

时间:2022-03-30 23:52:53 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#二年级# 导语】习主席已经宣布我国进入了社会主义发展新时期,并且成立了开放更加宽泛的自贸区,减少外国进入我国开创事业的一系列繁杂手续,预示着中国同世界有更进一步的交流了,那么我们当然应该从小就开始培养交流的能力,以积极地态度去面对发展。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  一、给单词归类(1点×10=10点)   duck shorts noddles monkey sweater draw   shirt write bread drink   1.动词---,---,---   2动物---,---,---   3食品---,---,---   4衣服---,---,---   二、单项选择(2点×10=20点)   ( )1.A:What are you doing?   B:We are making_____cake.   A.a B.an C.the D./   ( )2.Please ____quiet! Your father is working.   A.is B.am C.be D.are   ( )3. Children,please go ____your room!   A.in B.to C.and D.for   ( )4.It‘s hard____English people to use chopsticks.   A.with B.to C.for D.of   ( )5.Do you use chopsticks____England?   A.from B.in C.for D.to   ( )6.Amy is a girl.She is playing _____flute.   A.she B.her C.hers D./   ( )7.My father is listening _____music.   A.to B.for C.at D.in   ( )8.Tom is doing _____homework.   A.he B.his C.him D./   ( )9.Mum ____watching TV now.   A.am B.are C.is D.be   ( )10.Let’s make a kite____Tom.   A.to B.for C.at D.of   三、问答连线(2点×5=10点)   ( )1.What are those? A.Yes,it can.   ( ) 2.What are you doing? B.Yes,I can.   ( ) 3.Can you run fast? C.Yes,here you are.   ( ) 4.Can I have an ice cream? D.I‘m eating chips.   ( ) 5.Can this dog run? E.They are dragoboats.   四、连词组句(2点×5=10点)   1.ducks/are/these/naughty/very   _____________________________.   2.these/are/what   _____________________________.   3.sweater/Sam’s/this/is   _____________________________.   4.fast/run/you/can   ______________________________.   5.boats/dragon/are/they   ___________________________.   五.阅读短文,选词填空(2点×5=10点)   Sam is an English boy.He is seven years old.His mother is a nurse.His father is a doctor.His grandfather is a teacher of Chinese.Sam doesn‘t want to be a teacher or a doctor.He is going to be a policeman.   1.( )Sam is a/an______boy.   A.English B.Chinese   2.( )His father is a ________.   A.policeman B.doctor   3.( )His mother is a ______.   A. teacher B.nurse   4.His ____can speak Chinese.   A.father B.grandfather   5.Sam is going to be a _______.   A.policeman B.doctor


