
时间:2023-03-11 20:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2月20日晚8时,2022年北京冬奥会闭幕式将在国家体育场举行。主创团队将延续开幕式的风格,用中国红碰撞冰雪蓝,在鸟巢打造一场属于全世界运动员的欢乐大聚会。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Unity, friendship and mutual learning among civilizations are the most beautiful background of this grand event. The scene of hugging, saluting and encouraging each other by players inside and outside the stadium is the expression of heroes cherishing heroes and the embodiment of the humanistic value of the Winter Olympic Games. Roasted duck Bing dwen dwen fried Chinese leek dumplings and China's roast duck, which are difficult to get the "top stream" of the Olympic Games, are exported to Beijing. The twenty-four elements of Chinese solar term, such as the solar terms, the year of the tiger, and the word "Fu", are all over the world. The Beijing Winter Olympics is like an invisible link that closely connects the Chinese civilization with the world civilization, turns you, me and him into "us", and gathers small snowflakes into big snowflakes.

  Hard work, friendship and unity are the values advocated by China's ancient civilization and an important connotation of the contemporary Olympic spirit. The bravery and hard work on the ice and snow once again condenses the hearts inside and outside the stadium. The atmosphere of unity, cooperation, civilization and fraternity deeply interprets the trend of the times of "going to the future together". From the Winter Olympics to thousands of life venues, and then to the development arena of competing for excellence, we can always carry forward the spirit of fighting, the awareness of competition and practical actions, so that we can be invincible and invincible.


  Since the opening of the Spring Festival, the wonderful events staged in Beijing, the "city of double Olympics", are coming to an end. Breaking through the haze of the epidemic and focusing on the global vision, the Beijing Winter Olympics, as a hard won ice and snow appointment, has brought confidence and hope to the world. It has not only produced a number of Olympic records and world records, with ratings of previous sessions, but also left a Winter Olympic memory full of "beauty" in the hearts of countless people.

  That is the beauty of ingenuity in the integration of Chinese culture and Olympic spirit. There are many heritage producers who show "unique skills" and "the temple fair", which is the essence of the Great Hall of the people. The opening ceremony of the "twenty-four solar term countdown" and "the Yellow River's water sky" are the traditional venues of traditional Chinese culture, such as "snow, Ruyi", "ice ribbon" and "Snow Dragon". Great Wall Design Chinese classical culture and the ice and snow Olympics are perfectly integrated, and the romance full of poetry and painting is fully displayed. Cultural self-confidence is the most basic, deepest and lasting force in the development of a country and a nation. The Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a sports event, but also a window to show Chinese culture and Chinese style. It not only tells the Chinese story of "going to the future together", but also lets the world see the contemporary China with firm cultural confidence and more profound bearing.

  That is the beauty of athletes' struggle blooming on the ice and snow. "The limitations of destiny can be eternal, but the unyielding challenge can not be short or short." Xu Mengtao stood on the podium with tears in his eyes. His "persistence because of love and firmness because of dream" never gave up is shocking; From a Baker to an athlete, Zhang Jiahao spent ten years to prove himself. Although he failed to achieve his wish, his persistent pursuit of dreams of "fighting all alone and bravely, not afraid of the end of the world". There is no lack of stories of tenacious struggle and self breakthrough in the Winter Olympic Games. In this challenging competition field of life, we also need to engrave our dreams on the coordinates of struggle, do our best and burn our passion for it. We will continue to radiate the spirit of fighting, fight bravely, make our dreams more colorful without abandoning the slightest and giving up every effort, and make the future more traceable and reachable in our persistence day after day.

  It is the beauty of innovation that the light of science and technology shines inside and outside the stadium. The bio aerosol COVID-19 monitoring system, which has a sensitivity of 3 times higher than the traditional method, can perfectly capture every exciting moment and constantly refresh the digital media technology of the people watching experience before the ice screen. The ice ribbon "for the first time adopts the carbon dioxide approaching zero carbon dioxide cross border direct cooling ice making system, as well as automatic cooking and transmission. Many high-tech blessings have made the "high-tech Winter Olympics" a highlight of the Olympic Games in addition to the event itself. The full display and application of a large number of China's independent innovative scientific and technological achievements not only enable people to enjoy the infinite charm of the Beijing Winter Olympics, but also look forward to the "flying into the ordinary" of emerging technologies in the "post Winter Olympics" period. It is reasonable to believe that after testing and promotion, the scientific and technological innovation of enabling the Winter Olympics will release the great potential to promote the integrated development of new technology and culture, tourism and sports.

  "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to participate. For life, the important thing is not to triumph, but to work hard." The Beijing Winter Olympics is coming to an end, but the Olympic spirit of peace, friendship and unity will not dissipate. The story of pursuing dreams and realizing dreams and fighting bravely is still continued outside the stadium. On the new journey, we hope that the common "memory of the Beijing Winter Olympics" will gather more powerful forces of "working together for the future" and encourage more people to work hard, work hard and innovate!


