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【#四六级考试# 导语】2023上半年英语四级作文参考模板,是很多英语四级考生备考时必不可少的工具。©文档大全网为大家整理了相关内容,供大家参考。掌握好作文模板,是提高英语四级写作水平的关键。

1.2023上半年英语四级作文参考模板 篇一

  Children Are What the Mothers Are





  Children Are What the Mothers Are

  Some people say“Children are what the mothers are.”Literally it means the mothers have great influence on their children.Actually,here the mothers refer to not only mothers and fathers,but all the people surrounding us.who play very important roles in the education of the kids.

  According to some researches,daily life affects kids enormously.Parents are the best teachers of their children.whose daily behaviors and mind have a great effect on their kids.So it is unsurprising that children often reflect their parents like a mirror,and sometimes people Can even tell who their parents are without knowing them before.It is true of teachers,friends,and people the kids contact in daily life.

  So it is important for parents to make sure that people around the kids are the ones of good qualities,such as honesty,responsibility,patience and outstanding abilities.

2.2023上半年英语四级作文参考模板 篇二

  College Graduates Working as Community Workers





  College Graduates Working as Community Workers

  Nowadays,some college graduates choose to work in grassroots communities after graduation.I think it is a good practice which can benefit not only themselves but also the whole society.

  On the one hand,college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the community.As we all know.the staff members in the communities are mainly made up of retired workers before,most of whom are not well educated.If college graduates can work in the communities.they can introduce some new concepts and methods to the community.On the other hand.graduates Can also gain a lot from working as community workers.Community is the smallest unit in the society.Students can give full play to their abilities because they have to deal with various people and solve many thorny issues.Besides.one can also improve his practical skills,such as interpersonal skills and organizing ability.

  In my opinion,learning practical skills is of great importance for a graduate.Therefore,it is a wise choice for college graduates to have an experience as community workers.

3.2023上半年英语四级作文参考模板 篇三

  Mobile Phones in the Class

  Given is an interesting cartoon:writing on the whiteboard,the teacher says the formula is SO important that it will be Oil the test.Meanwhile,all the students use mobile phones to take the picture of the formula instead of taking notes.The picture demonstrates that mobile phones are quite prevalent in the class.

  There are mainly two reasons.On the one hand,in contrast to writing the important points down,students tend to use mobile phones to remember things, for taking picture is extremely easy.0n the other hand,many students usually play with their phones even in the class,so they find it much convenient to use their phones to take photos rather than to pick up pens again.

  In short,the popularity of mobile phones in the class proves that students pay less attention to study.Both schools and parents should discourage students from overusing mobile phones.
