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【#三年级# 导语】英语学习是为了面对将来的全球化世界所必须要坚持的学习。尤其随着中国的进一步发展,世界各地的人都会来中国从事,掌握英语可以让你在将来的交流中先于一步。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。


班级________ 姓名_______ 得分_________

( )1. A. come B . close C. window
( ) 2.A. down B. up C. blackboard
( ) 3.A.book B. ruler C. please
( ) 4.A.robot B. sit C. close
( ) 5.A.open B. in C. sit
( )1.妈妈叫你把窗户打开,她会对你说:
A. Open the window , please . B. Open the door ,please .
( ) 2.当你迟到了,你该对*说:
A. Yes , Miss Li . B. I’m sorry , Miss Li .
( ) 3.风太大了,妈妈对你说:
A. Open the window ,please . B. Close the window .
( ) 4.老师让同学们打开书,她说:
A. Close the book . B. Open your books .
( ) 5.你上学迟到了, 你说:
A. Come in , please . B. I’m sorry .
( ) 6. 当你想建议你的朋友不要听王冰的话时,你可以说:
A .Not listen to Wang Bing .
B . Don’t listen to Wang Bing .
( ) 7. 上课了,老师叫你们看黑板时,他可以说:
A . Look the blackboard . B . Look at the blackboard .
1. Stand _______ ( up down ) , please .
2. Come _______ ( to in ) , Jill .
3. Please ______ ( sit close ) the door .
4. _______ ( Not Don’t ) look at the blackboard .
5. Listen ________ ( to for ) me , please .

1.— I’m ___________, Mr Green .
— _________ in ,Mike .
2. Wang Bing , please __________ the window .
3.— _________ down , please .
— Thank you .
4. Stand ___________ .
5. — Liu Tao ,please open the door .
— __________ , Mr Green .
( ) 1.What colour is the window ? A. Sit down , please.
( ) 2. Stand up , please . B. It’s a robot .
( ) 3.What’s this ? C. Good morning .
( ) 4.Good morning . D. OK, Miss Li .
( ) 5.Don’t open the book . E. It’s yellow .

( )1.—Look ____________ the blackboard, Mike .
—Yes , Miss Li .
A. at B. on C. /
( ) 2. —What’s this ?
— It’s _____________ .
A. door B. a door C. an door
( ) 3.—Please close the window .
—___________ .
A. Thank you B. Yes , Mr Green C. I’m sorry
( ) 4. —May I come in ?
—____________ .
A. Sit down , please B. Come in , please C. OK
( ) 5. —Don’t listen __________ Sam , Bobby .
— OK .
A. / B. for C. to
( ) 6.— Listen to _________ , please .
— Yes .
A. Mr Green B. Green Mr
( ) 7.— Look at my two ________ .
— How big !
A. book B. books
1 window , please , the , open ( . )
2. book , this , my , is ( . )
3. doll , look , the , at ( . )
4. door , don’t , the , close ( . )
5. sit , please , down ( , . )
6. book , Bob , two , has , big ( . )
7. robot , the , listen , to ( . )
8. No , It , rubber , is , a ( ! . )
七.选择正确的答句 。
M : ___________
L : Good afternoon , class .
C : __________ , Miss Li .
L: __________ , please .
__________ .
What’s this , Yang Ling ?
Y: It’s a robot .
L: No , ___________ .

A . Gao Shan , please open the book .
B. Yes , Mr Green .
C. Good morning , class .
D. Stand up .
E. Thank you , Mr Green .
F. Sit down , please .
G. Good morning , Mr Green .
( ) 1.Mike , stand down , please . ____________
( ) 2.Wang Bing , please close up the door ._____________
( ) 3.— I’m sorry , Mr Green .
— Come up , Liu Tao . ______________
( ) 4.— Sit up , please .
— Thank you . ______________
( ) 5. — Good morning , class .
— Goodbye , Mr Green . ______________


姓名: 得分:

A. cap B. boat C. map D. ball E. desk


1. chair desk 2. ruler box 3. on under
cap pencil no

4. car boat 5. arm foot
cap are

( )1. ----Let’s there! ------OK!
A. Go to B. go C. goes
( )2. -----I can’t find you. ? -----I’m behind you!
A. Where is it B. Where is you
C. Where are you
( )3. -----Where is Tom? ----- is in the boat.
A. He B. She C. It
( )4. ----- is my toy car? ---On the desk.
A. Where B. What C. How
( )5. -----Where are you? ----- .
A. I’m from America B. It’s on the desk
C. I’m in the room
( )6. ----- ? ---Under the desk.
A. Where is it B. Is this your ball C. What is it
( )7. -----Is mum in the kitchen? ----- .
A. Yes,it is B. Yes,he is C. Yes,she is
( )8. -----Where is book? -----It’s in the toy box.
A. a B. an C. the
( )9. I have two .
A. Toy boats B. Toys boat C. Toys boats
( )10. ----- they in the bag? ---Yes,they are.
A. Ate B. Is C. Do
1. ----Is the dog on the box?(作肯定回答)
2. ----Is the pencil under the book?(作肯定回答)
3. ----Is the ball under the chair?(作否定回答)
4. ----is the bird in the tree?(作否定回答)

