

时间:2021-08-30 11:16:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】九九重阳,九九归一。一朵菊花,一支茱萸,一份真感情,一杯美酒,一句祝福,一段深思念,愿我们的感情越来越深,愿我们的思念越来越浓。重阳节快乐。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The Double Ninth Festival is one of many traditional festivals in China. It is a good time for children and grandchildren to honor their elders. Therefore, it is also called the old man's day. On Sunday evening, I went to grandma's house with my parents and had dinner with grandma. Talk to the old man.

  It was more than six o'clock when I came to grandma's house that night. As soon as I entered the house, I saw grandma still cleaning the house and doing hygiene. I thought grandma was very hard. She was still doing hygiene so late. So I said to grandma, "grandma, you've been busy all day. Let's do it and have a rest." grandma smiled and said, "we're really obedient and sensible. We've really grown up." I hurriedly said, "it should be." I was also very happy, I can do something for grandma.

  We cleaned up the house. After a while, our uncles and aunts arrived, so we went to the restaurant downstairs for dinner. During the dinner, I told grandma several jokes, which made grandma laugh. I seldom saw grandma so happy. After a while, I picked up the cup and wished my grandmother a blessing like the East China Sea and a longer life than Nanshan. My grandmother was more happy and wished me to study hard and make progress every day.

  It's time to say goodbye. We told grandma to take good care of her body and don't be too tired. Grandma was so moved that we often went to accompany her. Finally, I gave grandma a hug. Grandma praised me: "our eldest grandson is still sensible."

  The Double Ninth Festival is a day when each of us should be filial to the elderly. Let each of us take action and offer a blessing to the elderly around us!


  When I think of this poem, I think that the ninth day of September is China's traditional festival - Double Ninth Festival. Double Ninth Festival is a festival of love, respect, filial piety and respect for the elderly. This year's Double Ninth Festival, kind and filial, I performed even better.

  On the weekend, we talked and laughed all the way to Tangzha to see Grandpa. As soon as I entered the door, I threw myself into grandpa's arms and said excitedly, "Grandpa, Grandpa, today is Double Ninth Festival. I'll take you to climb high and look far!" Grandpa nodded happily.

  We came to the foot of wolf mountain and prepared to climb. Along the way, I helped grandpa climb up step by step. When he was hot, I helped him wipe his sweat; When he was thirsty, I poured him water to drink; When he was tired, I beat his legs. At the top of the mountain, Grandpa looked at the beautiful scenery and immediately said, "I will be the top of the mountain and see the small mountains." but I applauded and shouted, "good! Good! Grandpa has a good memory!" finally, we went down the mountain with laughter.

  When I got home, I made a basin of hot water and asked grandpa to soak my feet. I took off his socks, put my feet in the basin and washed his feet. When Grandpa soaked his feet, I rubbed his shoulders, beat his back, and gave him the Chongyang cake I bought. The last sunset glow on the horizon gradually disappeared, and everything was calm. Grandpa looked at me and his eyes were wet.

  "I am old and people are old, and I am young and people are young." Double Ninth Festival is not only a festival of loving, respecting, filial piety and respecting the elderly, but also a kind of care, a kind of company and a warm family affection!


  Once again, on the ninth day of September, autumn figures are everywhere in the sky and on the roof. The earth is covered with a layer of thick and fluffy sands, golden and shiny. I looked at the calendar. It turned out that today is the ninth day of September. It's the Double Ninth Festival. It's the festival of the elders. How could I forget? What gifts should I give her. I've been thinking for a while. I can't think well. Just when I was upset, I took a newspaper and saw the three words "Double Ninth Festival". I was overjoyed. I read the newspaper carefully. It clearly said that whenever the Double Ninth Festival, children and grandchildren should go out to the suburbs with their elders. Relax, eat cakes and look at chrysanthemums. This is my gift and experience the happiness brought by this autumn. After reading this newspaper, I have a small abacus in my heart.

  I went to grandma and wanted to test grandma's memory. I smiled and said, "grandma, do you know what day it is today?" grandma said suspiciously, "Oh, it's your birthday?" "no, it's not. My birthday is several months earlier." grandma thought again, "is today your mother's birthday?" "Not to mention, today is the Double Ninth Festival, your festival." grandma suddenly realized and smiled. I continued, "I'll go out with you!" Grandma and I set off. Grandma and I walked further as we talked. We looked at the clear pool water and enjoyed the magnificent mountains. We suddenly felt refreshed. Grandma and I spent a lovely Double Ninth Festival unconsciously.

  It's getting dark. Mom and dad came back with a bag of cakes. It's really a timely help. They are preparing to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival for grandma. They are decorated with various patterns and some are embedded with a few grass... Our family sat around the table and tasted the cakes with relish. It's delicious. Grandma smiled as if she was a few years younger.

