【#四六级考试# 导语】我们都是有梦想却不知道怎么努力付出的纠结体,是一个需要别人帮忙规划人生的幼稚派。©文档大全网为您提供了“2021年6月英语六级话题作文指导”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!
Honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act. He who lies and cheats isdis honest. Those who gain for tunes not by hard labour but by other means is dishonest.
Honesty is a good virtue. If you are honest all the time, you'll be trusted and respected byothers. A liar is always looked down upon and regarded as a black sheep by the people a round. Once you lie, people will never believe you even if you speak the truth.
However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems tha t more and more peoplebelieve in money at the sacrifice of honesty. To them, among such things as health, beauty, money, intelligence, honesty, reputation and talent, honesty is the only thing that can becast away. They don't understand or pretend not to understand that honesty is the biggestfortune humans own, and that it is the prerequisite for doing everything well. I think thesepeople are to be pitied.
In short, honesty is gold. Honest, your reputation will become great; dishonest, your namewill be spoiled and your personality degraded. Therefore, we should never make such an excuseas "A little dishonesty is only a trifle thing." We s hould eradica te immediately the seed ofdishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.
·Honesty as again st dishonesty
* Honest — speak truth , being fair
* Dishonest — lie, chea t
·Honesty — a good virtue
* Honest — be t rusted and respected
* Dishonest — name spoiled, per sonality degraded
·Argue against dis honesty
·Conclu sion
* Cultivate honesty
* Discard dishonesty
本文是一篇议论文。曾有一四级考题与之类似。本文的主题是“ 诚信是金”, 作者采用了“诚”与“欺”对比的手法行文, 最后告诫人们以诚处事, 杜绝欺诈。
being fair and upright in act 处事公正, 行为正直
virtue n. 美德
liar n. 说谎者
be regarded as 被认为是
the tide of commodity economy 商品经济的大潮
at the sacrifice of... 牺牲……
reput ation n. 信誉
honesty is the only thing that can be cast away 诚信是惟一可抛弃的
pretend not to + v. 假装不……
pre requisite n. 先决条件
pity v. 可怜
personality degraded 降低人格
make an excuse 找借口
a trifle thing 微不足道, 小问题
eradicate v. 排除
seed n. 种子
sow v. 播种
Punctuality means observing regular or appointed time. A man who gets up at seven o'clockevery morning is punctual. A man who has promised to call on a friend at five o'clock in theafternoon and actually does so at that hour is also punctual
Punctuality is a good habit, and unp unctuality a bad one. A few minutes' delay may not be aserious matter, but it may have bad results. Get ting up five minutes later than usual mayupset the plan of the day. Calling on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time maycause him some unexpected trouble. Moreover, habitual unpunctuality leads to indolenceand even failure in life. One delay after another makes a man unable to exert himself. It alsoproves him to be unt rustworthy .
Those who are unpunctual should try their best to get rid of their bad habit. In doing this, theyshould avoid making any kind of exception. They should never say to themselves: "A fewminutes' delay does not mat ter this time. Is hall never be unpunctual again." Those who thinkin this way will find excuses for delay from time to time, and will at last give up the attempt tocultivate the good habit.
Like all other good habits, punctuality becomes second nature with those who have dulycultivated it.
· Punctuality — What it means? e.g.
· Punctuality and unpunctuality e.g.
· Punctuality — A good habit to be cultivated
· Punctuality — Second nature
本文是一篇议论文。文中第一段引言简单说明守时的定义。第二段从正反两方面议论守时的问题。第三段中提出对不守时者的忠告。结尾部分是作者的建议— 培养第二天性。本文的特点是举了一些很实际的例子来论证守时的重要性, 此外, 文字简练, 用词均很普通, 结构也不复杂, 但说理性强。
punctuality n. 守时
observe v. 遵守
upset the plan of a day 打乱一天的计划
appointed time 约定时间
habitual unpunctuality 习惯性的不守时
lead to 导致
indolence n. 懒惰
exert himself 振作自己
untrustworthy a. 不可信赖的
find excuses 找借口
from time to time 时时
duly ad. 及地时
second nature 第二天性
Towards love and learning, college teachers and students hold controversial views.
The majority of college teachers, especially old teachers, argue that students should give uplove and concentrate on learning. They say that campus love is time-and-energy-consumingand tears students away from their main task. If a student ever falls in love, he/she willundoubtedly neglect his/her studies and gradually lag behind his/her classmates. A fewteachers, therefore, suggest that the university authorities restore the traditional regulationagainst love during students' school years .
On the contrary, students hold that it is natural for young people to fall in love on the campusbecause they meet every day and their everyday meeting produces romantic passion towardseach other. They insist that the campus is not the Garden of Eden and love is not the ForbiddenTree. They take for example some of theirf riends who, falling in love, are studying harder andhave made greater progress to please their boy/girl friends .
In my opinion, both views are lop-sided. If a student does not give himself/herself away in lovebut takes it as a drive, love produces positive effect. But if he/she indulges himself/ herself toodeeply in love, then he/she will be a devoted lover but a frustrated learner.
·Int roduction
* Two different views
· Teachers’argue
* Campus love — time and energy con suming
* Campus love — should be forbidden
· Students’argue
* Campus love — natural
* Campus love — promote learning
· Conclusion
* Both views lop-sided
* Depending on how to deal with it
本文是一篇议论文。引言部分开宗明义提出师生对这一话题的争议; 主体部分分别摆出两种不同论点和论证, 结尾部分是作者的态度, 不偏不倚地加以评论。本文的命题和写作是议论文的常见模式。
controversial a. 有争议的
tear...away from 使……离弃
lag behind 落后于
univer sity authorities 校方
restore traditional regulation 恢复传统校规
students' school years 学生在学期间
romantic passion 浪漫的感情
Garden of Eden 伊甸园
Forbidden Tree 禁果
please v. 取悦于
lop-sided a. 片面的
drive n. 推动
indulge oneself in 沉缅于
devoted a. 忠实的
frustrated a. 挫败的