1. Drive a car.
2. Put on a cap.
3. Bounce a ball.
4. Row a boat.
5. Put your hand on the desk
( )1. Let’s go home! A. 猜得好!
( )2. Is it on the map? B. 我找不到你。
( )3. Silly me! C. 在地图上吗?
( )4. I can’t find you. D. 我们回家吧!
( )5. Good guess! E. 我真傻!
( )Thank you.
( )Here you are.
( )Excuse me. Can I use your pen?
( )Look! It’s under your book.
( )Sure! Where is my pen?
Look at my desk. What’s in it? My schoolbag and a toy car. On the desk, there is a pencil box and a book. A chair is near(在.....旁边)the desk. And a toy boat is on the chair. Where is my dog? Oh, it’s under the chair!
( )1. The toy car is in my schoolbag.
( )2. There is only(只有)a pencil box on the desk.
( )3. My dog is under the chair.
( )4. The book is in the desk.


一 请按正确的格式抄写下列单词(10分).
lemon orange apple pear banana

二 英汉找朋友. (20分)
A苹果 B市场 C教室 D柠檬 E橘子
F漂亮的 G谢谢你 H 你好吗? I连衣裙 J 颜色
1.dress ( ) 2 apple ( ). 3 colour ( ) 4. orange ( )
5.market ( ) 6.lemon ( ) 7 classroom( )8 beautiful ( )
9 How are you ?( )10 Thank you.( )

( )1.A.apple B banana C baby
( )2.A market B orange C lemon
( )3.A pear B classroom C banana
( )4.A sixteen B seventeen C apple
( )5.A clock B orange C yellow
四 阅读句子,选择一个正确答案,并把代号写在括号里。(20分)
( )1. Is this ____apple?
A a B an C at
( ) 2. Is this ____banana?
A an B at C a
( ) 3. Is this an orange?
A it isn’t B it is C I don’t
( )4. Is this a pear?
A it isn’t B it is C I do
( )5. _____a lemon?
Yes ,it is.
A This is B Is this C What’s
( )6 Are you Peter?
A I’m not B it isn’t C it is
( )7 I_____ glad to see you again.
A is B am C are
( )8. Sorry, I _____know.
A isn’t B don’t C not
( )9 What time is it?
It’s seven_______
A clock B a clock C o’clock
( )10. _______rulers are there?
Sixteen rulers.
A How old B How many C H
五 情景对话(10分)。
I II ( ) 1 How are you? A Yes, it is .
( )2 Good bye! B I’m fine, thank you.
( ) 3 What time is it ? C. I’m Anne.
( ) 4 What ‘s your name? D. Good bye!
( )5 Is this an orange? E .It’s six o’clock.

六 选出下列句子的正确答案,并把代号写在括号内.(10分).
( )1. 你好吗?
A. How are you ? B How old are you ?
C What’s your name?
( )2.现在几点了?
A What time is it ? B What colour is this?
C What’s this ?.
( )3.这是一个苹果吗?
A Is this a banana ? B Is this an apple?
C This is an orange
( )4.这不是一个柠檬.
A It isn’t a pear. B.This is an apple
C It isn’t a lemon.
( )5.这里是市场.
A This is market. B This is classroom. C This is a pear
七 连词成句.(10分)
1 are, How , you, (?)

2.apple, an, this, Is ,(?)

3.an, orange, Is , this, (?)

4,this, pear ,a, Is (?)

5. a , It, classroom, isn’t. (。)

( )1 Are you Lingling?
A你是玲玲吗? B 你好,玲玲!
C 你多大了?
( )2 Is this an orange,too?
A这是一个苹果吗? B这是一个柠檬吗?
C 这也是一个橘子吗?
( )3 This is a market.
A这是一个教室。 B这是一个市场。
( )4 It isn’t a classroom.
A这是一个教室。 B这不是一个教室。
( )5 I don’t like banana.
A我喜欢柠檬。 B我喜欢香蕉。

