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【#英语资源# 导语】©文档大全网为您带来睡前幼儿英语小故事,让孩子们在入睡前享受美妙的英语学习时光。这些小故事既有趣又富有教育意义,能够帮助孩子们提高英语听力和理解能力。©文档大全网为您提供了丰富多样的睡前幼儿英语小故事,让孩子们在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。让我们一起来探索这个有趣的英语学习世界吧!

1.睡前幼儿英语小故事 篇一

  One day, a fierce argument broke out in the rice field. A group of weeds surrounded the small rice seedlings and angrily shouted, "Give me the nutrition!" The small rice seedlings looked at the unreasonable weeds and said, "I just moved to the field and I need the nutrition. How can I give it to you?" The weeds couldn't help but say, rushing up and desperately competing with the small rice seedlings for nutrition. Xiao Daoyang's face turned yellow with anger and fell ill on the spot.

  Suddenly, a Drizzle came down from the sky. A weed raised its head alertly and looked at the sky, saying, "No, how could it rain on a sunny day?" At this moment, a loud voice rang out, "This is not rain, but herbicides, specifically used to clean up you!" The weed asked, "Who are you

  "I'm a doctor of spray." The spray said loudly while spraying herbicide. "You usually bully rice seedlings. Now it's your turn to be unlucky."

  The Drizzle in the rice field kept on. The weed said weakly, "It's over, we're all... out of breath." In a moment, the weeds fell down one after another.

  A gentle breeze blew by, and Xiao Daoyang danced with joy. They sucked in enough nutrients and straightened themselves up again.

2.睡前幼儿英语小故事 篇二

  During the Three Kingdoms period, there was a person named Lu Yu who served as an official in the state of Wei. Due to his many good ideas for Emperor Wen of Wei, Cao Pi, he was highly regarded by the court and promoted to the rank of attendant and middle scribe.

  Once, Emperor Wen of Wei said to Lu Yu, "The key to whether a country can obtain talented people lies with you. When selecting talents, do not choose those with reputation. Fame is just a pie drawn on the ground and cannot be eaten

  Lu Yu replied, "It is impossible to measure talent by reputation, but ordinary talents can be found. Due to their high cultivation, good behavior, and being famous, they should not be disliked. I thought the main thing was to assess them to see if they really have talent and learning. Now that the examination law has been abolished, it is entirely based on reputation promotion or demotion, so it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, and the real is confused

  Emperor Wen of Wei adopted Lu Yu's advice and ordered the formulation of the examination law.

  Definition: Draw a cake to relieve hunger. Metaphor of using fantasy to comfort oneself.

3.睡前幼儿英语小故事 篇三

  On a holiday day, the hippopotamus teacher suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable, not feeling energetic, didn't want to move, and had a slight headache. He took his temperature and as a result, Teacher Hippo had a high fever. The hippo teacher came to the hospital, and the hippo teacher and the rabbit doctor told him that he had a high fever and was not mentally active. Upon hearing this, Doctor Rabbit said, "You should drink more water and rest more, so that your illness will recover." Teacher Hippo said, "Okay

  However, when the students of Teacher Hippo heard that Teacher Hippo was sick, they were very sad. Then, they went to Teacher Hippo's house with gifts to visit him. Teacher Hippo was very moved!

  The next morning, Teacher Hippo felt much more comfortable than yesterday. However, although he was more comfortable than yesterday, his illness was not completely cured.

  In this way, Teacher Hema followed Doctor Rabbit's instructions. Teacher Tianhema drank more water every day and rested every day, making him more comfortable day by day. Finally, one day, Teacher Hippo's illness healed. Everyone started dancing when they heard the good news.

  Everyone can go to school again, and every student's heart is very happy. Unlike the hippopotamus teacher who was so worried about him when he was sick, the little animals started a new life!

4.睡前幼儿英语小故事 篇四

  On a snowy day, the crow mother disregarded the crow father's advice and went to find bugs to feed the crow baby, so she caught a cold.

  Usually my mother takes care of me, now it's my turn to take care of my mother! "The little crow said to herself as she covered her mother lying in bed. After listening to this sentence, the crow mother felt that she had mostly recovered from her illness.

  It's sunny, and the cousin of the crow baby came to play with it: "Little crow brother, come and play, it's sunny!" "No way, cousin, my mother has a cold, let's play again next time." The little crow replied, and the cousin was moved and came to help.

  Why don't we make a bowl of noodles? "Said Baby Crow.

  Okay, I know how to do it, but I've only done it with my parents and I don't know how to do it myself. What should I do? "The crow sister made the crow baby happy and anxious for a while.

  Coincidentally, there was a magpie selling recipes while knocking on the door. With the consent of the crow father, the crow baby and the crow cousin opened the door and said, "Aunt Magpie, I want to buy one. How much is it?" The magpie replied, "Three yuan per share." "Okay, here's the money." As they spoke, the crow baby and the crow cousin took out their accumulated pocket money.

  Compared to the recipe, the delicious noodles have been prepared, and the crow baby is so happy! Mom, my cousin and I have prepared noodles for you. Let's try it

  Mother crow ate noodles one mouthful at a time, and her cold was completely cured. Of course, she would like to thank baby crow and cousin crow.

5.睡前幼儿英语小故事 篇五

  Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who lived in a beautiful castle.

  One day, the princess went out for a walk when suddenly there was a deep hunting pit ahead. The princess quickly ran over and looked down. Inside, there was a handsome prince who wanted to save him.

  She looked around for the rope, but where was the rope?

  The princess thought, 'You can make a rope!' She saw willows and big trees next to her and immediately thought of an idea. The princess immediately found many willows and woven them into ropes, which were quickly woven. So the princess tied one end of the rope to the tree and the other end to the princess's body. The princess slid down the rope into the pit, held the prince in her arms, and climbed up again along the rope.

  The princess carried the prince to her room to heal her wounds. After a few days, the prince woke up. Seeing this beautiful princess, the prince was very happy.

  From then on, the prince planned his own story for the princess every day. As time passed, the princess gradually fell in love with the handsome prince, who also loved this beautiful princess very much. One day, the prince was about to go home. The prince asked, "Princess, are you willing to marry me?" The princess said with joy, "I do

  So the prince took the princess home and they lived happily ever after.
