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【#英语资源# 导语】地球是我们的家园,爱护环境卫生是我们每一个人都该做的。©文档大全网为大家准备了《有关环保的英语作文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.有关环保的英语作文 篇一

  How did the green grass, bright flowers, green trees, and the entire forest disappear in half? Where has the beautiful earth gone? "People do not cherish the earth and emit a large amount of carbon dioxide, causing holes in the ozone layer, causing the greenhouse effect to continue to occur, harming the beautiful earth. Let's work together to save the beautiful earth.".

  The warming of the earth is becoming more and more serious, causing coral bleaching. Humans cut down trees in large numbers, and mudslides often occur inadvertently. The gradual melting of the Arctic ice layer is threatening the extinction of polar bears. How can we prevent the Earth from warming? How to create a green and environmentally friendly earth? It is necessary to start loving the Earth in daily life.

  In order to prevent the Earth from warming, there are several rules to follow: using bicycles instead of driving, exercising, and killing two birds with one stone; Take more public transportation vehicles to save energy; Turn on the cooling air at a temperature above 28 degrees to reduce carbon dioxide emissions; Select products with environmental protection labels and recycle resources. We all care about the earth with one heart and one effort, and it is not impossible to make the earth "green".

  In order to prevent the earth from becoming warmer and create a green earth, the government has proposed various activities to love the earth. For example, encourage more cycling instead of driving, promote reunion without barbecue during the Mid Autumn Festival, and replace it with buffet meals. Play the ice melting film to let us understand the seriousness of global warming and the possible harm it may cause. We hope that everyone can work together to create a green and environmentally friendly planet.

2.有关环保的英语作文 篇二

  There are many important festivals in our country. Today, I also want to set up a festival called "Environmental Protection Day".

  In the past, the sky was so blue, the clouds were so white, the water in the pond was so clear, and the leaves of the trees were so verdant... but now?

  Now, our country has developed science and technology. There are many factories and cars, but these factories and cars emit a lot of carbon dioxide. It not only pollutes the environment but also leads to a rise in temperature, melting the ice in the Arctic. Polar bears and penguins are no longer able to live. In order not to allow this tragedy to continue, I have decided to establish an environmental protection festival. I schedule it on September 20th every year for six days. The goal is to make polar bears and penguins no longer die and make the sky more blue.

  Protecting the environment is the duty and responsibility of each of our citizens, and it is also our common responsibility. We should actively promote the importance of protecting the environment. Let everyone know that protecting the environment is as important as protecting their own lives. Friends, let's protect the environment and protect our homeland together!

3.有关环保的英语作文 篇三

  In my hometown, there is a beautiful Yangtze River, but people do not pay attention to environmental protection. There is a lot of garbage on the river, and there are also sewage discharges, causing many small fish to die. But despite this, people have not yet awakened, and some are still continuing to destroy. Fortunately, there are still many people paying attention to protecting the environment. As a primary school student, I have also done one thing for environmental protection.

  One night, while watching TV, I was eating cookies. Before I knew it, I ate up a box of cookies. I'm going to use this box to make some toys, which can not only save paper, but also exercise my hands-on ability. It's really killing two birds with one stone!

  Another Sunday, I went to Quyuan Temple to catch fish. When I walked there, I saw that the water was full of garbage, and the small fish did not see any shadow. Perhaps after cleaning up the garbage, the small fish came out. So, I used all my strength to clean up the entire pool of garbage. Sure enough, the little fish all came out, and I was just about to catch one. Looking at the time, it was too late, so I had to go home empty-handed. However, I was still very happy!

  It is everyone's responsibility to take care of the environment. I'm so happy to be able to do something to protect the environment!

4.有关环保的英语作文 篇四

  One day, Xiaoming and Xiaohong were walking on the street and saw a lot of garbage beside the trash can. Xiaohong asked, "What's the matter? Who threw so much garbage? It's really disgusting, don't you know how to take care of the environment?" Xiaoming had a brainstorm, "It's okay, let's just put the garbage in the trash can!" Xiaohong replied, "Okay, that's a good idea! But this garbage is so dirty! I dare not pick it up by hand, it's disgusting!" Xiaoming replied, "It's okay, just make sacrifices for the environment of our home!" "This, this, this, all right, for our home, I'll make sacrifices for a while!" Xiaohong said. (Try adding a different look to everyone when speaking, and you will receive different effects!)

  In this way, the two of them picked up the garbage piece by piece into the smelly garbage can in the scorching sun. Xiaoming took out a pen and paper from his schoolbag and wrote, "Civilization - only one step away.". "But I think this is not enough, and I should also write a few words such as' protecting the environment, starting from me '.". After writing, Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming pasted the paper on the trash can to let more people know that we need to protect the environment, because our environment in Changsha has been greatly polluted by garbage.

  If we dump garbage in China like in the story, you can think about what China will become. I think it will become a place that people hate very much, or even don't want to hear the name China! I suggest that everyone protect the environment and start from small things. Let's work together! come on.

5.有关环保的英语作文 篇五

  Nowadays, with the development of human technology, our lives are getting better and better, but our environment is under threat.

  Mercury is a highly toxic heavy metal that contains harmful components in waste batteries. This harmful ingredient can cause great harm to the human body and has a great destructive power on the central nervous system of the human body. The shocking Minamata disease that occurred in Japan in the 1950s was caused by mercury pollution. If waste batteries are mixed with household garbage for landfilling or discarded casually, the mercury and heavy metal substances that leach out can seep into the soil, contaminate groundwater, and then enter fish or crops, damaging the living environment of humans, indirectly threatening human health.

  In addition to the mercury in waste batteries, plastic bags also pose a significant hazard to the land. It can change the acidity and alkalinity of the land, affect the absorption of nutrients and water by crops, and lead to reduced agricultural production. As for plastic products discarded in water or on land, they not only affect the environment, but can also lead to death if swallowed passively.

  In our lives, there are some people who bury or throw waste batteries and plastic bags into the water. They think this is a good way to handle them, but in fact, it is not. Doing so not only pollutes water and land resources, but also endangers their own health

  "We live on this land, and we must do our best to protect it. We must not destroy the land and the environment. It is everyone's responsibility to protect the environment.".
