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【#新概念英语# 导语】学习新概念英语并不难啊。你还在为英语成绩低拖后腿而烦恼吗?不要着急,®文档大全网小编为大家提供了“新概念英语第三册Lesson12~14重点句型解析”。相信加入学习当中的你,很快便不再受英语的困扰!还在等什么?和小编一起来学习吧!


  1、What was exceptional about the two men's stay on the desert island?

  Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island.

  form an unrealistic picture of sth 对…抱有不切实际的幻想

  -- A large number of people have formed an unrealistic picture of the job. Form(v.形成, 构成)= develop(vt.逐渐形成)

  -- develop a habit = form a habit 养成一种习惯

  2、We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise where the sun always shines.

  imagine sth to be = imagine sth as

  -- Some people imagine flying to be more dangerous than traveling by train.

  -- A large number people imagine the USA as their paradise.

  谓语动词 wish 之后的宾语从句中要使用虚拟语气

  1>如果表达与现在情况相反, that 从句中的动词要用过去时(be 动词要用 were)。

  -- I wish you could drive a car. = I am sorry you can’t drive a car.


  2>如果表达与过去情况相反, that 从句中的动词要用过去完成时。

  -- I wish I hadn't spent so much money. = I am sorry I spend so much money.

  -- I wish that you had written to him. = I am sorry you didn’t write to him.

  3、如果表达与将来事实相反的情况或将来不可能实现的心愿, that 从句中要使用 would, could 等情态动词的过去时形式。

  -- I wish that I could go abroad tomorrow.

  -- I wish that you could come here tomorrow. 4>if only 要比 wish 更富有戏剧性和感情色彩

  -- If only the weather would change. = I wish the weather would change. 要是天气转晴该有多好啊!

  -- We wish that we knew where to look for him. = If only we knew where to look for him. 要是我们知道到哪去找他该有多好啊!

  -- If only we could have gone to the party. 要是我们昨天能参加那个聚会该有多好啊!

  -- If only you hadn't said that. 你要是不说那句话多好啊!

  -- If only you would come here tomorrow. 你明天要是能来该有多好啊!

  4、They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired During the journey, their boat began to sink.

  have it repaired (have sth done)

  They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and cans of beer and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island.

  load…with sth 把某物装载到…上

  -- The workers are loading the truck with goods. Unload(vi.卸货, 退子弹 vt.倾销, 卸)

  5、There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem.

  hardly any = very little/few (hardly adv.刚刚, 几乎不)

  -- Hardly anybody likes him because he is so rude. 几乎没人喜欢他, 因为他非常粗鲁。

  -- You hardly eat anything, what's wrong? 你几乎什么都没吃, 怎么了? prove to be = turn out to be

  6、The men collected rainwater in the rubber dinghy.

  As they had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat.

  7、They caught lobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it ate like kings.

  Put = express

  8、When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave.

  Both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave.

  = If only we could have stayed on the desert island a little bit longer.


  1、What did the man expect to find under the stairs?

  After her husband had gone to work, Mrs. Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom.

  2、She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress part with her husband.

  fancy-dress party = costume party

  1> too ... to… 太...而不能… (不定式 to 在大部分情况下表示否定概念)

  2> not/never too ... to… 并不太...所以能够…

  -- One is never too old to learn 活到老, 学到老。

  -- The question is not too difficult for me to answer. 这个问题并不太难, 所以我能够答得出。

  3>如果在副词 too 前发现修饰语 all, but, only, 不定式 to 的概念也是肯定的。

  -- They are all too satisfied to work with you.

  -- I am only too glad to have someone to speak to. 我太高兴了, 想找个人说话。

  -- He was but too eager to get home.

  3、She intended to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before, she was impatient to try it on.

  intended to 打算做什么 = mean to do 意图做什么

  dress up as… 化妆成为…

  the night before 前一个晚上(以过去的某一个时间为基准点)

  last night 昨天晚上(以现在为基准点)

  -- She went to New York on business three days ago, the night before she got everything ready.

  be impatient to do sth 急于要做某事, 迫不及待做某事

  impatient 可以换为 eager, anxious, hungry, thirsty, desperate, can't wait(口语)

  desperate(adj.不顾一切的, 拚死的)

  -- she was impatient to try it on.(try on 试穿)

  4、Though the costume consisted only of a sheet, it was very effective.

  After putting it on, Mrs. Richards went downstairs.

  After putting it on 穿上以后

  5、She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear.

  = It would be comfortable (for her) to wear

  动词不定式 to wear, 用来修饰说明 comfortable, 作它的状语。

  -- It is easy for me to read.

  -- The book is difficult to read.

  -- The dress is easy to wash.

  -- Your handwriting is easy to recognize.


  1> The music is sweet to hear.

  2> The machine needs repairing. (用 need, want 和动名词形式直接搭配)

  3> The dictionary is worth buying.

  -- The book is worth reading.

  4>The house is under construction.(介词 under 表达被动的意味)

  -- The puma is under control.