  As the world's most populous country, China's practice of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" is a great achievement for China to promote the construction of a sports power and a healthy China. It is also China's great contribution to promoting the development of world ice and snow sports and building a community with a shared future for mankind. It is of great significance.

  Sports is an important symbol of social development and human progress, and an important embodiment of comprehensive national strength and national soft power. The Chinese government has always attached importance to the development of sports and the important role of the Olympic movement in economic and social development. Over the past decade, China has successfully hosted major international sports events such as the Beijing Olympic Games, the Guangzhou Asian Games, the Shenzhen Universiade and the Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, which has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the people of the whole country for the Olympic movement and promoted the development of sports and the improvement of people's health. Ice and snow sports are an important part of modern sports. The development of ice and snow sports is the inevitable requirement of building a sports power. However, the climate difference between the north and the south of China is obvious, and the distribution of ice and snow resources is uneven. Compared with other ice and snow powers and China's summer projects, China's ice and snow sports still have some problems, such as low competitive level, poor mass participation, weak industrial foundation and so on. China's decision to "drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" is to take advantage of the "east wind" of the Winter Olympics to promote the leapfrog development of ice and snow sports, fill gaps and strengths, gradually solve the problems of strong competitive sports, weak mass sports, strong summer and weak winter, strong ice and weak snow, and promote the high-quality development of sports in the new era.


  "Ice and snow are also golden mountains and silver mountains". The Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the winter Paralympic Games are like catapults, which not only promote the rapid development of China's ice and snow sports, but also promote the rapid development of the ice and snow industry. With the transformation of ice and snow sports from minority to mass, from regional to national, and from winter to the whole year, the scale of China's ice and snow industry has gradually expanded, forming a whole chain industrial ecology covering R & D and design, production and manufacturing, and modern services. The ice and snow industry has become a new engine for economic development in many regions. In Yanqing, Beijing, the total number of employment training for ice and snow projects exceeded 100000, driving more than 7000 people to achieve high-quality employment at home; In Chongli District, Zhangjiakou City, more than 30000 people directly or indirectly enter the ice and snow industry and tourism. The popularization and development of ice and snow sports drives the continuous improvement of people's awareness of ice and snow fitness. In the future, the ice and snow industry will release greater potential and truly become a new growth point of China's economic development.

  The scheduled ice and snow appointment enables athletes from all over the world to enjoy this ice and snow feast in the process of daring to challenge and surpass themselves, and also ignites the great enthusiasm of more people to participate in ice and snow sports. *** Nowadays, the seeds of ice and snow sports are taking root in China. China's practice of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" has greatly promoted the great leap forward development of ice and snow sports, provided broad space for the vigorous development of global ice and snow sports and ice and snow industry, and also provided innovative development of ice and snow sports for other countries that are not rich in ice and snow resources The promotion of industrial upgrading provides Chinese practice and Chinese scheme that can be used for reference.


  The Beijing Winter Olympics is coming to an end. Many winter Olympic athletes and witnesses use the word "warmth" in their desc ription. Why is the Beijing Winter Olympics held on ice and snow "warm"?

  The Olympic Games is not only a sports event, but also a cultural event. While highlighting the passion of sports competition, it also carries the humanistic care beyond sports. Therefore, what is unforgettable is not only the wonderful events, but also the bits and pieces outside the games. The "warmth" in the Beijing Winter Olympics is an example.

  After 2008, the Olympic Games will come to Beijing again. Over the past 14 years, China has "changed" a lot, its economy and society have changed with each passing day, science and technology have made continuous progress, and the green concept has been significantly improved. China's friendship and unity, truth and fraternity have always been the same.

  The host of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games is very considerate. First class hardware facilities, volunteers' smile service, special gift boxes with children's blessing... Under the background of COVID-19, this winter Olympic Games is not only safe and reassuring, but also conveys warmth and expression to all "happy events" through different ways and languages, and is full of warm "human touch".

  "What is really surprising and impressive is the ability of the team, the Organizing Committee and the Chinese people. They organized the event under very difficult conditions, made it successful and ensured everyone's safety." Said Samaranch Jr., chairman of the Coordination Committee of the International Olympic Committee for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

  The "warm wish" of all people in the East gives a "warm wish" to each other.


  The Beijing Winter Olympic Games are held on ice and snow, and the "warmth" of people is all over every corner.

  This "warmth" transcends the differences and differences in age, gender, nationality, country and concept. The perceptual des cription of "warmth" essentially presents the value consensus of unity, peace and friendship and people's yearning for these values. This is not only the demonstration of the Olympic spirit, but also coupled with the host China's world outlook, development outlook and Sports Outlook derived from its own traditional culture.

  It is in this sense that Abdullah Shahid, President of the 76th UN General Assembly, said: "the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will help to demonstrate human resilience, unity and the pursuit of happiness. It will be an important opportunity to transcend geopolitics and promote global unity, peace and human creativity."

