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【#英语资源# 导语】人类若不能与其他物种共存,便不能与这个星球共存。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Now science and technology are more and more developed, but we have not noticed that the environment is rapidly destroyed. The earth is full of rubbish. What should we do? We don't like moving to the moon like we did in Wally the Robot!

  I still remember that when I went to Bashang Grassland, some people praised: "What a beautiful grassland! The air is fresh and green everywhere..." But they threw plastic bags, fast food boxes, napkins and leftovers on the grassland. Such a beautiful grassland was destroyed by them! If one day, the beautiful grassland becomes barren, will you regret it?

  Remember the disposable chopsticks in the restaurant? China's forest coverage is less than 14%, but it is a big country exporting disposable chopsticks! I think the government should make a rule that disposable chopsticks are not allowed to be used. If someone uses them, he will be punished to plant a tree. In this way, not only no one cuts down trees, but also a forest!

  A small battery also has great "power". My mother said to me: "A battery that rots in the ground can make one square meter of soil barren. Why not put it in the right place? Professional treatment will reduce the harm of the battery to a limited extent." Therefore, my mother always put the waste battery into a small cloth bag, and then take it to Ginza to put it in the "waste battery recycling box". So I never throw batteries around, because I know that throwing a battery will pollute the environment, trees will die, and lovely animals will die when trees die. I don't want that!

  Cars are too common, but they also pollute the environment. Automobile exhaust will destroy the atmosphere, form a "greenhouse effect", and make the climate change. Now several students near me and I are carpooling to school together. We used to have three cars to send three children to school, but now we have one car to send three children to school, which reduces the exhaust emissions of the two cars.

  After reading these, we should also know that environmental protection is between you and me! We schoolchildren should also bend over and pick up the first piece of paper scraps, which is equivalent to picking up a civilization!


  Before, I didn't care much about protecting the environment. But something happened just today. That made me change my mind. Here's the thing:

  This noon, my mother said to me, "Do you want noodles for lunch?" I said to my mother, "I don't want to eat." Mom said, "I'll go to the supermarket and buy you dumplings to cook." After a while, my mother came back. I saw my mother's expression was very angry. I asked her, "Mom, what happened? Why are you so angry?" My mother said angrily, "I don't know who threw garbage at our door, but also threw several bags. I'm so angry. How can these people be so immoral now?" I said to my mother, "Well, let's see who is responsible for the monitoring of littering at our door." Mom turned on her mobile phone to watch the surveillance last night. After looking for a long time, I found that it was not thrown last night. Look at today's monitoring again. After a long time, I found that the garbage was thrown at 8:20. The man first threw two bags of garbage, then two bags of garbage, and finally two bags of garbage.

  After a while, Dad came back. Mother told her father what had just happened. After Dad knew it, he didn't even eat any food and kept watching the monitor. Then my father recorded the monitor of the man's garbage throwing, called the landlord, and sent the video to the landlord, asking him to deal with the matter. Just because of such a small matter, we have to deal with our family like this. I asked my mother, "Mom, why should we take care of such a small matter? Let the cleaners clean it, won't it?" My mother said to me seriously: "It's wrong to do this. If we don't care, that person will throw garbage everywhere to damage the environment, and the earth is not only the home of cleaners, but also the home of all of us. We should protect this home and not let our own home be damaged." After listening to my mother's words, I suddenly realized.

  After passing this incident, I paid more attention to environmental protection. I hope people who didn't care about protecting the environment can understand that this is wrong as I do, and protect their homes with me.


  In recent years, I have found that our city is getting dirtier and dirtier, with rubbish everywhere. We can also clearly see some garbage floating on the Shidian River. The air is full of dust, which is a great threat to our bodies. Seeing these scenes, I have to talk about them.

  I found that some children throw the bags they have finished eating everywhere. Even if there is a trash can in front of them, they are unwilling to throw them into the trash can. It turned out that we threw rubbish in an disorderly way, and some non recyclable rubbish was also thrown into the recyclable trash cans, which made people stink and dare not approach the trash cans. If we put garbage in an orderly manner, we will not form the habit of littering because of a little smell. Our city will become more beautiful and tidy, which will be much better.

