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【#英语资源# 导语】改善环境,创建美好未来是我们共同的愿望。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Man is the soul of all things in the universe and the master of nature. We can't let the facts be reversed and let nature dominate us.

  Water is the cradle of life, and any life on the earth can not leave water for a moment. The water on the earth is limited, but for a long time, people only know how to destroy, but do not know how to cherish, and even pollute precious water resources, making the water available for people gradually less.

  The river under Lingshan Square was once so clear. But after a long time, it is surprising that there are many pollutants floating on the river, which makes people feel uncomfortable once they pass by. Every time I walk by, I think of a famous quote by Qu Pingge. Without a clean and beautiful environment, it is meaningless to have a comfortable living condition. The old saying is right. One slip of foot will lead to everlasting hatred! Did you forget a word? That is to protect the environment, starting from me. This sentence will always remind everyone to protect the environment. However, some people not only pollute water, but also cut down trees indiscriminately, causing birds to have no home. But some do not cut down trees or pollute water. They just fight birds. Think about it. There are no birds. What about trees? What about the environment?

  Let's think that the earth is a known ship carrying life in the universe, and we humans are passengers on the ship. Facing the reality that the earth's ecological environment is deteriorating day by day, everyone will understand that protecting the earth and the environment is our top priority!

  Cherish water resources, love the earth, let us each start from me!


  Shuilian Mountain Forest Park is a beautiful park with fresh air and beautiful scenery.

  However, in this beautiful park, there are some health risks, which greatly reduce the appearance of the park. Some tourists have no awareness of environmental protection. When they come to the park to play, they throw peel and garbage on the ground. For example, garbage, melon seed shells, peanut shells, food packaging bags are piled up at the snack bars and snack bars on both sides in front of the main gate of the park. In the hot summer, the garbage will give off an unpleasant smell, attracting many mosquitoes and flies, making people breathless. The tourists who passed here hurriedly covered their noses and had to walk away quickly. This situation has caused great pollution to the park environment.

  The place covered by trees on the mountain is fine, and there is no garbage at all. The trees grow green and luxuriant. In summer, they are like green umbrellas. They block the sun and bring fresh air to people. They feel cool when walking along those mountain roads. Tourists often sit on stone benches beside the road to enjoy the cool. The beautiful environment brings people a feeling of relaxed and happy.

  Therefore, we must protect the environment to make our homes more beautiful and charming. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment! Start from me, start from now, start from everyone!


  After dinner, my parents and I went out for a walk.

  Bathing in the street at sunset is like wearing a golden cloak, which is very beautiful. Walking on the street, we talked and laughed, not to mention how happy we were. Suddenly, a bag "fell from the sky" and fell heavily on the ground with a "bang". The garbage in the bag was splashed everywhere and smelled bad. Dirty rubbish stands out in the clean and beautiful streets. I looked up and saw the beautifully decorated windows on both sides of the street, filled with pots of flowers. The light was soft and beautiful. I can't believe this bag of garbage was thrown out of that beautiful window. I can't believe my eyes. "People who throw rubbish are really uncivilized." I said angrily. Mom also said, "Yes, some people only dress up their homes cleanly and beautifully, but they don't care about the public environment at all."

  We talked while walking. At this time, I felt a little thirsty, so I bought an ice lolly and threw the wrapping paper on the ground. Mom saw it and said, "Lulu, have you forgotten what happened on the road just now?" My mother's words reminded me that my face suddenly turned red, so I bent down to pick up the wrapping paper and threw it into the dustbin.

  I think it is our responsibility to pay attention to civilization and public health. Always remind yourself to start from me, lead by example, and beautify our living environment with practical actions.


  My grandparents said that when they were young, the Xingyun Lake was clear and rippling. The lake was rich in resources. They could catch fish and shrimp by the lake. They grew up drinking the lake water. But now, these beautiful pictures can only appear in their memories.

  Mother told me that when she was young, the water of Xingyun Lake had been polluted, but it was not as serious as it is now. The brook at their doorstep is still clear. They can play and wash clothes in the brook. They also spent a happy childhood by the lake. Later, the running water in the creek at the gate was dirty and smelly, and these dirty water and smelly water kept flowing into the lake, eroding the beautiful Xingyun Lake. The lake water has been polluted, and the surrounding ecological environment has also been seriously damaged, which is caused by people's ignorance and excessive demand. Slowly, the polluted Xingyun Lake hit back at people in its way. The foul smell and turbid water not only made the lake no longer rich in products, but also made people's living environment worse and worse, and even there were various viruses.

  When the living environment is threatened, people gradually realize their mistakes. I hope that people will take care of the environment, enhance their awareness of environmental protection, protect Xingyun Lake, which has become beautiful again, take care of every tree and grass, every mountain and every river, plant trees and trees, and do not kill wild animals indiscriminately. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Please join hands to safeguard our homeland.


  This evening, my family prepared a sumptuous dinner, and I quickly took my chopsticks to pick up a piece of my favorite fish. "Why does the fish smell strange today?" I asked. Mom and Dad also said, "This fish tastes of kerosene. It tastes terrible." Dad said, "This must be a polluted fish." We have no appetite for this stinky fish. It's really disappointing!

  A few years ago, the rivers were so clear that the fish swam in groups and jumped out of the water to breathe fresh air. Now, there are more and more factories in the upper reaches of the river, which continuously discharge a large amount of sewage. The sewage flows into the river, and the river becomes black and smelly water, with fewer and fewer fish. Some fish become strange, some will get sick, and even die in serious cases. I think it would be great if the sewage discharged from the factory could be purified by a sewage purification device and finally discharged into rivers! I hope that our government will shut down those factories that do not have sewage purification equipment, and give everyone a better living space.

