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【#四六级考试# 导语】2023上半年大学英语四级万能模板是每个英语四级考生必须掌握的重要工具,它包含了听力、阅读、写作和翻译四个部分的常用句型和表达方式。©文档大全网为广大考生提供了面、最实用的英语四级万能模板,帮助考生在考试中更加得心应手,取得优异成绩。让我们一起来学习吧!

1.2023上半年大学英语四级万能模板 篇一

  Computers: Are They Easier to Use ?

  Here’s my simple test for a product of today’s technology:I go to the bookstore and check the shelves for remedial books.The more books there are, the more my suspicions are raised.If computers and computer programs are getting easier to use,why are so many companies still making a nice living publishing books on how to use them?Computers manipulate information,but information is invisible.There’s nothing to see or touch.The programmer decides what you see on the screen.Computers don’t have knobs like old radios.They don’t have buttons, not real buttons.

  Instead, more and more programs display pictures of buttons,moving even further into abstraction and arbitrariness.I like computers, but I hope they will disappear,that they will seem as stranger to our descendants as the technologies of our grandparents appear to us.Today’s computers are indeed getting easier to us,but look where they started:so difficult that almost any improvement was welcome.Computers have the power to allow people within a company,across a nation or even around the world to work together.

  But this power will be wasted if tomorrow’s computers aren’t designed around the needs and capabilities of the human beings who must use them —a people-centered philosophy, in other words.This means retooling computers to cope with human strengths,observing, communicating and innovating instead of asking people to conform to the unnatural behavior computers demand.That just leads to error. Many of today’s machines try to do too much.When a complicated work processor attempts to double as a desktop pulsing program or a kitchen appliance come with half a dozen attachments,the product is bound to be awkward and burdensome.

  My favorite example of a technological product on just the right scale is an electronic dictionary.It can be made smaller,lighter and far easier to use than a print version,not only giving meanings but even pronouncing the words.Today’s electronic dictionaries,with their tiny keys and barely legible displays,are primitive but they are on the right track.

2.2023上半年大学英语四级万能模板 篇二


  It is impossible to find out exactly how many volunteers are at work today in the United States. Thirty-seven million or so are known to belong to organizations like the Pink Ladies,Travelers’Aid, or Big Brothers;but those who work alone or in small informal groups cannot be counted.The total number of men and women who give their time to help others appears to be between fifty and sixty-eight million.

  They do almost anything:they sew, clean, scrub, paint, cook, repair things,record books for the blind, amuse sick children in hospitals,or escort senior citizens who do not want to go out alone.They give their blood; they work in libraries and schools;they translate documents for new citizens with a language problem or raise money to support local symphony orchestras;they answer the telephone calls of the desperate who are thinking of killing themselves,and who need a friendly ear.

  Volunteers start community projects too small to attract the attention of organized agencies,or work at jobs for which no funds are available.A handful of city folk will turn an empty lot into a playground for the children of their neighborhood;others decide to repair and paint a few dilapidated houses in their street.Somewhere else women cook and deliver two hot meals a day to elderly people living alone,and too sick or too tired to prepare their own food.

  Another group calls lonely old people once a day to chat a little and find out if they are all right.Some college students teach English,mathematics, or drawing to the inmates of a local jail.Young men and women spend part of their weekends collecting empty cans and bottles for the recycling center of their community,and some children pick up the trash left on the beach by the crowd of a summer holiday.Anywhere one looks, the army of volunteers is hard at work —not only in the United States,but in many other countries where “volunteerism” is spreading.

3.2023上半年大学英语四级万能模板 篇三

  This I Believe

  I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and his right to life,liberty, and pursuit of happiness.I believe that every right implies a responsibility;every opportunity, an obligation,every possession, a duty.I believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law;that government is the servant of the people and not their master.

  I believe in the dignity of labor whether with head or hand;that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.I believe that thrift is essential to well-ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure,whether in government,business or personal affairs.I believe that truth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order.

  I believe in the sacredness of a promise,that a man’s word should be as good as his bond;that character — not wealth or power or position —is of supreme worth.I believe the rendering of useful service is the common duty of mankind and that only in the purifying fire of sacrifice is the dross of selfishness consumed and the greatness of the human soul set free.

  I believe in the all-wise and all-loving God,named by whatever name;and that individual’s highest fulfillment,greatest happiness and widest usefulness are to be found in living in harmony with his will.I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world;that it alone can overcome hate; that right can and will triumph over might.
