The color of red in Chinese culture usually means good luck, longevity and happiness. Red can be found everywhere during Chinese Spring Festival and other joyous occasions. Cashes often in red envelopes are sent to family members or close friends as gifts. Its popularity can also be attributed the fact that people accociate it with Chinese revolution and Communist Party. However, it does not always equal to good luck and joy in that the name of the dead used to be written in red. Using red ink to write names of Chinese people were seen as an offense.
![]() 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/XZGn.html 正在阅读: 2016年12月英语四级翻译答案(卷二)07-26 2021年陕西汉中普通高中学业水平考试时间:2021年3月27日至28日10-10 打疫苗作文450字10-13 2017年司法考试《卷四》论述模拟试题及答案:质押10-26 2023年上半年天津滨海德商村镇银行招聘公告(报名时间2月3日截止)01-17 云南2022年税务师准考证打印时间及入口(11月14日-11月20日)11-04 2022湖北黄石市卫生健康委员会招聘政府雇员拟聘用人员公示08-04 2021年北京市公务员考试报名入口10-30 两强相遇勇者胜议论文800字06-20 2020年甘肃初级会计职称考试题型01-13 无悔十六岁作文1000字01-08