  Outside the school, I found that some students liked to throw bags and paper bowls into the river beside the stalls after they had finished eating at the stalls, making the river dirty and smelly. The Shidian River is our mother river, and we can't destroy it. Before, people used to bathe and play in the river, but now people would walk away quickly with their noses covered when passing this smelly river, which makes me very sad.

  The air is polluted by poisonous gas emitted by cars. People live in dust, which is very harmful to their health. If today's cars do not have exhaust pipes to emit toxic gases, and the fuel is all kinds of toxins and bacteria, which can be completely eliminated by burning, the city has added a large green belt, and we breathe fresh air, how beautiful the world will be!

  As a children's song says: "Everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment; green trees make shade, and the air is fresh; green the earth, and moisten the people's hearts; make contributions to the present age, and benefit future generations; trees are bright on the mountain, and mud is flowing down the mountain; mountains and waters are not governed by trees, and soil and water cannot be preserved; trees are planted to control wind and sand, and good crops are everywhere."

  We should protect the environment and make the world more beautiful and fresh!


  We live in the nature. We should love everything in the nature. It is our unshirkable responsibility to protect the environment of the nature.

  Protect the environment, protect the plants and trees around us.

  Flowers and trees not only bring us visual enjoyment, but also provide us with a lot of oxygen for our living environment. The big trees supporting the sky provide us with eye-catching green for our living environment, and they also provide us with shade, grass in the lawn, and flowers in the flower pond. These are the growth and blooming of life. Protect them, keep the most beautiful appearance in their lives, and create a thriving life world for mankind.

  To protect the environment, we should start from ourselves.

  We should not be bystanders or people who talk big but have no action. We should start from our actual actions to protect the environment. We can often see some slogans. These slogans calling on us to love the environment are warning us and constantly reminding us to protect the environment around us. The environment is the basis of our life, and a good environment is the basis of our good life. Protecting the environment is also beneficial to our life.

  We need to protect the environment. It is not easy for the grass in the lawn to grow, but I often see some people ignore the slogans in the lawn and directly step on the grass. This foot, stepping on the breath of life. In life, I can also see some people breaking off the blooming flowers without pity. What you have taken away is the qualification of a flower to be in full bloom, which is just between a foot and a foot. The world has lost a green shadow swaying with the wind in the future and a beautiful flower.

  To protect the environment, we must first control ourselves, and do not let ourselves become criminals who destroy our homes.

  Nowadays, the social industrialization is serious. Many places only focus on development and completely ignore the environment. The society should spread the importance of the environment, let the awareness of environmental protection enter every heart, and let everyone work together to build a beautiful home.


  Today, I read a cartoon. After reading it, I was very angry.

  The content of the cartoon is that a woodcutter cuts down trees every day, destroying the homes of birds and rabbits, leaving them nowhere to go. At about 8 o'clock the next morning, it suddenly rained heavily. The rain was so heavy that mud on the mountain was washed down, forming a debris flow. The mud rock flow became more and more violent, and the trees were submerged, as were the lumberjack's homes. The woodcutter's house was gone. Fortunately, he knew that if he met a mud rock flow, he would go high and not low, so the woodcutter survived. Later, the mudslide finally stopped, and the woodcutter's home was gone. He had nowhere to go and began to regret it. At this time, I really want to say to the woodcutter: "If you had not cut down trees indiscriminately, Grandfather Dashu would protect us now, the mud rock flow would not harm us, and your home would be intact. You have destroyed the nature mercilessly, and now you have been hurt, so it is too late to regret. Alas..."

  This cartoon has a great inspiration to me. In my life, I have begun to consciously protect the environment. One day, my mother took me to the supermarket to buy things. I saw two people handing out leaflets at the entrance of the supermarket. They gave them to everyone they saw. Some people threw them on the ground when they didn't want to. When I saw the leaflet thrown on the ground, I ran to pick it up and put it in the trash can. I also saw that they stuck the leaflet on the wall with 502 glue. When they were not paying attention, I rushed forward to tear up the advertising paper and threw it into the trash can.

