
时间:2023-03-27 01:45:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】春暖花开,春意绵绵,我们又迎来了这个学期的春游。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On Friday, our school organizes a spring outing for the whole school. In the third grade, I went to the science and Technology Museum and the University of science and technology.

  We packed a lot of delicious food in our bags and came to school happily. After the teacher said something about the spring outing, everyone went to the playground to attend the opening ceremony of the school science and technology festival. Soon, the bus came to pick us up. The students were excited to take the bus to the destination - Science and Technology Museum. There are many scientific machines here, which are very magical. We learned about the robots that drive, generate electricity and play Rubik's cube. My favorite is the robot that plays Rubik's cube. First, put the cube into the card slot. The robot skillfully rotates the cube and finished it in a short time. The robot is almost as tall as a normal person and is fixed on a table. It only takes a few steps to complete the magic cube. I think it's very magical.

  At noon, we came to the University of science and technology for lunch. After that, we visited the University of science and technology. It's very big and the scenery of the university is very good! Cherry blossoms are everywhere. Our spring outing ended happily.


  Tuesday is sunny and the air is fresh. Riding the warm spring breeze and bathed in brilliant sunshine, we came to the Oriental Nianhua ecological park.

  As soon as we entered the ecological park, we followed our teacher to the first stop - Peach Blossom sea. Here is simply a sea of peach trees and a world of peach blossoms. The thin and curved peach branches are dotted with peach flowers, one or two. Beautiful! Some flowers open their smiling faces to the sun, some flowers lower their heads, as if they are a little shy, and some flowers are tightly wrapped. It is a flower. Take a closer look, there are still some small leaves under the peach blossom. They are so soft and fresh green, glittering in the sun. Such a beautiful picture, how can we not take a group photo in the peach forest?

  After enjoying the peach blossoms, we had a picnic in the peach forest. We spread the tablecloth on the ground and then took out all kinds of food to share with you. We ate and laughed and laughed and ate, leaving our happy laughter in the woods.

  How happy! Spring outing on Tuesday! How happy! Spring outing on Tuesday!


  Today, it was sunny. We got on the bus happily. Two hours later, we arrived at our destination - Yuehu sculpture park.

  It's easy for me to dig sand here. I have three students who dig sand here. It's very easy for me to dig sand here. After playing the sand, lunch began. I brought a lot of snacks and pizza. It's delicious!

  After dinner, we went to the playground and played with the pirate ship. Then I went to the Moon Lake carnival. The teacher gave us five brands. I played three projects. Two used one brand and one used three brands. The last item is called bouncing cloud. The order is to line up, take off your shoes, line up and run to the "cloud". "Cloud" is so slippery. I ran from the place where I lined up before I ran to the cloud. I pedaled seven peaks, which are "bags" on the cloud one by one. But only three minutes, didn't play enough and left.

  This spring outing is not a walk and eat tour! yeah!


  Spring comes, the weather gets warmer, the grass shows tender buds, the trees grow tender green leaves, and all kinds of flowers bloom. I suggest you go for an outing. Last time I went to moushan Park, it was very beautiful!

  Walk into the park and come to a small lawn in a moment. The grass noticed that spring was coming, so they came out to say hello to spring. Colorful flowers, pink peach flowers, snow-white pear flowers and purple Bauhinia flowers came like going to the market. There were several industrious little bees flying around among the flowers and were about to collect honey!

  Then go inside and you will see a lake. We sit in a small boat and fall down on the lake to enjoy the beauty of the lake. There is a lawn in the south, where the grass is very green. The willow girl hung her long green hair. There is a rockery there. Standing on the rockery and watching the scenery will be another kind of enjoyment.

  Spring outing here is an opportunity for us to get close to nature. Nature needs us to feel its beauty.

  I hope you can come here and have a look.


  On Wednesday, our school organized a spring outing. Early in the morning, the students came to the classroom early, prepared their own things, chattered and discussed the projects to be played later, so lively!

  On the way to Baishamen Park, some students are playing games, some are watching the scenery, and some are joking. Every student has a happy smile on his face.

  All kinds of entertainment came to the park. I couldn't help shouting, "I'm going to play at the white gate." What impresses me most is the roller coaster. The queue for roller coasters is like a long line. It's our turn. Chen Xin and I are in a group. As soon as we settled down, the scooter started. We didn't feel anything yet. After a while, the speed was getting faster and faster. I thought of the text "climbing over the mountains far away", which made me feel like an immortal. Another interesting project is happy magic disk. It was my first time to play. The magic disk was like a big bed. We rolled around on it and couldn't stand straight at all. The students were bouncing around like marbles.

  Tired of playing, we went to a pavilion to share delicious food. We took out all the delicious food and savored the items we had just played while eating. We are all looking forward to the next spring outing!

