
时间:2023-09-08 08:59:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】你是时代的弄潮儿,领导我们在知识的海洋徜徉。你是辛勤的园丁,培育我们茁壮成长。你是无私的春蚕,倾尽自己奉献我们。祝师恩永远,教师节日快乐。以下是©文档大全网整理的《有关教师节英语作文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.有关教师节英语作文 篇一

  September 10th is Teacher's Day. That morning, all the students in Class 6 decided to give the teacher a surprise.

  At noon, we all arrived in the classroom early. After some discussion, everyone unanimously recommended that Cai Luze, an excellent painter, draw on the blackboard. Yu Siqin, who can write art calligraphy, wrote a congratulatory message, "Teacher, you've worked hard!", and Yuan Yibo wrote a paragraph praising the teacher's kindness. They all took it seriously and we were all very satisfied with it. We just felt that the classroom was empty and the festive atmosphere was not strong enough. At this moment, Mao Jinyu saw some colorful ribbons decorated like window flowers in the classroom next door, and was very envious. He immediately went to the snack bar with Liu Minqian to buy them. Unfortunately, the ribbon has already been sold out, and they only bought back two cans of spray glue and six balloons. So everyone started hanging the six colored balloons under the lampshade, and there were also some holiday decorations and decorations in the classroom. However, spraying glue can only be done when the teacher enters the classroom, and we don't know how the effect will be. We can't help but feel a bit excited and worried.

  Finally, when Teacher Shen entered the classroom. We first applauded warmly, and then Mao Jinyu and Gu Haoqi vigorously sprayed with glue cans in hand. In the classroom, there was a joyful "spray glue rain", and the students were so excited that you and I rushed to express holiday wishes to the teacher. Teacher Shen was very surprised by the sudden blessing. Seeing the smile on her face, we all felt extremely happy.

2.有关教师节英语作文 篇二

  Today, September 10th, we welcome the annual Teacher's Day.

  In the morning, the school held a grand flag raising ceremony, during which students addressed their respected teachers and expressed their gratitude.

  Class is over, and the first class is Chinese. When Teacher Guo walked onto the podium, the students rushed to the podium and brought their own flowers and blessings. Teacher Guo received so many flowers and looked very happy, holding a pile of colorful and beautiful flowers with a happy smile on his face.

  Teacher, I have a lot to say to you. Teacher, thank you for teaching us how to learn; Thank you, you have taught us a lot of truth; Teacher, thank you. It's you who led us towards the ocean of knowledge!

  What should we use to repay the teacher for teaching us so much? Of course, it's a bouquet of flowers, a blessing, and excellent performance and good grades on Teacher's Day.

  Teacher, thank you for teaching us so much. I must repay your hard work with excellent grades!

3.有关教师节英语作文 篇三

  This year's Teacher's Day is the XX th Teacher's Day and the last Teacher's Day in my elementary school career. As in previous years, we carried out activities to celebrate Teacher's Day. I think this celebration of Teacher's Day was very successful and left a deep impression on people. In this activity, every student actively participated and cooperated.

  At the beginning of the activity, as soon as the teacher entered the classroom, all the students stood up, bowed to the teacher, and sent blessings to the teacher. Next is a wonderful performance by the students. Then, each student said a few heartfelt words to the teacher and presented a gift to the teacher. The Teacher's Day activity came to an end amidst laughter and laughter... In this Teacher's Day activity, what impressed me the most was that each student sincerely said a few words to the teacher. Although each student has only a few short words, our friendship with the teacher is so sincere, pure, and deep. Perhaps those brief words have been engraved in the teacher's mind, and perhaps our love for the teacher has flowed into his heart. But how can these words compare to the care and help that teachers usually give us? Yes, I can't. Because you have nurtured our confidence with your love, igniting the light of hope and ideals for us. Teacher, you are so great!

  You are really great! Perhaps we cannot repay you, no, we can. We will repay you with the most authentic grades - teacher! This may be a comfort for you. The term 'teacher' makes people feel so familiar and affectionate

4.有关教师节英语作文 篇四

  Today is Teacher's Day. As soon as I arrived at the school gate in the morning, I saw many children holding flowers or various gifts in their hands, but my hands were empty. Today, I didn't prepare any gifts for the teacher on Teacher's Day, and I have been struggling in class. The teacher is lecturing on stage, and my mind has been thinking about whether to say "Happy Teacher's Day" to the teacher after class.

  The bell for the end of class finally rang, and I finally gathered the courage to run to the teacher's side. Originally, I wanted to say 'Happy Teacher's Day' to the teacher, but there was no gift for the teacher. Just like this, 'Teacher, I wish you a happy Teacher's Day', but I couldn't say it out. So I asked Teacher Zheng, "Today is Teacher's Day. Teacher, what gift would you like to receive. Teacher Zheng smiled and said to me, "As long as you are obedient and study hard, it is a gift for me. After listening to Teacher Zheng's words, my heart finally let go. Teacher, I will work harder, perform well, and repay your hard work with excellent grades.

  Teacher, you have worked hard. Happy Teacher's Day.

5.有关教师节英语作文 篇五

  What is the most unique Teacher's Day gift you give to your teacher? Let me share my Teacher's Day gift with everyone below!

  The creativity of this gift actually came by chance. On weekends, Qiqi and Xiaojia come to my house to play. Qiqi saw a beautiful piece of paper on my desk and said, "Let me teach you how to fold a thousand paper cranes!" About sixty of them were folded, and we almost thought of an idea at the same time: on Teacher's Day, we will send one hundred thousand paper cranes to Teacher Luo and one hundred thousand paper cranes to Teacher Lin, to give them a surprise! With this idea, we each prepared to fold a thousand paper cranes at home. On September 6th, we gathered at Xiaojia's house with Thousand Paper Cranes. We thread the Thousand Paper Crane with thin white thread, hang it with a flower, and make it into a lantern shape and a wind bell shape, respectively. Looking at the work completed by the three of us, we smiled knowingly.

  On Teacher's Day, I, Wu Kejia, and Luo Qi arrived in the classroom early as scheduled, preparing to give an accident to the teacher and classmates. During self-study in the morning, students competed to give flowers to Teacher Luo. Only when the classmates have finished sending all the flowers can we three make a brilliant appearance. We walked onto the podium and gave Feng Ling, made of a thousand paper cranes, to Teacher Luo. Together, we wished him a happy holiday! "Teacher Luo laughed uncontrollably and said," It's really beautiful! Thank you. The first class is math. Teacher Lin arrived, and our three swordsmen once again made a shining appearance. We gave the lantern made of a thousand paper cranes to Teacher Lin and also sent a blessing: "Wishing Teacher Lin a happy holiday. Teacher Lin also smiled. Throughout the entire class, Teacher Lin was smiling. You know, Teacher Lin used to be very serious and never gave a class with a smile! Seeing the happy smiles of the teachers, our hearts were filled with joy.

  This is the most unique Teacher's Day gift I think, because every paper crane is filled with our love and gratitude for our teachers. I believe teachers can definitely feel our hearts. I hope all teachers around the world have a happy Teacher's Day.