  In fact, in our daily life, there are many measures to protect the environment. Reuse precious water resources. For example, the water for washing hands can be used to mop the floor, and the water for washing vegetables can be used to flush the toilet... In addition, saving water is also a way to protect the environment.

  Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. More trees, save water, let's take action to make nature more beautiful!


  "I want a home, I want a home, I want a home... home! Where is it?" This is a sentence from a pair of homeless poor birds in the cartoon broadcast in the Public Welfare program of Zengcheng TV Station. This sentence made me deeply ponder: everyone is responsible for protecting the environment!

  Today's environmental pollution, which is not our own human caused! Our Earth Mother has given us everything, but we still want to take her life!

  People always think that the water, air and resources on the earth are endless, but these are wishful thinking! We humans are ignorant that the earth is so big, what is this waste? We were wrong! We never realized this and continued to destroy wantonly. We also proposed that Mars immigrants would abandon the Earth when it could no longer provide us with anything.

  However, immigration is not a panacea! Even if we move to Mars and treat Mars with our attitude towards the Earth, Mars will be destroyed sooner or later! So we can't always think that there will be many planets waiting for us that can let us continue to live. Those beautiful planets are not human toys, and they can't stand the trouble. The most important question at the moment is how to save the earth and make it green again.

  In the past, the river was so clear, the fields were endless, and the fruit on the trees could be eaten after picking, and there was green everywhere. That is the true face of the earth.

  Saving water, electricity, resource reuse, garbage classification... these can not be achieved by mere words. We should realize all this in our daily life and achieve real low-carbon. And these can only be achieved by the strength of everyone. One person can't change anything, but there must be something that billions of people on earth can do!

  To sum up, environmental protection should no longer be talked about, but should focus on practical actions. We should use our hands to protect our beautiful and fragile earth.


  Once upon a time, there was a man who did not like studying. He watched TV every day. He liked to watch The Bears. When he saw that bald Qiang made a living by cutting down trees, he also had this idea in his mind. In the end, he stopped going to school when he was in junior high school. He took some savings from his parents and bought an axe to make money by cutting trees.

  When he came to the forest, he took an axe and cut down two trees at once. When the trees in the forest saw that their companions had been cut down, they began to shout, "Don't cut us down, don't cut us down!" But the shouting of the young trees made the woodcutter more and more energetic. After several years, the trees were all cut down by him. He sat on the stump and thought: The trees here are all cut down. Where should I go to make money tomorrow? The next day, there was a rainstorm in the sky without warning. There was no shelter from trees. The rain was too strong, and finally a debris flow was formed. The woodcutter's house was destroyed, but he didn't realize what he had done wrong. He climbed onto the roof and shouted, "What have I done wrong?"

  This story tells us that we should protect the environment and not destroy it for money.

  In our daily life, I often see people handing out leaflets at the entrance of the supermarket or on the road. Their task is to hand out leaflets to someone when they see them coming. When I passed by, they gave me one, and I said no, but he still stuck it in my pocket, so I had to take it back. People come and go, everyone is in a hurry. Someone took the leaflet one second and threw it on the ground the next. I was helpless and had to pick them up and throw them into the recyclable dustbin. Before long, they stuck the leaflet on the tree again. The trees covered with small advertisements look "scarred", as if they are telling about human crimes. I rushed forward and tore down the small advertisement with a hiss.

  Trees are our good friends. They help us purify the air and decorate our homes. Why should we hurt them? We should start from the little things around us to protect the forest and our home.


  The rain outside the window is pattering, and the air is filled with the fragrance of grass and soil. With the sound of rain, I held a book in my hand and gently opened the yellowed pages. A photo quietly fell from the leaves of the book, and my thoughts that had been silent for a day quietly flew.

  I still remember that it was one autumn. The sunshine in early autumn, with a touch of warmth, shuttles through this ancient town. In the evening, the park was covered with fruits and leaves. I bent down and picked up a pile of fallen leaves and threw them into the air. They were flying in the afterglow of the setting sun, floating on the edge of the gorgeous sunset. The bright red sunset, lingering on the treetops, left a touch of sadness.