  This kind of "warmth" is valuable, unforgettable and moistening. The Beijing Winter Olympics is coming to an end, but the "warmth" on the ice and snow will not end. More than ten days later, the Beijing winter Paralympic Games will appear.


  After more than six years of preparation, a simple, safe and wonderful winter Olympic event has been presented. Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions have been emerging, and Chinese culture and Chinese temperature are flowing, which has won international praise and amazed the world. When the light of the five rings pierced the haze of the epidemic, and when the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher, stronger - more unity" shone all over the world, China handed over an excellent answer to the IOC and the world! The Winter Olympic Games will close soon, and the winter Paralympic Games will also open. You can always trust China!


  Breakthroughs come from making up for weaknesses. In the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, China's snow sports, which were slightly weak in the past, have sprung up, which has also amazed the world at the strength of the new generation of "Post-00" young players.

  In the final of the freestyle skiing women's platform jump, Gu ailing, a 19-year-old Chinese team, won the first gold in the snow event of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games for the Chinese team with this difficult action in the world. And her own Winter Olympic debut, she gained a new breakthrough of two gold and one silver.

  Gu ailing, member of the Chinese team of the Beijing Winter Olympics: I love this sport because it allows me to break my boundaries, teaches me, promotes my growth, and teaches me confidence and friendship.

  There is "will be a" Ling "before" Yiming amazing ". Su Yiming, China's youngest Winter Olympic champion, presented his 18-year-old with the gold medal of men's ski platform and the silver medal of slope obstacle skills, which also set a new record in China's veneer events. The veneer champion has a Chinese face since then.

  Su Yiming, member of the Chinese team of the Beijing Winter Olympics: I want to get better results, win glory for the country and give my strength as a Chinese.


  Today, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games closed. After 16 days of intense competition, the Chinese team achieved 9 gold, 4 Silver and 2 bronze, ranking third in the medal list. Behind these proud figures, there is a broader meaning. The Winter Olympic Games, from the aspects of scientific and technological strength, cultural charm, volunteer quality, Olympic spirit and so on, let the people go to a romantic ice and snow appointment and bring an Olympic feast to the world.

  Environmental protection and energy-saving venues and black science and technology sports equipment show the hard power of a great country. "Ice cube", "ice ribbon", "xueruyi" and other venues have successfully implemented the concept of "green winter Olympics". "Fast, protective, short and beautiful" Olympic team uniforms, as well as "human, machine and environment" training mode system and comfortable and intelligent Olympic Village, provide technical and safety guarantee for athletes. By enabling the Olympic Games with science and technology, China has fulfilled the responsibility of ecological protection and the mission of escorting Olympic athletes, and fulfilled the solemn of "simplicity, safety and excellence". Therefore, it has the courage to respond to external doubts, obtain international recognition and play a greater role in the world sports cause.

  The opening ceremony and Bing dwen dwen "the circle" is a highlight of the soft power of ancient civilizations. "24 solar terms countdown", "ice and snow five rings", "dove of peace" and "olive branch"... At the opening ceremony, we integrated ice and snow romance with traditional culture, and interpreted the belief of "community with a shared future for mankind" with Chinese cultural temperament and national style of a big country. Bing dwen dwen, China's Winter Olympic mascot, is a cultural exchange messenger. It not only inspires the creativity of the people, but also enhances the emotional links with foreign friends, making them understand and love Chinese culture. Both reveal China's cultural self-confidence from different levels and reveal the humanistic temperament under the spirit of great power.

  Sending warm volunteers in ice and snow highlights the excellent quality of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress". From "Beijing welcomes you" to "together to the future", the volunteers of "double Olympic city" silently stick to their posts from short sleeves to long robes. They are continuous torches, "burning" themselves to illuminate the track; They are gentle angels, caring for foreign friends in foreign countries; They are flakes of snow, condensed into backup "ice shields"; They are a trickle, converging into a "river and sea", carrying the athletes. Behind the scenes, they also deserve to be seen and praised.


  Athletes who break through themselves and go hand in hand will carry forward the Olympic spirit of "faster, higher, stronger and more united". From Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, the young players who created history after 00, to Wu Dajing and Xu Mengtao, the veterans who cultivated the sports world, as well as the short track speed skating group and the double combination of "onion barrel" flower skating, each figure will be recorded in history. While cheering, we are also inspired by the athletes' fighting spirit and the athletes' unity character of surpassing medals. These are valuable sources of spiritual power. No matter how old you are, there is no end to pursuing your goals. People in all walks of life can learn from them the strength to dare to challenge and persevere. Continuous struggle for the realization of the Chinese dream is the great unity of the Chinese nation.

  Although the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics has come to an end, the vigorous development momentum of China's ice and snow sports will not be reduced, the Chinese people's enthusiasm for openness and inclusiveness will not be extinguished, and the pace of China's sports industry to a higher level will not stop. It used to be "the world looks forward to China and China is ready". Now China has handed in a satisfactory answer sheet and is proudly working with the people of the world to the future!

