
时间:2023-03-12 23:04:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2022年2月20日晚,第二十四届冬季奥林匹克运动会闭幕式在国家体育场举行。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  From the opening ceremony on February 4 to today's closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, I feel that the time has passed quickly and the competition of various projects will end. I thank athletes from all countries for their wonderful presentation. Whether they win the prize or not, they can stand on the Olympic field and have a great success. I also thank all staff for their efforts to escort the Winter Olympic Games.

  The Chinese team ranked third in the medal list, winning 9 gold, 4 Silver and 2 bronze, once again setting a Winter Olympic record. The Winter Olympic Games broke many Olympic records and even created world records in venues such as xueruyi, xuefeiyan, xueyoulong and so on.

  There will always be the final award ceremony at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. The Winter Olympic Games is the award of men's and women's 50km cross-country skiing. Popular science, in fact, this is the tradition of the Olympic Games. The last event is the award of the long-distance finals. For example, the summer Olympic Games is the men's and women's marathon, which is the last Olympic event.

  Thank you for this lovely group of volunteers. Volunteers are everywhere, but rarely appear in the center of the stage. Volunteerism, like lanterns in their hands, lights up every place. At this moment, the volunteers deserve applause and thank them for their silent efforts to deliver love, warmth and services for this event.

  Folding willows to see off has become a special way of seeing off in the East. It is reflected in this closing ceremony. It comes slowly in the farewell of classic songs. Athletes from all countries are warmly invited to take this willow branch and bring the friendship of the Chinese people all over the world. I'll see you in Milan, Italy, in 2024.

  IOC President Bach's evaluation of the venue is amazing. The city of double Olympic Games is unprecedented. The flags of various countries are rounded, the five Olympic rings are raised slowly, the snowflake torch is lowered slowly, the time and space are staggered, and the most beautiful picture is that the snowflake melts, the fire in the snow is extinguished slowly, and the Winter Olympic Games is closed.

  China has brought the safest and most orderly Winter Olympics to the world. The Olympic spirit pursues higher, faster, stronger and more unity. Unity is the main theme of this time. In the case of such a serious global epidemic, I hope all mankind will unite to fight the epidemic and win.


  Today, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games closed. After 16 days of intense competition, the Chinese team achieved 9 gold, 4 Silver and 2 bronze, ranking third in the medal list. Behind these proud figures, there is a broader meaning. The Winter Olympic Games, from the aspects of scientific and technological strength, cultural charm, volunteer quality, Olympic spirit and so on, let the people go to a romantic ice and snow appointment and bring an Olympic feast to the world.

  Environmental protection and energy-saving venues and black science and technology sports equipment show the hard power of a great country. "Ice cube", "ice ribbon", "xueruyi" and other venues have successfully implemented the concept of "green winter Olympics". "Fast, protective, short and beautiful" Olympic team uniforms, as well as "human, machine and environment" training mode system and comfortable and intelligent Olympic Village, provide technical and safety guarantee for athletes. By enabling the Olympic Games with science and technology, China has fulfilled the responsibility of ecological protection and the mission of escorting Olympic athletes, and fulfilled the solemn of "simplicity, safety and excellence". Therefore, it has the courage to respond to external doubts, obtain international recognition and play a greater role in the world sports cause.

  The opening ceremony and Bing dwen dwen "the circle" is a highlight of the soft power of ancient civilizations. "24 solar terms countdown", "ice and snow five rings", "dove of peace" and "olive branch"... At the opening ceremony, we integrated ice and snow romance with traditional culture, and interpreted the belief of "community with a shared future for mankind" with Chinese cultural temperament and national style of a big country. Bing dwen dwen, China's Winter Olympic mascot, is a cultural exchange messenger. It not only inspires the creativity of the people, but also enhances the emotional links with foreign friends, making them understand and love Chinese culture. Both reveal China's cultural self-confidence from different levels and reveal the humanistic temperament under the spirit of great power.

  Sending warm volunteers in ice and snow highlights the excellent quality of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress". From "Beijing welcomes you" to "together to the future", the volunteers of "double Olympic city" silently stick to their posts from short sleeves to long robes. They are continuous torches, "burning" themselves to illuminate the track; They are gentle angels, caring for foreign friends in foreign countries; They are flakes of snow, condensed into backup "ice shields"; They are a trickle, converging into a "river and sea", carrying the athletes. Behind the scenes, they also deserve to be seen and praised.


  Another unforgettable night, at 20:00 on February 20, 2022, when the athletes worked hard for 16 days and nights in the glorious city of Beijing, they enjoyed the miracle and joy brought by the Olympic Games. The Olympic victory, the curtain of the 24th Winter Olympic Games came down. When the sacred Olympic flag and five-star red flag were flying high, The sincerity and enthusiasm of the Chinese people turned into brilliant fireworks.

  When the countdown was 29... 11, the whole audience was excited and thunderous applause lasted for a long time. When the countdown read zero, brilliant flames erupted and formed a huge circle in the air, symbolizing the successful conclusion of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and drawing a perfect period for the Beijing Olympic Games. At the moment, fireworks, music and joyful sounds are intertwined into a sea of joy.

