
时间:2021-06-25 20:05:59 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】我们不需要考虑自己能够走多快,只要知道自己在不断努力向前就行。停止自己的脚步其实就是自己在为别人让路,同行一条路会让路变得窄,但你的退出却为别人提供了前行的光明大道。以下为“2021年6月英语六级考试话题作文赏析”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


  When early man invented clothes, he probably want ed to keep warm. I am sure he neverintended that it should become as elaborate as it has become today. For many a year, traditional clothes and modern clothes have been in competition as to which of them makethe wearer more beautiful. But it does seem that a lot of modern clothes are simpler and morepractical. Perhaps we are moving back to the age of cavemen who wore clothes for practicalpurposes.

  Modern clothes are definitely more practical as again sttraditional clothes. Almost all people nowwear modern clothes. Nowadays even more and more people wear casual clothes. Jeans areeverywhere except at formal parties. T-shirts are common, too. They look comfort able andfashionable. However, there are also a lot of people who take the trouble to dress well informal clothes like shirts, trousers and suits. I find them smart, too.

  But then, it is important to hold on to our topic. In my opinion, each type of dress has its place. Modern clothes are ideal for most situations, while casual clothes are worn more freely. As totraditional clothes, they must be worn for special occasions.






  本文是一篇议论文。文章一开头就使人饶有兴趣, 因为作者从人类早期的服饰说到了现代服饰, 并幽默地说从穿着的实用性方面我们似乎又回到了山洞人的时代。在第二段中作者分述了各类服饰的特点。最后的结论是各种服饰均有其地位, 不可随意褒贬。


  elaborate a. 精心制作的

  many a year = many years

  It does seem that... 句中does用来加强语气

  caveman n . 山洞人

  as against... 与……相比

  casual clothes 休闲服

  hold on to our topic 紧扣主题

  has its place 有其地位


  A woman takes a stained clothing item to a smartly dressed man who then washes the stainaway with miracle was hing powder. The immediate response from the woman is that thisbrand of washing powder is indeed superior to all other brands. Such is one of the typicalcommercial ads that are repeatedly shown on TV every evening. Towards this, people holddifferent attitudes.

  Those who maintain positive opinions believe that TV ads help to bring into public view a gooddeal of news, mostly commercial, which might otherwise have remained unknown. Those whohate TV ads say that most of the ads, especially their repetition, have reached the point ofirritation and they are just a waste of time.

  In my opinion, both views are lop-sided. On the one hand, TV ads, in the form of a rtisticpictures, are presented in such a fantastic way and with such witty language that they notonly seduce customers to buy their products, but also give people enjoyment. On the otherhand, not all ads are trustworthy. A certain number of them are deceitful.

  To sum up, ads seek to influence our decisions and tell us what to do usually with the aimbehind them being to enrich some business. To resist this influence so as to make wisedecisions, we must rely on our own judgement and ability to reason.



  * A typical example

  * People's different attitudes

  ·Two views

  * Argue for TV ads

  * Argue against TV ads


  * Both views lop-sided

  * Reasons

  ·My view

  * Our own judgment

  * Our ability to reason


  本文是一篇议论文。在第一段引言部分中作者仅用两个句子就勾画出了一幅逼真的电视广告, 后两句则起到承上启下的作用。第二段的两句分别写出了对电视广告的两种不同看法。第三段则是作者对这两种看法的分析。在最后一段中作者表达了自己的意见。本文的特点是全文只用了11 个句子, 按“ 一个问题— — 两种观点— — 分析— — 我的意见”这一模式完成全文。学习本文时应多注意从句的写法以及一些结构词语。


  a stained clothing item 一件有污渍的衣服

  miracle washing powder 神奇的洗衣粉

  superior to... 优于……

  comme rcial ads 商业广告

  maintain positive opinions 持赞成意见

  bring into public view 带给大家观看

  might otherwise have remained unknown 否则人们或许不会知道

  repetition n. 重复

  reach the point of irritation 到了使人恼怒的程度

  lop-sided a. 片面的

  in the form of... 以……形式

  fantastic a. 奇异的

  witty language 巧妙而诙谐的语言

  trustworthy a. 不值得信赖的

  deceit ful a. 欺骗的


  "Health is wealth!". This is an old saying which the majority applaud. As a rule, the wealthieryou are, the weaker is your health, but this cannot be applied to all.

  To begin with, a person that has health can afford to challenge all hardships. For example, manual workers are usually stout and energetic. With their energy, they earn their living. Although such an occupation brings little reward as compared with the energy they haveexerted, they enjoy life whatever things may be.

  Moreover, business is based on health. Students in good health can absorb knowledge morereadily. In good health, scientists can tackle complex technical problems and achieve moresuccess.

  Frequently we find millionaires cling close to their doctors for they seldom have enoughexercises to bring forth better health. Their lack of exercises slackens the readiness of growth ofthe antibodies to resist the at tack of diseases. So, my argue is that health is more importantthan wealth for if we do not have health, what can we benefit from wealth?


  ·Health is wealth

  * More wealth, weaker health

  ·Good health can afford to challenge all hardships, e.g.

  * Manual workers

  * Businessmen

  * Students

  * Scientists

  * Millionaires lack health


  No health, no wealth


  本文是一篇议论文, 文中作者的观点鲜明, 全文均围绕这一观点展开, 每段的第一都是主题句, 结论句与第一句呼应, 这种首尾呼应的写作技巧很值得学习。


  applaud v. 赞同

  cannot be applied to all 并不适用于所有人

  hardship n. 困难

  manual worker 体力劳动者

  stout and energetic 健壮而精力充沛

  earn their living 谋生

  occupation n. 职业

  the energy they have exerted 所出的力

  absorb v. 吸收

  tackle v. 解决, 处理

  cling close to their doctors 总离不开医生

  slackens the readiness of growth of the antibodies 放松体内增长抗体的准备

