
时间:2023-05-19 02:44:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】安全是人们生活中最基本的需求之一。随着科技的不断发展,网络安全、交通安全、食品安全等各种安全问题也日益引人关注。如何保障安全,成为了我们必须思考的问题。本篇文章将从多个方面探讨关于安全的英语作文,希望能为大家提供一些有益的信息。®文档大全网,与您共同关注安全。

1.关于安全的英语作文 篇一

  When I go to school in the morning, there are many breakfast stalls set up next to the school. Are those foods clean? The white noodles, yellow eggs and green onions make delicious egg cakes. However, it was "born" on the road, where cars were crowded and crowded, emitting a lot of exhaust gas. Lead can cause illness. If the exhaust gas floats on the egg cake, it's strange that you don't get sick after eating the egg cake!

  Going to school is like this, but what about going to school after school?

  As soon as the school bell rang, the students crowded to the snack stand, especially the lamb skewers that emitted a fragrant aroma. Although lamb skewers are delicious, do you know how they are made? Some newspapers say that it's not just lamb at all, but rather using dead mouse meat and pork mixed together to make Li Daitao stiff. Mice carry viruses and bacteria all over their bodies, which can be imagined when eaten by humans.

  Just now, we were all talking about "eating". Now let's talk about the issue of "doing"!

  At the entrance of the school, there is a pedestrian crossing that many students must pass through to go to and from school. However, now many parents drive their cars in, and they are flooded every morning and evening. Not only are we unable to move, but it usually takes several minutes to walk. Moreover, cars and pedestrians often shake hands, which is not safe.

  I really hope these unsafe factors can be completely eliminated. Make our school more secure and attract many students to study.

2.关于安全的英语作文 篇二

       This afternoon, the school showed us a program called "Traffic Safety Education". After watching, I was deeply shocked.

  This program taught us about traffic safety knowledge through a quiz competition between two classmates. I have already memorized the knowledge mentioned in this program, but I don't care about these details or follow these rules, which makes me feel ashamed

  I remember this winter vacation when I went out alone to play. When crossing the street, the annoying red light lit up and stood in front of me, my legs unconsciously moving towards the middle of the road. Just as my foot landed, I trembled like an electric shock. I complain about my lack of morale and dare not even run a red light. But what if there is a car accident? No, still... After a few seconds of ideological struggle, I finally made up my mind to break through. I closed my eyes and shouted 'I'm not afraid' as I ran towards the middle of the road. When I ran to the green belt, my legs were already limp and weak. I supported the steps, rubbed my trembling legs, and continued my journey of running the lights. As we neared the end, a car came to my right, driving very fast but not following the route. It came towards me like a drunken man, feeling dizzy and confused. I am a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and I have the delusion of running over four wheels with two legs. With full confidence, I pass by the crazy car. Fortunately, there was no danger! As soon as I collapsed on the roadside, there was a sudden braking sound coming from nearby

  After listening to 'Traffic Safety Education', I feel deeply embarrassed. In the future, I will definitely repent of my past and behavior, and study traffic safety knowledge well, never forgetting 'safety first'!

3.关于安全的英语作文 篇三

  Danger is everywhere, and it is important for us to pay attention to safety. Perhaps someone may ask, "Where is the danger? What should we pay attention to?" So let's talk about what safety is now.

  In school, safety is on the playground. We should not chase or play dangerous games on the playground; When going up and down stairs safely, we should be in an orderly manner and not crowded to avoid accidents; Safe in the classroom, students should not bring dangerous items such as knives and firecrackers to avoid accidents.

  In daily life, it is safe to be on the road. We should not chase or run on crowded roads, and pedestrians and vehicles should not run red lights to avoid accidents, fines, and detention; Safe by the pond, children should not go swimming alone to avoid drowning; In terms of food safety, we should not eat sprouted potatoes, moldy food, vegetables with pesticides, or small food with "three no" in small shops, as that will only harm our intestines and stomach.

  Safe on the entire Earth, we need to protect nature, beautify the environment, avoid deforestation, and prevent soil erosion. Otherwise, it may cause more serious disasters such as mudslides, flash floods, and earthquakes; We should pay attention to water conservancy construction, timely clean up the silt in rivers and channels, and maintain smooth water flow to avoid causing floods or droughts.

  Earth is my home, safety depends on everyone; Safety is no small matter, we are responsible for it. Let's join hands and pay attention to safety, work hard to protect the earth, protect our lives and property, and protect our beautiful home!

4.关于安全的英语作文 篇四

  In recent years, fires have often occurred. This is all due to our negligence, which led to the occurrence of tragic scenes. Today, let me take you to learn some firefighting knowledge!

  Do you know how to escape a fire? I don't know, then let me tell you something. When a fire occurs, cover your mouth and nose with a damp towel or clothes, lower your body, and quickly escape. Of course, this is a choice made when the fire is low. If the fire is severe and it is impossible to escape from passages such as hallways, it is necessary to open the window, tie the bed sheet to a heavy object, and slowly slide down the bed sheet.

  After discussing how to escape a fire, let's talk about the commonly used methods of using dry powder fire extinguishers! To use a dry powder fire extinguisher, first remove the safety pin, hold the nozzle with one hand, and firmly grip the handle with the other hand, and the dry powder can be sprayed out.

  So how can we prevent fires from happening? Next, let me talk about how to prevent fires. We need to achieve: after smoking, we must stamp out the small sparks on the cigarette end before throwing them into the trash can; When using electric heating equipment, keep away from combustible materials; When using candles for lighting, there must be no one on site; Before leaving the house or going to bed, check whether the gas valve is closed and whether the open flame is extinguished. Achieving these goals is not enough. It is also necessary to frequently check for sparks on flammable items at home, and to have a fire extinguisher at home to ensure safety.

  Fire prevention and disaster prevention, start from me. I firmly believe that as long as everyone works together, we can definitely prevent the occurrence of fires. In this way, our lives will be safer, more harmonious, and happier.

5.关于安全的英语作文 篇五

  In recent years, many people in our country have unfortunately died due to not paying attention to traffic safety, and some have been disabled by car collisions. Although some people have had car accidents and regained their lives, they often do not know how to cherish their second life and often violate traffic regulations.

  I have also seen several traffic accidents. He is a teacher from Longjiang Middle School who went to attend his brother's birthday, but when he drove back, he was hit in the brain by a car and unfortunately died. This teacher is called National Flag and works as a teacher in the classroom next to the class where my mother teaches. This is a true story. Their family has already gone bankrupt in order to treat Uncle Flag's illness. Although the teachers and students of the entire Longjiang middle school have donated nearly 100000 yuan. What a tragic thing this is! This matter has had a great impact in Longjiang, as it has been aired in the news of Longjiang TV station. I hope some kind-hearted people can help their families. This young teacher has left us forever. We should learn from the blood of others.

  By understanding this matter, we should cherish our lives, care for ourselves, and not violate traffic regulations. When crossing the road, it is necessary to take a pedestrian crossing. Do not drive around and collide randomly, and do not cross railings on the road. To develop good habits and be a good child who follows traffic rules from a young age. Courtesy to others, truly achieving "traffic safety, starting from me".