  -- The problem is under discussion.(n.讨论)

  -- The thief is under arrest.(n.逮捕, 拘留)

  5> The airport came into use again.(came into 不及物动词短语)

  -- Our time has already gone to waste.(go to waste 浪费掉, 付诸东流)

  6> able 形容词后缀, 跟在动词后表达"能够被...的"

  -- She is a respectable person.(respectable adj.可敬的, 值得被尊敬的)

  -- This is a returnable bottle. 这是一个能被退回的瓶子。(returnable adj.可被退回的)

  7> consist of, comprise 本身表达被动概念, 结构形式为主动

  6、Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dinning room, there was a knock on the front door.

  She knew that it must be the baker.

  She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table.

  straight adv.直接地, 径直地

  if even(ever 用于条件句。表示任何时候, 任何场合)= when ever

  -- If ever you see George give him my best regards.(n.问候)

  -- When ever he is in trouble I'll be on the spot.

  Not wanting to frighten the poor man, Mrs. Richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the stairs.

  Not wanting (分词的否定结构形式, 做原因状语。)

  多用于句首, 也可插入句中, 主谓之间。

  Not wanting to make her nervous, the doctor didn't fully explain the seriousness of condition.

  = The doctor, not wanting to make her nervous, didn't fully explain the seriousness of her condition.

  She heard the front door open and heavy footsteps in the hall. Suddenly the door of the storeroom was opened and a man entered.

  Mrs. Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the metre.

  read the metre 查电表

  She tried to explain the situation, saying 'It's only me', but it was too late.


  The man let out cry and jumped back several paces.

  let out a cry 大叫了一声(= utter a cry /give a cry)

  utter vt.发出, 做声, 发表, 发射

  jump back several paces 后退了好几步

  When Mrs. Richards walked towards him, he fled, slamming the door behind him.

  Slamming(现在分词作方式状语或伴随状语, 说明 fled 的情况)


  1、How did Haywood make in times of peace?

  There was a tine when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago that to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for 'protection.'

  pay large sums of money to sb 向某人付大笔大笔的费用

  in return for… 目的是为了换取…, 作为对…的回报

  -- He gave me some books in return for my help.

  when 引导状语从句修饰 time

  -- There was a time when mini skirt was in fashion.(Mini n.迷你型, 袖珍型)

  2、If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop.

  Promptly = immediately

  put a man out of business 使某人失业

  put sb/sth out of... 使某人失去…

  -- You are putting me out of patience. 你使我失去耐心了。

  -- You have already put everything out of order.

  -- Put it out of your mind. 忘记这件事情吧。

  by destroying his shop 通过…手段

  -- You are putting me out of patience by disturbing me.

  3、Obtaining 'protection money' is not a modern crime.

  Obtaining = getting

  4、As long ago as the fourteenth century, an Englishman, Sir John Hawkwood, made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.

  as long ago as 追溯回到(= dating back to = date from)

  -- I knew Jane as long ago as the year 1980.

  make the remarkable discovery 做出不同寻常的发现

  would rather do... than do... 宁愿…而不…

  -- He would rather die than surrender.(vi.投降, 自首)

  -- I would rather play tennis than swim.

  would prefer to do ... than do...

  would prefer doing ... to doing...

  -- He would prefer to die than surrender.

  -- He would prefer dying to surrendering.

  would rather(sooner) + that 宾语从句(过去式)-- 虚拟语气

  -- I would rather that you were not here. 我宁愿你不在这。(暗含:实际你在这)

  -- I would rather that I didn't see you.

  -- He would rather that he didn't hear the news.

  life work 毕生的事业 / have sth done

  5、Six hundred years ago, Sir Johan Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence.

  settled near Florence 定居在 Florence 附近

  He soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the Italians as Giovanni Acuto.

  made a name for himself = become famous

  -- They soon made quite a name for themselves as pop singers.

  come to = get to 渐渐的

  come to be known 渐渐被人所熟知

  -- I come to be known to my students.

  -- I got to know him.

  6、Whenever the Italian city-states were at war with each other, Hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to princes who were willing to pay the high price he demanded.

  Whenever 无论什么时候

  at war 交战 / at war with… 于…交战

  hire 表示出租

  who 指代 prince

  he demanded = Hawkwood demanded

  7、In times of peace, when business was bad, Hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and, after burning down a few farms, would offer to go away if protection money was paid to them.

  in time of peace 在和平期间

  march into 大踏步行军

  burn down 烧毁 / burn up 烧光 / burn out 烧空

  -- The house was burned out only walls left. 房子被了只剩下墙壁。

  would offer to go away = would promise to go away

  Hawkwood made large sums of money in this way. In spite of this, the Italians regarded

  him as a sort of hero.

  in spite of this 尽管如此

  People in different countries have different opinions.

  The Italians regarded him as a sort of hero.

  8、When he died at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral and had a pictured which was dedicated to the memory of 'the most valiant soldier and most notable leader, Signor Giovanni Haukodue.'

  give sb a state funeral 给某人举行国葬

  have sth done

  Signor n.先生(意大利语)

  which 指代 picture

  be dedicated to the memory of sb

  the most valiant 比较级的级形式

