
时间:2023-05-01 20:11:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】踏青为春日郊游,也称“踏春”,一般指初春时到郊外散步游玩。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Facing the warm spring breeze, take a brisk step. Dear brothers and sisters, let's go for an outing.

  Spring is beautiful and colorful. Don't think that the footsteps of spring girl only stay in the community, school and the street where people come and go. In fact, there is the shadow of spring girl everywhere in the world.

  Sculptor Rodin said, "the world is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty." This sentence is very good. If you don't believe it, let's go to the fields, small rivers, roadsides and even insignificant corners. You will find the beauty of spring everywhere.

  You see, the grass that has been sleeping in the field all winter has stuck out its head, the branches on the roadside have sent out new buds, and unknown flowers are scattered in every corner. When a gust of wind blows, these flowers and plants sway with the wind, as if dancing under the command of Miss Chun. It's really beautiful.

  The most exciting thing is that in the originally frozen river, the snow-white ice has melted, and the green river flows slowly, as if singing a spring song. At this time, pairs of little swallows often fly and play by the river. Happy little fish can be seen from time to time in the clear river.

  In fact, the beauty of spring is endless. As long as you are willing to find it, the beauty is around you.

  So, let's go for an outing!


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. I'm going to go to the grave with my father and go for an outing.

  When I took the bus to my father's hometown - Honglin bridge, it had rained there. The rain is very small, which is very suitable for outing. I think of a poem: it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance.

  We set off. The scenery in the Qingming Festival is really beautiful. The light rain like ox hair is like a layer of gauze, separated between me and the mountains and rivers.

  The color of everything has faded. The watch on my wrist has changed from dark blue to light blue, like a light circle.

  At the first stop, it was already nine o'clock. That's the old lady's grave. Adults are busy working, so I have to enjoy the scenery. In the rain, from time to time came a few clear bird songs. Ants are also busy building homes that people trample on. After a few bumps, he followed his father to the second stop - in front of an old tree.

  Speaking of this big tree, it was planted by my grandfather's grandfather when he was a child. It has gone through more than 100 years. It stands like a big green umbrella in the wind and rain. I can't help but feel a sense of awe at it.

  Later, I went to several places with beautiful scenery. Finally, I reluctantly went home.

  It's fun to go outing.


  It's sunny in March. The grass poked its head out of the land; Willows by the river stretch out their tender buds; In the park, all kinds of flowers are blooming; The breeze blew across my cheeks, and there was a faint breath of spring. Today is a fine day for outing.

  In the morning, after a long time, we finally reached Dongqian Lake. As soon as I got off the bus, my eyes suddenly opened and a clear lake appeared in front of me. Several small wooden boats are rowing leisurely on the sparkling lake, adding a bit of interest to the green mountains and waters. We kept forgetting to walk along the lake embankment. Suddenly we saw several horses in front of us, so we couldn't wait to run up. It turned out to be a racecourse. Because business was light, several strong horses were grazing leisurely on the grass. Seeing me coming, the landlady strongly encouraged me to sit up and have a try. With the help of the landlady, I climbed up shakily. My aunt was unwilling to show weakness and followed me up. I saw a simple old farmer holding the reins of his horse and protecting us. He kept saying to his horse, "good, slow down." The horse seemed to understand the old farmer's words and was always docile on the road. When I got off the horse, my mother asked me how I felt. I was speechless for a moment, because I had only one feeling: fear.

  The one-day trip soon ended. This spring outing not only gave me a taste of the great mountains and rivers of the motherland, but also gave me a lot of insight.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. The ancients said, "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival." However, today is a clear sky. Our family went for an outing in the field.

  The car was running on the trail. Through the window, I saw that the strong grass broke through the ground with his tenacious perseverance and was unwilling to be weak in welcoming the spring. It changed into green clothes. There were flowers in the green grass, red, green and yellow... We ran a long way and came to a field. There was a sad and pleasant golden yellow in front of us, The rape flower stands in high spirits, and a pearl like dew slides around the golden flowers... The willow trees on both sides of the path beside the field are decorated with green leaves and buds, which is really more beautiful than any headdress. After passing through the martyr cemetery and seeing the graves of martyrs, I had an idea: learn from the martyrs.

  The Qingming Festival outing gave me more feelings and made me understand the soft side of nature again. Today, I have a great harvest!


  After listening to the birds chirping for a long time, I finally had a chance to take a walk in the forest.

  Green, how does it feel that it seems to be farther and farther away from us? How long ago, when I walked here, I was surrounded by a new look of spring. However, today's walking does not bring the lush grass, but ridiculed branches and sparse turf.

  The passage of time may bring us more or less trouble.

  Spring is wonderful and full of vitality, but now all this. Can we have youthful vitality? I don't think so. Because birds of a feather flock together, the grass is full of vitality, and we don't want to be with the gloomy spring. However, we must strive to adapt to the current environment. People have a characteristic that is to adapt to and affect the environment, and we can only - and must adapt to the environment we create!

  "Green" is the theme song of spring. When the theme song changes, even the melody will change. To put it bluntly, when spring distorts its essence, everything in spring is different from the original. We plant a plant of grass for the earth, but we eat far less than that. We are very greedy and even ingest transcendent substances. Maybe we will exchange a grass for a forest.

  Who can think of a land that itself is green, and finally turns yellow, or even - to an unimaginable level. In fact, the changes of spring don't necessarily require you to think deeply, because that's what you should pay attention to at ordinary times. As long as you pay a little attention to your own behavior, it doesn't let you publicize how we should do. Those are just in vain. In Shaoxing dialect, they are just "empty flower heads". What matters is action. In fact, we all know "talk without doing false tricks", but we don't want to really implement them, because we are used to bad habits and habits become natural, which are all followed.

