
时间:2023-09-02 10:01:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】九月,明月皎洁,金桂飘香,就像我们敬爱的老师默默的为我们付出的点点滴滴。祝老师们心情惬意,身体康泰,阖家幸福!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《有关教师节的英语作文范文》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.有关教师节的英语作文范文 篇一

  September is another harvest season, with clear skies and light clouds.

  Early this morning, I walked briskly to school. Just arrived at the school gate, the scene in front of me stunned me. The brothers and sisters of the drumbeat team, dressed neatly in team uniforms, pounded the drums and gongs vigorously. Principal Liu, Principal Yang, Principal Gong, and Teacher Wang also stood at the door to welcome the teacher. In front of Principal Liu were several elementary school students holding bouquets of fresh flowers in their hands. Whenever they saw the teacher coming, they quickly welcomed them and handed them to the teacher. I'm just wondering, how could a classmate offer flowers to the teacher today? I suddenly remembered that today is Teacher's Day.

  I quickly quickened my pace and ran towards the classroom, wanting to give my blessings to the teacher. When I ran to the classroom, I froze and thought I had entered the wrong class. The arrangement in the class is so beautiful, there are many balloons and lanterns hanging on the window, and there are also some small ears hanging on the balloons, making the window look particularly beautiful. The blackboard is also decorated with a new one, with a red ribbon attached above and a candle drawn on the left, emitting a colorful light. Below it is written: 'Teacher is a red candle, light yourself, illuminate others.'. There is a big love drawn in the middle of the blackboard, which reads: Teacher, we love you! I was just mesmerizing when the teacher walked in and the students quickly brought the gifts. Some send flowers, some send letters, and some send chocolates. Of course, I am no exception. I folded several hearts with paper and wrote blessings on them, wishing the teacher a happy holiday.

  Teacher Zhang also invited the teacher who taught us the lesson, and we recited poetry to the teacher together, and put on a red scarf for the teacher. We had a happy Teacher's Day with our teacher.

  After the first class, the school also held a Teacher's Day morning meeting. Four older brothers and sisters represented our school's Young Pioneers to send holiday blessings to the teachers, and the fifth grade brothers and sisters also sent homemade greeting cards to each teacher, with words of blessings written on them.

  Today is truly an unforgettable Teacher's Day!

2.有关教师节的英语作文范文 篇二

  Ah。 A withered rose deeply pierced my heart, causing me to regret it now. This matter has to start from last week's Teacher's Day

  I remember the night before Teacher's Day, I went to a flower shop to buy a rose and planned to give it to my beloved teacher Kuang the next morning. I wish her a happy holiday. After buying it back, I planted the flowers in the water to prevent them from withering.

  On the morning of Teacher's Day, I woke up early and went to school with a fragrant rose in my hand, humming a little song. I put the roses in the desk. Teacher Kuang has come to class, and I am extremely happy. I thought to myself: After class, I must give a gift to Teacher Kuang. After class, I picked up the rose, but my heart became increasingly nervous. The rose I had just picked up was released again. Looking at Teacher Kuang's departure, I realized that I hadn't given the gift I had prepared. At that time, I thought, 'Where did that brave girl go before?'? In the afternoon, I must bravely give it to Teacher Kuang.

  In the afternoon, when school was over, I picked up the rose. Surprisingly, the rose had already withered. I stood at the desk in a daze, in a dilemma, whether to give it or not? I cannot use a withered rose as a holiday wish! I was so angry that I threw the damn bitter flowers into the trash can.

  On the way from school to home, I have been blaming myself for not doing this simple and impossible thing well, and I am deeply regretful in my heart. Teacher Kuang, please forgive me for my timidity and lack of courage. Here, I still give you this late gift!

3.有关教师节的英语作文范文 篇三

  The golden breeze sends a refreshing breeze, and we are once again celebrating the annual Teacher's Day. What should I give to my beloved teacher? Send a bouquet of fragrant flowers, a heartwarming greeting card, or no, a colorful painting to express my feelings!

  I sat at the table, spread out the drawing paper, picked up a pencil, and got busy. I first drew a small circle as a stamen, and then drew five elliptical petals around the small circle. I made a mark under the stamen, and that mark became the stem of the flower. I also drew several narrow leaves on the stem. Following this method, I traced several more branches, and thus a beautiful bouquet of flowers was born.