  Sitting on the bench in the park, looking up at the sky, the night gradually devours the sunset, and the sky slowly darkens. Countless light spots twinkle in the sky. It's the children playing with the glittering bamboo dragonfly

  Moonlight gently sprinkles on the ground, spreading a layer of clear and transparent coat on the ground. "What are you doing? You can't do that. Doesn't the tree hurt?" A gentle girl's voice came from my ear. Turning around, I saw a little boy standing beside my aunt. Broken fruit fell on the ground. I heard her say, "You hurt the tree like this. You saw that its branches were torn off, and the fruit was hit on the ground with your slingshot. The tree is scarred. Don't you feel guilty?"

  I was lost in thought. Yes, we humans are now cutting down forests and polluting rivers without taking into account the feelings of nature. Don't we feel a little guilty? Are those creatures that we hurt not painful?

  The waves are raging in my heart. Looking back on the past, how innocent those creatures are!

  A bird's clear cry awakened my memory. I looked up, and the rain had stopped unconsciously. The rainbow hung high in the western sky. The gingko tree outside the window stood upright, so tall and selfless.

  There is always a scene in my memory that I can't forget, because it engraved my thinking about the environment.


  Protecting the environment is not a temporary matter. We need to adhere to it every day and take practical actions anytime and anywhere. As long as each of us takes action, we will be able to save our home - the earth.

  Save electricity, protect resources and reduce pollution. Electricity is something that every primary school student gets in touch with every day. It is also inseparable from our daily study and life. But it is now consumed alarmingly. Therefore, every move in electricity use should be based on saving. In China, power generation mainly depends on coal, while coal on the earth is limited. At the current consumption rate, the world's coal will be consumed in 250 years. After that, we will have no coal left for our descendants.

  Saving electricity is to save coal, and also directly contribute to reducing air pollution. Because acid rain is formed due to the burning of coal, it can strongly corrode buildings and acidify soil and water quality, leading to reduced grain production and the death of grass, trees, fish and shrimp. It is calculated that the economic losses caused by acid rain in southwest and south China alone amount to 14 billion yuan every year.

  Saving electricity can slow down global warming. The large amount of carbon dioxide emitted by coal combustion acts as a cover to block the heat from the ground to radiate out of the sky, resulting in the greenhouse effect. If the earth temperature rises, drought or floods will occur, and icebergs will melt. If all the icebergs on the earth melt, countries and islands with lower elevations will disappear.

  We who live today are sure to enter the next century. Many of them are vulnerable to global warming. 135000 children in 192 schools in Germany vowed to reduce the harmful greenhouse gases in their communities by 10%. They switched to energy-saving lamps, refused to use air conditioners, gave up cars and chose bicycles. After seven months of hard work, they have reached their goal.

  In the twinkling of an eye, we are about to enter the beautiful June again. This is a good time to plant trees and green the country. In order to create a good green home and protect the ecological environment, I suggest that students: love nature, love flowers and trees, protect and cherish animals, and carry out tree planting and green protection activities.

  Actively promote environmental protection and bring environmental awareness to thousands of households.


  Any life can not be separated from water, who is the source of life, but who knows?

  The clear brook is very beautiful, but it is no longer clear and beautiful due to pesticide pollution. Although vegetables that have been treated with pesticides grow well, they must be washed with water before eating. In this way, how much water will flow away in vain. Do you really wait until the day when there is no water to save?

  In the past, the choppy, beautiful and bustling sea became stinky with sewage and garbage. The fish and shrimp are gone, the turtles are gone, the flying birds are gone, and the excitement of the past is gone. Only garbage is left floating on the sea. Don't you really know how to save until the day when there is no water?

  In summer, children are playing with water guns while you are facing me. How much water was wasted because of their temporary joy. How many people in water shortage areas can be saved with this water! Do you really know how to save until the day when there is no water?

  People want to be more developed and stronger. How much water will these chemical experiments pollute! One day, when there is no water, you will reflect on your mistakes.

  Some people, for their own benefit, even make moves in the water shared by everyone. How much clear water will be polluted. Don't you really know how to save until the day when there is no water? Let's practice strict economy and oppose waste. Don't let the last drop of water in the world become human tears.
