
时间:2022-09-02 03:25:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】您是园丁,我是花朵,在您的培肓下我慢慢盛开;您是大树,我是小草,在您的呵护下我茁壮成长;您是老师,我是学生,在您的教导下我不断进步,教师节到了,真诚愿您节日快乐!老师您辛苦了!以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  September 10th is teachers' day. This morning, all the students in class 5 (6) decided to give the teacher a surprise.

  At noon, we all came to the classroom early. After some discussion, we unanimously recommended that CAI Luze, an excellent painter, paint on the blackboard and Yu Siqin, who can write fine words, write a congratulatory message: "teacher, it's hard!", Then yuan Yibo wrote a paragraph praising the teacher's kindness. All three of them did it seriously, and we were very satisfied with it. We just felt that the classroom was empty and the festive atmosphere was not strong enough. At this time, Mao Jinyu saw that the classroom next door was also decorated with some colorful ribbons like window flowers. He was very envious and immediately went to the grocery store with Liu Minqian to buy them. Unfortunately, the ribbons have been sold out. They only bought back two cans of glue and five balloons. So we all started to hang the colorful balloons under the lampshade, and there were some festive decorations and embellishments in the classroom. However, we can't spray the glue until the teacher enters the classroom. I don't know how the effect will be. We can't help feeling a little excited and worried.

  Finally, when Mr. Shen entered the classroom. We applauded warmly first, and then Mao Jinyu and Gu Haoqi held a spray can to spray. There was a happy "glue spray rain" in the classroom. The students were so excited that you and I rushed to express our holiday wishes to the teacher. Teacher Shen was very surprised at the unexpected blessing. Seeing the smile on her face, we all felt very happy.


  Teacher's Day is coming! When I was thinking about how to express my blessings to the teacher, I only heard a few sighs. I went to have a look. It turned out that the students were also worried about how to express their blessings. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I thought of a way.

  On the afternoon of September 8, after school, I went to collect three different leaves, maple leaves, poplar leaves and small leaves strung together. Poplar leaves are like a piece of love, maple leaves are like a hairy palm, and small leaves strung together are like bells. I use these lovely leaves to make a greeting card that is both environmentally friendly and can express my feelings. This can also improve my manual skills. I painted two washes on the two poplar leaves, representing me and the teacher respectively. The teacher cares for me and I also love the teacher. The small leaves below represent the students. The students sit in the classroom every day to listen to the teacher and learn their skills. I also wrote some blessings on the back of the greeting card.

  Teacher's day finally arrived. Most of the students sent flowers to the teacher, but I was the most special gift from Wu Mengying and me. Wu Mengying sent two yellow dragons that her mother had personally strung with beads, and the gift I gave to the teacher can best express my feelings.

  When the teacher received the gift, he kept saying, "thank you, thank you." She also asked me to stick the flowers to the walls of the classroom and make the classroom look beautiful. Happy Teacher's Day!


  "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and it is hard to buy an inch of time.". That's right!

  Time flies by. In a twinkling of an eye, we have entered the fifth grade of study and life. We have never been sensible to sensible. This is inseparable from the teacher's education to us.

  On the occasion of teacher's day, I sincerely said to the teacher, "teacher, you have worked hard." Then give my most precious gift to the teacher.

  In fact, I think that teachers' Day is not just about giving gifts. In fact, what teachers want is not gifts, but that we can study hard and add glory to the motherland. This is the gift that teachers most want. Every teacher is very hard. He goes out early and returns late every day. When he comes home, he has to correct his homework and sort out his notes. For our sake, the teacher's white hair is increasing day by day.

  Teacher, you are my second mother. You have nurtured us and taught us how to be human. Teacher, you are my big friend. You bring us joy and vitality.

  Teacher, you are our golden key. With you, we can open the door of knowledge.

  Teacher, we will never forget you, your hope for us and your care for us. Teacher, let us say to you again: "teacher, you have worked hard!" At the same time, I also wish all teachers in the world a happy holiday.


  The teacher's Day is coming. In order to welcome the teacher's day, students buy gifts for teachers. Some students buy flowers for teachers, some students buy music boxes for teachers, some students buy cloth dolls for teachers, and some buy... For teachers. However, I use a hand-made blessing card to give to teachers. The teacher should say that what I make with my own hands is a gift for teachers, so I made a blessing card myself. "The content is like this: ah! My dear teacher, you are so kind and kind. It is you who led us into school, let us learn all kinds of knowledge, and let us know what literature is!

