

时间:2023-04-24 17:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. know(同音词) 2. yes(对应词)
3. that(对应词) 4. I (宾格)
5. too(同音词) 6. book(复数)
7. Sunday(复数) 8. young(对应词)
9. tall(对应词) 10. clever(近义词)
11. help(形容词) 12. friend(形容词)
13. kind(对应词) 14. mother(对应词)
15. my(对应词) 16. he(宾格)
17. he(对应词) 18. play (名词)
19. here(对应词) 20. picture(复数)
21. grandma(对应词) 22. grandma(同义词)
1. S____________ is the last (最后) day of a week .
2. S____________ is the first (第一) day of a week .
3. Today is _____________ . Tomorrow (明天) is Monday .
4. What do you do on the w___________ ? I often w__________ TV and r_______ b________ .
5. I like W_____________ . Because we have PE on that day .
( ) 1. What do you have ______ Mondays ?
A. on B. at C. in
( ) 2. ______ you have maths ? A. Do B. Are C. Is
( ) 3. Do you often read books in the evening ?________
A. Yes , I don’t . B. No , I don’t C. No , I do
( ) 4. I have Chinese ______ maths on Mondays .
A. and B. or C. with
( ) 5. I __________ like sports . A. no B. not C. don’t
( ) 6. I need a box of ___________ .
A. crayon B. crayons C. pencil
( ) 7. Do you read books _____ the weekend ? A. on B. in C. at
( ) 8. He’s _________ .
A. friend B. fun C. funny
( ) 9. What’s that ? _______ a book .
A. It’s B. This is C. That is
( ) 10. I need some _______ .
A. rulers B. pencil C. crayon
1. the , books , do , weekend , read , you , on (?)
2. have , Thursdays , what , on , you , do (?)
3. I , watch , sometimes , TV (.)
4. do , you , what, Sundays , do , on , often (?)
5. play , do , often , you , sports (?)
6. you , your , do , clothes , often , wash (?)
7. we , have , Tuesdays , what , on , do (?)
8. maths , Fridays , I , Chinese , on , and , have (.)
9. have , class , with , cooking , grandpa , a , I , your (.)
Elephant: What do you do on Saturdays ?
Monkey : I play football and watch TV . Sometimes I go to the park .
Panda : I often play sports and do my homework .
Elephant : What do you do on Sundays ?
Monkey: I play ping-pong and play computer games . Oh, I do my homework , too .
Elephant : What about you , Panda ?
Panda : I often play the pipa and read books . I eat two meals every day .
Elephant: Why ?
Panda : Mom and Dad say I’m too big .
( ) 1. Monkey ________ on Saturdays .
A. plays ping-pong B. plays football
( )2. Panda often _______ on Saturdays .
A. does his homework B. watches TV
( ) 3. Monkey ______ on Sundays .
A. plays computer games B. reads books
( ) 4. Panda often ________ on Sundays .
A. reads books B. plays football
( ) 5. Panda eats _________ meals every day .
A. two B. three

