
时间:2021-08-14 16:06:00 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,写作文可以锻炼我们的独处习惯,让自己的心静下来,思考自己未来的方向。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  We all come here. No one is born rich, no one is born poor. In the journey of life, grabbing, giving up, refusing and accepting are all under the guidance of the elderly and the choice of the soul.

  When someone heals the old, all the money is gone; Some people support the elderly, not hesitate to pay a lot of money. Some people believe that "filial piety comes first"; Some people scrupulously abide by the principle of "breaking through the pass of filial piety and righteousness". Some people choose to be kind to the elderly, others choose to refuse to support the elderly. Beauty and ugliness, good and evil are all in one thought. They will last forever, or they will last forever.

  There is too much to be filial. I just want to tell you to choose filial piety. Don't let the fog cover your eyes and dirt cover your heart. Hold a heart of *, filial piety for the elderly and yourself.

  Between filial piety and rebellion, Jie Zitui died for his mother and chose glory; Li Kui split the tiger to avenge his mother and chose Dezhao for later generations; Xiang Jiuling is his father, and Wang Wen feeds mosquitoes with his body. Filial piety can help you achieve a lot. Be a valuable person worthy of life and society, and people will give you something in return.

  A person who survives in a storm will be desperate to save the old man's life; A man trekking in the desert will resolutely untie the last pot of water at his waist to the old man; But some people ride the old man under their body and bully him; Some people degenerate from a filial son into a rebellious son; Some people make the old man labor to save money; Some people divide houses and fields, beat the old man and scold the old man. A mistake will become eternal hatred. Stand at the crossroads of life and don't go in the wrong direction! Why do you need so much land, houses and money if you don't bring it in life and don't bring it in death? In the end, they have nothing, even the elderly, even life, even regret, even change, and earn a few tears of sympathy? And no one will help you again.

  If you are an eagle, choose to respect the elderly; If you are a seagull, you know how to support; If you are a sparrow, you will consciously serve your elders; If you are a person, you should know how to respect your elders and honor the elderly.

  If you are you, who don't want to lose your personality, who are unwilling to be mediocre and won't corrode, be an * incomparable you, hold the filial piety like snow - clean, beautiful, put aside all pollution *, all selfishness, learn to be filial to the elderly and be kind to the elderly.

  If filial piety becomes a tradition, the world will be better. You will find that you are beautiful and the old man is beautiful; You will know that filial piety is satisfaction and giving is happiness. Choose to honor the elderly! Action is proof!


  The golden leaves left the treetops, danced like butterflies in the air, and finally fell quietly to the ground in a gentle arc. Patches of golden color make the most beautiful embellishment for the cold streets. Gradually, the charm of autumn becomes stronger. Autumn is coming again.

  When the maple leaf is red, it is the Double Ninth Festival. I set foot on the road to my hometown. The muddy path of the past. Now it is still very friendly, and the scenery along the road is still the same. I just feel more sad. Because things think of people, but things are different. Yes, the Double Ninth Festival inevitably reminds people of the people, things and everything in the past. It's hard to avoid hurting people. Inadvertently, I think of my late 'and dear grandpa. In the past, Grandpa's laughter came back to my mind, which made my thoughts of him stronger in the autumn wind.

  A Double Ninth Festival a few years ago. Grandpa was still with us. He is a very lively and lovely "old child", because he has an evergreen heart and a broad mind. His smile. He is so bright, clear and kind. Everything about him infects the people around him.

  But life, old age and death - this irreversible natural law, after all, makes grandpa a thing of the past. It only leaves us memories like maple leaves, slowly falling down and weighing heavily on our hearts. The bright smile has been frozen since then. At that moment, I seemed to grow up, understand the joys and sorrows of the world, understand what family affection is, and understand that we in the world should cherish all this.

  Now, on the Double Ninth Festival, I stand on the path of the past, learning the autumn wind, mixed with missing, which has confused my thoughts. People like sad autumn from ancient to modern times. It's also worth the Double Ninth Festival. I finally understand where this "Sadness" comes from“ It is known from afar that at the place where my brother ascended, there was one person less than dogwood. At this moment, I chewed the charm of this poem repeatedly and tasted the heavy thoughts contained in "one less person", including the helplessness to the reality and the memory of the past. In this blurred autumn, I try to find the precious pictures of yesterday. Unconsciously, the sun has slipped into the mountains, like a yellow pomegranate.

  "The sunset is infinitely good, but it's just near dusk". I silently recited in my heart and stepped on my way home


  It was clear and crisp in autumn, and there were many small stations serving the elderly on the streets of Chongyang. Newspapers and radio stations began to publicize how to respect and love the elderly, nursing homes and nursing homes opened several more.

  Most small stations serving the elderly are sincere, and some take the opportunity to sell some so-called therapeutic instruments. We have just made a simple body measurement for the old man for free. There, we are busy. We take out the instruments and show them to the old man. With all our skills, we swear to let the old man buy them.

  On the day of Chongyang, some units will certainly take action. It is called giving love to the elderly. In fact, they earn fame for the unit and send some unreliable gifts, such as vision health care equipment. The elderly can't use it. Usually, there are often things exposed about the elderly in nursing homes, but the nursing homes still have to be opened. They just have to change their name and regroup. As for whether the service quality has improved, it is unknown. Based on the current social environment, many families are children. When we are old, many people may have the opportunity to go to a nursing home to spend their old age. Why don't people worry about this situation in the future?

  If you really care about the elderly, don't just care about the form. Don't express your care at festivals. You don't need money and materials to measure the degree of care. In the field, a text message, a phone call, as long as it is a sincere greeting, the old man will be very happy. If the economy is not very good, it is also filial piety to help the elderly do more housework and chat with the elderly. As for the festival of units and enterprises, show love, really do something practical for the elderly, and reduce the vanity of fishing for fame and reputation.

  Caring for the elderly and how to do a good job in the sunset project requires the attention and efforts of the whole society. Treating the elderly well is treating ourselves well.

