal." The friends replied in unison. I suddenly felt cold on my face. It turned out that I was going against the wind, and snowflakes fell on my cheeks. "Eh? I've eaten snow." "Me too, but there is no smell." "Who said, what I ate was sweet!" "Hahaha......" I picked up my palm and caught the snowflake. At the temperature of my palm, the snowflake melted quickly, turned into a drop of water, and lay on it. I ran to the table tennis table, grabbed a snowball and spread it in my hand. "Who wants to have a snowball fight?" The companions looked at each other and smiled. They ran to me one after another. Without saying a word, they quickly grabbed a piece of snow and threw it at me. "Come and fight us, come and come!" "4:1, unfair!" "Hahahahaha......" In the snowy day, there was a lot of laughter.

  There were still snow crystals left in the hair, and the snowflakes washed everything.

  Snow brings us happiness and freezes our troubles. They spread happiness on campus, in towns and in the world. We also want to "feather" into holy angels, and do our best to make happiness exist in families, schools and the world.


  The cold wind is howling, and snowflakes are flying in the sky. The snowflakes bestowed by nature in winter are so magical that pure snowflakes adorn winter.

  When the heavy snow falls, everything is immediately covered with white. The whole earth is covered with snow. Looking ahead, I can't tell where the earth is, where the sky is, and where there are mountains and trees. Only a few houses in front of me are silent in the snow. When I looked up at the snowflakes falling from the sky, it was originally just a piece of sky. I gradually felt that the color of a certain point in the sky was whiter than that of other places, and it rotated from left to right. Finally, I saw clearly that it was a piece of snowflakes, hovering down like a fairy, more like small paratroopers swaying in the air, swaying down the mountain, falling to the ground, and then adding a white color to the earth. Sometimes, it also falls into my hands, making me watch the white hexagon like the steering wheel gradually become crystal clear and transparent like water, and finally become a drop of rain to moisturize my skin. It seems that those pure snowflakes baptize the world for the first time every year and moisten the earth's spirits. Every winter, when all things are sleeping, God will sprinkle the pure snow spirit on the earth. The next spring, when the snow melts, it will provide the first ray of energy for all things in the world to wake up. And how lucky I should be to stand in the snow and watch it fall. Open your arms, feel the snow, forget the cold, forget the time, forget everything, pure snow makes me intoxicated!

  Pure snowflakes are the magic products endowed by nature in winter. Feel the snow, feel the winter, I remember the purity of snow in my heart, snow makes me intoxicated.


  It was another winter in the twinkling of an eye. It was icy and snowy, and the cold wind was piercing the bones. The trees had lost their vitality and generosity, and everything was trembling. The flying snow seems to be the most beautiful scenery in winter.

  As usual, the snow is floating like catkins, and the snowflakes are dancing gracefully in the air like elves. They sometimes hover, sometimes dive, sometimes chase children, sometimes fall on the girl's shoulders... like naughty children. In winter, because of the snowflakes, there are more interesting and wonderful things.

  There is a small snowflake, which dances in the air mischievously and releases its beauty to the fullest. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of an old tree near a dry well, still hanging a leaf. This leaf is small and yellow. It bears the north wind and hangs on the branch alone.

  Small snowflakes stop on the branches, Surprised, Xiaoye asked Xiaoye, "Why are you the only one left?" Xiaoye said, "My partner left early in autumn. I want to stay up until winter, because I want to know snowflakes. I heard that they come from far away countries, beautiful and holy, and benefit the earth. I want to be friends with them." Xiaoxue was happy: "I would like to be friends with you." Xiaoye was very excited: "You are the Snow Fairy? You are beautiful, crystal clear, noble and generous." Little Snow kissed Little Leaf and hugged him tightly: "People remember that our beauty is not a flash in the pan, but the heart that moistens all things. You turn into spring mud and offer yourself as beautiful as we are. Let's go together and go to Grandpa Earth's embrace..."

  A gust of wind, small snowflakes embrace small leaves and fall down


  What is so white and beautiful? What is so pure? What is more crystal clear than the spray? Oh, it's her, the messenger of winter and the guardian of crops.

  In winter, snowflakes are flying all over the sky, giving people a feeling of "flowers are everywhere when catkins fly". She covered the trees and houses with glittering silver, and it covered the crops with a thick quilt... From a distance, it really looked like a fairytale world made of powder and jade.

  Grandma took me outside to enjoy the snow. Although the wind outside the house is howling and cold, I am fascinated by the vast snow and do not feel too cold. I caught pieces of snowflakes flying in the air with my hands. In a moment, they turned into crystal clear snow water and flowed down my fingers drop by drop. I looked at the white area around me and couldn't help exclaiming: "Ah, how beautiful!" "My child, the snow scenery is beautiful, but what is important is that snowflakes have a noble quality, do you know?" Grandma asked kindly. "What, snowflakes have noble qualities?" I asked doubtfully. "Yes, snowflake, she dedicated her short life to the earth. She protected the crops, and the wheat seedlings survived the cold in her arms. She moistened the crops, so that they can thrive. Don't snowflakes also bring fun to your winter vacation life?" Grandma said earnestly. I carefully chewed Grandma's words that meant length. Suddenly, I seemed to understand something and asked, "Grandma, you want me to be a selfless and noble person like snowflake, not a selfish person?" "Well, good boy, you are so smart and know Grandma's mind." Grandma stroked my head happily.

  Ah! Snowflake, you have a pure heart, broad mind, and selfless dedication, which makes me understand the truth of being a man. I deeply admire you - snowflake.