  Ah! Our dear teacher, you are a hardworking gardener, patiently nurturing our small flowers in the warm and humid environment, and let us grow happily! In this teacher's day, I want to say to you: Thank you, teacher. I wish you always young and beautiful!

  After class, I sent this blessing card to the teacher. The teacher took the blessing card, opened it and looked at it. He quietly walked to my seat and said to me: your blessing card is well written, but it can't show your gratitude to me. If you want to thank me, then study hard. Studying hard is my gratitude! "So I listened to the teacher carefully and spoke positively. Finally, the teacher showed his satisfaction!

  This time I learned that studying hard is not only a thank you to the teacher, but also a gift to the teacher!


  What holiday is September 10th? It's teacher's day. It's a traditional holiday for teachers!

  Teacher, is an ordinary phrase, but it looks ordinary, but in my eyes it is a glorious post. She personally taught everyone who had just entered primary and secondary schools and didn't know anything. She taught everyone to behave civilized, talented and perfect children. During this period, how much sweat does the teacher have to spend! At the beginning, everyone was mischievous and did not understand the rules, but the teacher could patiently educate everyone. Now, everyone is more and more intelligent and obedient. In order to better obtain the fruits of wisdom, the teacher prepared rich and colorful classroom teaching for everyone in advance to find out the incorrect, correct the mistakes and omissions, and tell you the appropriate ways, so that you collected thousands of baskets of wisdom fruits.

  The teacher is like a hardworking new sprout, saying that he cares for everyone night and night, so that everyone can get the flower of wisdom; The teacher is like a candle, igniting himself and lighting up everyone; The teacher is like a pencil. He writes his professional skills on the blackboard for everyone to learn; The teacher looks like

  September 10th is coming. Here, I want to wish Chinese teacher Zhou a happy holiday! I want to wish Mr. Yuan a happy holiday! I would like to wish a happy holiday to teachers of science research! I want to wish all the teachers of class 5 (2) a happy holiday! Finally, I would like to wish all teachers of Xingzhi school a happy holiday! Happy everyday!


  "La La, La La?" I sing a little song. He trotted all the way to the school.

  Today is teacher's day. What gift should I give the teacher? Thinking, he came to the classroom. The classroom was boiling. The students were standing in front of the blackboard and talking loudly. I squeezed in to have a look at the blackboard. WOW! It's so beautiful. There are five big characters "Happy Teacher's Day" written on the blackboard, and some butterflies and flowers are painted with colored pens. Several students are still painting with great interest. I think: let me show my skills! So I drew on the blackboard. Suddenly someone shouted "the teacher is coming!". I quickly put down the colored pen in my hand and sat down on the seat. Several boys hurried to the door of the classroom with colored ribbons in their hands, prepared to surprise the teacher. At this time, my heart was pounding and I was looking forward to it. As soon as the teacher's foot stepped into the classroom door, there was only a "Chi" sound. The students sprayed the ribbons on the teacher's head and body. At the same time, warm applause broke out in the classroom. We shouted together: "teacher, I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!" The teacher entered the classroom and said excitedly: "first of all, I want to thank the students for remembering the teacher's holiday. Secondly, I want to explain that your progress is a gift to me. Thank you, students. Now let's start our class."

  The teacher gave a wonderful lecture in this class, and the students listened very carefully.


  Teacher's Day is coming! Happy Teacher's Day!

  Teacher's Day falls on September 10 every year. This year's teacher's Day is coming. In order to wish the teacher a happy Teacher's day, some students send greeting cards to the teacher, some people write the blessing words on the origami paper, and some people tell "Happy Teacher's Day!"

  Today, our class discussed a surprise for the teacher. In the morning, we pretended to forget that today is teacher's day. The teacher looked at us and thought we had forgotten what day it was today. When we were in the first class in the morning, the teacher looked at us unhappily. When the monitor said to stand up, the teacher's mood did not change, because the teacher thought we should say "good teacher". When we said "Happy Teacher's Day", the teacher's face was full of smiles. You think it's over without us all preparing gifts for the teacher. One by one, we put the gifts we prepared on the lecture table. Some of them were for the time we spent with our teachers, and some of them were for us. Our thanks and blessings to the teacher, as well as a picture sent by other students, which depicts the whole class. The teacher's face showed a moving smile. Because we are about to graduate, we want to send our memories and blessings to our teachers.