  After sketching, it's time for me to dress up the flowers on the paper. I used a watercolor pen to paint the stamens yellow, and the petals orange, deep red, and purple. Then, I added light green to the leaves, and I tied a ribbon with a bow to the flowers, painting them bright red. A colorful painting was completed.

  I looked at the lifelike flowers, as if a little girl with a smile was wearing a beautiful top and green skirt. These flowers were so beautiful, so watery, and really adorable.

  Finally, at the top of the screen, I neatly wrote with a black oil painting stick: "The rich fragrance of flowers is our boundless congratulations. Wishing teachers a happy Teacher's Day and the world full of peaches and plums! Write the name "Xiang Tiange" in the bottom right corner of the picture. A painting is completed.

  I picked up the painting and walked up to the teacher. I bowed and politely said, "Teacher, happy holiday!" I handed the painting to the teacher, The teacher smiled and said, "Why do you want to draw a bouquet of flowers as a gift to me?" I said, "You are like a gardener, diligently watering us, and you are like rain and dew, nourishing us. You have prepared for our studies tirelessly, and you have added a few strands of white hair to your head. Today, I gave you flowers to forget about fatigue." The teacher listened, and the warmth flowed through your body.

4.有关教师节的英语作文范文 篇四

  Teacher's Day has arrived, and I carefully prepared gifts for my former teacher Sun. Do you know? Among all the teachers, I have the deepest impression of Teacher Sun.

  Since third grade, Teacher Sun has taught us mathematics. Although Teacher Sun is humorous and outgoing, I am quite afraid of her from the bottom of my heart. Who says we are not very good at math in our daily lives. I remember one time during recess, Teacher Sun asked the whole class to go downstairs and prepare for the exercises. I was about to quickly slip away from the teacher when Miss Sun saw me at a glance. She opened her mouth and called out to me. I have no choice but to walk over. As I walked, I thought, 'What did you do wrong?'? It shouldn't be. Did you fail the math exam again? Ah! I walked forward with a stiff face. Unexpectedly, as soon as it passed, Teacher Sun happily told me, "Ji Kexin, can the teacher give you some clothes?" It turned out like this. I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. I walked back with the clothes my teacher gave me, and the other students saw it, their eyes were filled with envy. I looked at everyone's envious gaze and felt warm in my heart. From then on, I fell in love with Teacher Sun and particularly fell in love with her classes, making great progress in my studies. Whenever I achieve good grades, my heart is always filled with gratitude to Teacher Sun.

  Over the past year, I have been learning under the care and care of Teacher Sun, and growing up in the warm cradle woven by Teacher Sun's love. How happy I am. Teacher Sun, I will always thank you!

5.有关教师节的英语作文范文 篇五

  Today, we are celebrating the annual Teacher's Day again. This year, this Teacher's Day is very special to me. Why is it special? Because this Teacher's Day is my first Teacher's Day during the sixth grade period, this "first Teacher's Day" is of great significance to me.

  So on this Teacher's Day, I must make the teacher happy. How can teachers be happy? Some students believe that giving a beautiful and valuable gift to the teacher will make the teacher happy, while others believe that the teacher likes flowers and give them a bouquet of flowers. However, what I want to say is that you are all wrong. The teacher's favorite "gift" is that students can be admitted to a key junior high school, an ideal university, have a good way out, have the potential to build their country and repay society in the future, which is what every teacher hopes for the most.

  As long as each of our classmates is very obedient, completes their homework seriously, and does not make noise, the primary school students will be very happy, and even proud. If we do this every day and persist, the teacher will have a very happy Teacher's Day.

  Every teacher is so responsible and hardworking. They are like our mothers, nurturing us and teaching us the principles, cultivation, and morality of life, allowing us to spread our wings and fly; Elementary school teachers provide us with profound knowledge, enabling us to have the ability to build our motherland and society, and to fly higher and further. In my mind, every teacher has a high level of quality, quality, and cultivation. So, taking this opportunity, I would like to say to all the teachers who are educating us: Teacher, thank you. You have worked hard, and I wish you a happy holiday!