  In the evening, I dreamed that the lake became clearer, the fish swam back in groups, and the surrounding environment was more beautiful. We share the same earth. We should protect the environment, starting from childhood and starting from ourselves. In this way, our hometown will be more beautiful!


  This evening, my family prepared a sumptuous dinner, and I quickly took my chopsticks to pick up a piece of my favorite fish. "Why does the fish smell strange today?" I asked. Mom and Dad also said, "This fish tastes of kerosene. It tastes terrible." Dad said, "This must be a polluted fish." We have no appetite for this stinky fish. It's really disappointing!

  A few years ago, the rivers were so clear that the fish swam in groups and jumped out of the water to breathe fresh air. Now, there are more and more factories in the upper reaches of the river, which continuously discharge a large amount of sewage. The sewage flows into the river, and the river becomes black and smelly water, with fewer and fewer fish. Some fish become strange, some will get sick, and even die in serious cases. I think it would be great if the sewage discharged from the factory could be purified by a sewage purification device and finally discharged into rivers! I hope that our government will shut down those factories that do not have sewage purification equipment, and give everyone a better living space.

  In the evening, I dreamed that the lake became clearer, the fish swam back in groups, and the surrounding environment was more beautiful. We share the same earth. We should protect the environment, starting from childhood and starting from ourselves. In this way, our hometown will be more beautiful!


  On Sunday, my grandpa and I were going to the park for a rope skipping race. We saw a lot of rubbish on the park road when we rode. I got off quickly, took a plastic bag out of my grandpa's pocket, and picked up the rubbish. I picked it up for a long time. I was a little tired. I took a rest and looked up. The lawn was much cleaner, and there was no garbage on the road. Suddenly, I saw a little boy throwing an ice cream paper on the ground. I quickly picked up the ice cream paper and put it in a plastic bag. Then, I said to the little boy, "Don't litter. If all people litter like you, our park will become a garbage dump!" The little boy was a little embarrassed. Then he took a plastic belt from his mother and picked up garbage with me.

  Environmental protection starts with me. It is not only the slogan that teachers teach us, but also what everyone should do, especially our children. We should strive to protect the environment and protect our mother earth, so that the mother earth will always be beautiful.


  The earth is such a beautiful planet, but human beings have been destroying it

  After dinner, my mother asked me to throw garbage. I threw it at the trash can and turned around to leave. One of the children saw it and said, "Big brother, no littering here." I disdained and said, "What's your business?" Then he was ready to go.

  At night, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was on a grassland, the air was mixed with a trace of flowers, there were dinosaurs looking for food by the river, there was no garbage, the air was fresh, and the water was clear.

  Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, the beauty in front of us disappeared and became another scene. Everyone here was carrying an air purifier, and there were toxic gases in the air and garbage everywhere. Sand storms come and go, and people no longer work, but destroy plants, which are in a mess and unsightly.

  When I woke up, I finally realized the seriousness of littering. Since then, everyone has a responsibility to correct my bad problems and protect the earth.


  Grandma's home is in Wusi Village, Chengguan Township, Linhe District. Before, I was reluctant to go back to Grandma's home. Why? Because the environment is too bad.

  It turned out that there was a brick factory on the side of the village, with three chimneys standing up. Like three demons who only spray black smoke, they kept spitting and spitting every day; In addition, the brick factory has been digging for a long time, which has destroyed the surrounding vegetation, and even the original small oil road that has been newly built has been tortured horribly. As long as there is a little breeze, the whole village is covered in yellow sand and dust, and there is no sky at all. Even the crops beside the road are put on a black gray cotton coat. Since then, crops are no longer green and flowers are no longer beautiful. People prefer to take a long detour rather than take this road at home.

  Later, since the brick factory introduced a series of environmental protection equipment, after scientific management, the whole village has undergone earth shaking changes. People began to transport soil to build roads, turning the past waves of dirt roads with three pits into straight asphalt roads, turning the large bottomless pits dug into fish ponds, raising live fish fry, and restoring the crops to their original appearance. The flowers were more in full bloom, looking up to the sky, and white clouds were floating slowly and leisurely. The whole village is like a fairyland.

  Now, I hope to stay at my grandma's house! How wonderful it is to live under the blue sky and white clouds.


  The earth is now facing a very serious problem: the deterioration of the earth's environment, the hole in the ozone layer, and global warming. Therefore, all of them are caused by our human beings. The sewage from factories, the smoke from cars, and the white garbage are everywhere.

  If this destruction continues, the earth will soon be unable to support, the environment on which human beings depend will disappear, and human beings will perish. Therefore, we human beings must stop destroying the environment. It is easy for us to protect the environment.

  Every time you buy something, you should prepare a cloth bag by yourself, and use the cloth bag you brought with you to pack things. After eating the food, the packaging bags, bubble gum, etc. must be put into the dustbin. Don't throw them carelessly. The waste water from washing your face and feet can be used to flush the toilet. Don't waste it. After using the tap in the family or public places, be sure to turn it off, and never waste it. Do not use disposable chopsticks in beef noodle shops and other places. Metal chopsticks that can be bought in supermarkets can be taken with you. You can take them with you when you eat out or travel. Fish farmers at home can use fish water to water flowers when changing water. It can not only save water, but also make flowers grow better!

  There are many methods like this. If we all can do this, the earth environment will not only not deteriorate, but also become better!