  一.找出每组中不同类的单词。6%   ( ) 1. A .run B. read C. swim D .lamp   ( ) 2. A. book B. bus C. ruler D. rubber   ( ) 3. A. apple B. pear C. bear D. peach   ( ) 4. A. eight B. cow C. four D. five   ( ) 5. A. noodles B. gloves C. dress D. socks   ( ) 6. A. desk B. door C. table D. cold   二.选择题: 16%   ( )1. I ____ to sing.   A. am B. can C. like   ( )2.______ do you live?   A. What B. Where C. Who   ( )3.May I _______ some Coke?   A. has B. have C. have got   ( )4.Have ________ milk.   A. an B. a C. some   ( )5. Do you like to dance? Yes, ____________.   A.I can B. I do C. I am   ( )6. Winter is ______ cold.   A. the B. an C./   ( )7.Draw a bird ________ the ground.。   A. on B. to C. under   ( )8. What __________is it? It’s green.   A. / B. colour C. animal   ( )9.“Oink, Oink”。 What do you _____?   A. have B. hear C. look   ( )10. It’s cold. ____________ your coat.。   A. Put on B. Take off C. Look at   ( )11. How do you go to the park? __________   A. Get in the car. B. By car. C. Get off the car.   ( )12. Have a biscuit, please. _________.   A. I can. B. I like. C. Thank you.   ( )13. Listen _____ the clock.   A. to B. in C. on   ( )14.Green light! We can go_______.   A. stop B. fast C slow   ( )15. Is it on the tree? Yes, _________.   A. it not B. it is C. it is not   ( )16. Go ________, spotty!   A. there B. here C. where   三.问答配对:5%   ( ) 1.What do you hear? A. We can draw.   ( ) 2. What can you do? B. He’s my friend.   ( ) 3. What do you see? C. I need new shoes.   ( ) 4. Who is your friend? D. I hear ‘ Moo, moo’。   ( ) 5. What do you need? E. I see a yellow tiger.   四.完型填空:8%   Hello, I’m May and I’m a girl. I ___1___ in Shanghai. I’ve got a bedroom. _____2_____ it, please, the lamp is ____3____ the desk. I love my bedroom and my family.   I can do many things. I can clean the window, ____4___ the floor, read books and write. Today(今天), I want to(想要) go to a farm, but(但是) it is cold, the wind blows, blows and blows. So(所以) I ____5___ a coat, a hat and gloves to put on. My friend ask(问) me:“ _____6_____ do you go to the farm?”I reply(回答):“ ____7____ van.” I _____8_____ some hens, chicks, ducks, pigs, cows and sheep on the farm. I am very happy.   ( ) 1. A. like B. love C. live   ( ) 2. A. Look at B. Find C. Listen to   ( ) 3. A. in B. under C. on   ( ) 4. A. sleep B. sweep C. swim   ( ) 5. A. am B. need C. do   ( ) 6. A. How B. Where C. What   ( ) 7. A. To B. Off C. By   ( ) 8. A. listen B. see C. look   笔试   一   D B C B A D   二   C B B C B C A B B A   B C A B B A   三   D A E B C   四   C A C B B A C B


  一、写出下列字母的邻居(12分)。   1 ____ F______ 2. ____m _____ 3. ______v______   4. ____ Hh______ 5. ______ Ll ______ 6. ______Rr______   二、正确抄写下列的单词和句子(10分)。   1. English blouse puppet bottle   2. I can see some monkeys.   3. Let‘s count the crayons.   4. I’d like a blouse   5. Let‘s keep the school clean!   三、英汉互译(10分)   1. 五只猴子______________ 2. 一辆吉普车______________   3.数鸡蛋 ______________ 4. 数学和音乐 ______________   5. 在沙发上______________   四、找出不同类的词并将序号写在括号内。(20分)   ( ) 1.A. box B. bottle C. milk   ( ) 2.A. on B. in C. open   ( ) 3.A. book B. desk C. bed   ( ) 4.A. where B. there C. what   ( ) 5.A. father B. mother C. nurse   ( ) 6.A. bread B. ruler C. pencil   ( ) 7.A. dress B. can C. jacket   ( ) 8.A. bear B. pear C. panda   ( ) 9.A. spring B. winter C. T-shirt   ( ) 10.A. peach B. banana C. rice   五、读上句,找下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ (10分)。   1. What can David do? ( ) David can run. ( ) I can run.   2. What can you see? ( ) I see a duck. ( ) I can see a duck.   3. How are you? ( ) Thank you. ( ) Fine, thank you.   4. Do you like winter? ( ) Yes, I don’t. ( ) No, I don‘t.   5. What do you have? ( ) I have a doll. ( )I have doll.。   六、在II栏中选出I栏的答句,将其序号填在题前的括号内(8分)。   ( )1. Where’s the pencil? A. Twelve.   ( )2. What can you see? B. I can see a bird.   ( )3. How many? C. I‘d like a coat.   ( )4. Can I help you? D. It’s in the box.   ( )5. What colour? D. It‘s red.   七、连词成句(10分)。   1. is, where, plane, the, (?)   ______________________________________________?   2. is, a, box, there, in, the desk, (。)   ______________________________________________.   3. let’s, table, clean, keep, the(。)   _______________________________________________.   4. do, have, what, you, lessons, (?)   _______________________________________________?   八、根据单词,把图形画在方框里(18分)。   1. TV 2. dress 3. plane   4. panda 5. two yo-yos 6. doll060s.