  At the beginning of the performance, more than 1000 dancers danced, and the soft and crisp silver bells flashed bright brilliance... The grand ceremony of Beijing, the happy Beijing, the happy gathering, the friendship gathering, and the beautiful melody stirred up a jubilant upsurge. The athletes entered the stadium with their national flags in their hands. They all wore bright smiles, raised the Greek flag, played the Greek national anthem, commemorated the holy land of Greece and opened up the birthplace of the Olympic Games. The Olympic flag was lowered. The mayor of Beijing waved the flag enthusiastically and handed it to the president of the International Olympic Games, Mr. Bach, and then to the mayor of Milan. The Olympic flag will fly forever.

  Recalling the past, the extraordinary years are thick. The program guides happy memories, writes the most beautiful blessings, and recalls the same world and the same dream. Recalling the thrilling 16 days, the figure and moving scene of athletes fighting in the 16 days after February 4 appeared over the bird's nest.

  Then came the performance of "folding willows". The spirit of peace and progress in Beijing is full of passion and love, and the spirit of civilization and progress in Beijing is full of eternal love!

  The next Winter Olympic Games will be held in Milan, Italy. There were many performances and fireworks at the closing ceremony. Today's fireworks are colorful and open like many flowers. It's really beautiful! The closing ceremony is like an ocean of joy. I will never forget this moment. Let's cheer for the next Winter Olympic Games and create better results!

  "This is a truly unparalleled Olympic Games" deserves its name!

  Keep a beautiful future!


  The closing ceremony of the 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games was held at the National Stadium "bird's nest" on February 20. The 17 day "ice and Snow Event" came to an end.      In about 80 minutes, the closing ceremony completed many ceremony links specified by the IOC, forming a narrative mode of the first and second chapters in the same line as the opening ceremony. The artistic interpretation of the "double Olympic city" will also become one of the highlights of the closing ceremony.

  The opening performance "lighting up" and the beautiful performance of folding willows in "commemorative moment" perfectly interpret the appearance of "Chinese romance". In the "eight minutes of Milan", Milan and Cortina danpezo brought a wonderful literary and artistic performance "the combination of two cities · gathering together", which made the world feel the enthusiasm of Italians.

  What is impressive is that at the end of the closing ceremony, along with the children's chorus of "me and you", the dream five rings rose slowly - the same was true of the five rings at the Beijing Summer Olympic Games 14 years ago. The snowflake torch platform drops and the dream five rings rise. The two meet in the air.

  At the closing ceremony, IOC President Bach used Chinese four times in his speech at the closing ceremony, thanked China for its support in all aspects, and congratulated China on becoming a country of ice and snow sports.

  At this winter Olympics, the Chinese team ended with 9 gold, 4 Silver and 2 bronze. The number of gold medals and medals reached an all-time high, ranking third in the medal list.

  China's Winter Olympic delegation has constantly refreshed its history in Beijing - Gao Tingyu won the men's 500 meter speed skating champion, which is the first time that China has won a gold medal in the men's speed skating event of the Winter Olympic Games; As Su Yiming won the 6th gold medal for China in the men's platform event of snowboarding, the Chinese delegation set a new gold medal record in the single Winter Olympic Games... In addition to the record number of medals, many events such as steel snowmobile and ice hockey also set new records.


  At 8 o'clock, the opening performance of the closing ceremony starts. The story of "a snowflake" in the opening ceremony continues at the closing ceremony. Snowflakes become lanterns in the hands of children. The children frolicked in the ice and snow. Although the firefly is tiny, it can light up the world. They lit up the "winter" emblem on the venue with gorgeous and pleasant snowflake lanterns and the tradition of "making lanterns" around the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. Amid the colorful colors, the closing ceremony of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games opened a happy gathering to embrace the world.

  All stand up, raise the national flag of the people's Republic of China and play and sing the National Anthem of the people's Republic of China. Then a huge "Chinese knot" pattern appeared over the site. At the last moment of the opening ceremony, the "Chinese athletes" have gathered in the pattern of the closing ceremony all over the world. "Chinese knot" is generated by digital AR technology. It forms a simulated visual effect with ultra-high precision, just like a huge physical device hanging over the bird's nest. With the classic music "Ode to joy", athletes from all delegations entered the stadium. All the audience expressed warm congratulations and heartfelt respect to the athletes with applause and cheers.

  Winter Olympic champions Gao Tingyu and Xu Mengtao are the flag bearers of the Chinese delegation at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. This evening, Xu Mengtao rode on Gao Tingyu's shoulder and entered the stadium. They became the standard bearer of the "flag". Gold medalists Gu Ailing and Su Yiming entered the stadium in the same frame. The 17 day athletes gathered in the center of the field. Then they took their seats and watched the ceremony.

  The short film "2022, have me!" was broadcast on the large screen, Reproduce the wonderful moments of athletes' bravery and passion. Athletes from all over the world jointly painted the dream chasing picture of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Then, the award ceremony will be held on site.

  The final event of this winter Olympic Games: the women's 30km collective departure (free technology) project of cross-country skiing and the men's 50km collective departure (free technology) project of cross-country skiing. It is a tradition of the Winter Olympics to present awards to the winners of the final projects.