  The paper I gave to the teacher said: teacher, you have worked hard. I wish you a happy Teacher's day. I want to thank you for your care and care over the years. I wish you happiness forever!

  I say to you again: Happy Teacher's Day!


  "When the spring silkworms die, the wax torch turns into ashes and tears dry." There are many places in the long river of memory that deserve my nostalgia, but what makes me most unforgettable is the teacher's honest teachings, the teacher's expectant eyes, and the comments that have poured countless efforts into the teacher.

  The long road to knowledge is endless. We are groping on the dark road to knowledge. It is the teacher's eyes that send us to the dawn. He helps us to open up the wisdom. You cut all the thorns on the road. Let us enjoy the fragrant weeds on the roadside and greedily absorb the nectar of knowledge.

  No matter whether you succeed or fail in each exam, the teacher's eyes are always so positive, like the beating candle light, driving away your confusion, illuminating your direction of progress, and always containing expectations. Every time I make a mistake, the teacher's eyes are so strict, urging me not to make mistakes again. Every time I am unhappy, the teacher always comforts me with a kind tone, like a gentle spring breeze blowing into my heart.

  The teacher has trained us from an ignorant child to an all-round development student. There is much effort and sweat of the teacher. Without you, we would not have made progress. The teacher is you who give us knowledge, strength, courage to overcome difficulties and let us march forward.

  Teacher, you are a hardworking gardener, watering our bright flowers with the rain and dew of knowledge. You are a burning candle, illuminating our way forward with your bright light. Teacher, you have worked hard. Thank you!


  Today is teacher's day. First of all, I want to wish all teachers a happy holiday!

  I would also like to thank my head teacher, Mr. Wang, for constantly teaching us a lot of knowledge and caring for us in life. The teacher is gentle and strict with us. Whenever we make mistakes, the teacher will severely criticize us. We have made a little progress in our study. The teacher will encourage us to praise us.

  I remember when I first went to primary school, I felt strange to everything in the school. The strange environment, the strange classmates, everything was a brand-new world for me. Because it was strange, I dared not touch it, and was unwilling to talk and communicate with my classmates. I always felt that the people around me were not particularly friendly. For this reason, even if I knew the answer to the question in class, I always hesitated to raise my hand. You may have noticed that your eyes seem to say: "Bai Zhennan, don't be afraid. Muster up courage to try. It doesn't matter if you answer wrong." You have increased my courage and courage. I immediately raised my hand to answer. Although my answer was not very satisfactory, you still praised me with a smile. Because of this, I developed a good habit of actively raising my hands to speak in class. Shortly after the beginning of school, I actively spoke in class and did not gossip. You also praised me and sent me a letter of praise. I was very happy at that time. But when I make a mistake, you will not hesitate to punish me. I remember the last time yuan Yuhao and I talked in class and did not pay attention to the lecture. You asked me to stand for a class. I know that all teachers are for my good, for my learning progress and for my good grades. On this special day, I want to say: Thank you, my teacher!


  Today is teacher's day. I got the cards ready early. As soon as I got to the school, I saw our English teacher Liu. I hurried to catch up with Mr. Liu and gave her a greeting card. I said, "I don't know what to thank you for. I just wrote congratulations on your happy Teacher's day." Mr. Liu said, "it doesn't matter. As long as your heart is there, the teacher will be happy." Then I gave the cards to Mr. Liu in mathematics and Mr. Zhang in Chinese.

  Every teacher's Day is the most favorite holiday for teachers. On teacher's day, teachers can receive the most sincere wishes, the most beautiful flowers and the most pure smiles from students. It is the happiest time for teachers.

  When giving it to the math teacher, Mr. Liu said: "thank you, but don't throw the greeting card like that. You should give it to the teacher with both hands to show your respect. That will better show your affection for the teacher." I smiled and said, "yes, I will remember your teachings in the future." Mr. Liu's words have always accompanied me in my growth. When I sometimes want to throw them to others, I immediately think of what Mr. Liu said. Such impolite things have never happened again.

  Although this teacher's day has been a day's lesson, I am still very happy because I give my best wishes to my teachers, and I also learn the knowledge that will benefit me throughout my life through this teacher's day.
