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【CET6】【电脑用户】→点击进入免费试听>>四六级考试课程! 请将下面这段话翻译成英文
China has a vast land and a large population. Eventhough the Chinese language is spoken all over thecountry,people in different areas speak it in differentways, which are called dialects. Generally called locallanguages,dialects are branches of the Chineselanguage in different regions,and are only used in certain areas. Dialects of the Chineselanguage are very complicated. They differ from each other in three aspects: pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar. And the difference in pronunciation is the most outstanding. Over2,000 years ago,Chinese people realized that a common language should be used in socialactivities. Compared with dialects,mandarin can be understood by all people. It is beneficialto information transmission and cultural exchange between ethnic groups and people indifferent places……
1.土地广阔:可转译为名词短语a vast land.vast是指“幅员辽阔的”,这里不能用wide.但是表示物体的宽度时可以用wide,比如:The river is 100m wide.(这条河宽100米。)
2.人口众多:即“很多的人口”,可转译为名词短语a largepopulation.
3.与……不同:可译为differ from或be different from.
4.发音的区别最为显著:可译为The difference in pronunciation is the most outstanding.
5.有利于:可译为be beneficial to.
6.信息传递和文化交流:可译为information transmission and cultural exchange.